No one aboard Bravo-Four-Zero had experience in deep space flight or proper navigation in three dimensions. Staring at the crystal navigation globe supplied in every Hynerian vessel, no one could make heads or tails of the mirror-like images that told of the universe before them. The images looked all the same.
Of course, since they were heading into the uncharted territories no one could really understand why it mattered. Still, there was a sinking feeling that without at least knowing where they had been or how to read the crystal, they were doomed to go in circles like a baby pampus following its own tail. Every Hynerian had grown up with a pet pampus, and everyone had had their laughs watching the ignorant silliness involved in pampus tail chasing. Somehow, no one was laughing now.

Happens every time. No one knew how to read or understand the crystal navigation globe, so it was only a matter of time before someone decided pushing a few buttons was in order. Almost immediately the crystal responded to a certain series of key strokes, which to this day no one can remember exactly what they were.
The globe began to glow yellow and orange and red where before the cooler whites and blues had been. Not only did the sphere change color, but it also changed shape. The smooth glass surface gave way to what appeared to be a contour map, the meaning of which no one could surmise. Wonder, however, quickly gave way to fear as the ship whip lashed the crew, lurching forward with purposeful intent and changing course with such violence as to throw anyone and everything not secure tumbling to the floor.
Bravo-Four-Zero was moving with purpose and intent at full speed ahead. Just where they were headed, no one knew.
God Trée, that fractal is magnificent, especially at full size :0)
and you are just teasing us now, gotta love the suspense of what is going to happen.
I've said it before and I will say it again, you are good Trée
Thanks Trace. Expect another addition tonight. Time permiting of course. :-)
As always, thanks so much for such wonderfully nice words.
of course :0)
I look forward to it and you are welcome :0)
Looking at this fractal makes me feel happy - couldn't tell you why exactly, just the beauty of it, I suspect, nothing more nothing less.
OOOOO, pretty!
oooh when did you sneak the second one in, that one is freakin awesome (I know I'm feverish, but I think I would have noticed that before LOL)
excellent, excellent, and did I say excellent LOL
A, doing my best to increase the general level of happiness in the world. ;-)
After the last guy I just interviewed, I probably need to make a few more deposits in that general happiness account--lol.
Vicki, how have you been? Long time no see. :-)
Trace, I was going to use it to continue the story in another post when I realized it would really make more sense to place it under this one. I sneaked it in shortly after the first was posted, so it's not your fever. :-)
LOL whew had me worried there for a minute, thought maybe it was make Trace think she is crazy day and I just didn't get the memo LOL
well like I said before it is absolutely stunning, I love the liquid quality of it :0)
Trace, you're hired as my personal ego boosting assistant. The job's all yours sweetie. I'm not taking any more applications. :-D
Siriusly, I do greatly appreciate your kindness.
and I know that part of the story wasn't there a minute ago LOL
my personal ego boosting assistant.
Its a job I thoroughly enjoy sweetie
Just where they were headed, no one knew.
oooooh the suspense :0) can I go eat some dinner now, or are you gonna keep sneakin things in on me LOL
lol, go eat dinner. I need to do the same. I won't be sneaky for a least three or four hours if not tomorrow. :-)
I've got another interesting fractal ready to go but the prose to fit it escapes me. Might need to sleep on this one. I did say the story was driven by the fractals didn't I? LOL
enjoy your dinner :0) and if its tomorrow thats just fine (remember no pressure LOL)
talk to you later (hugs)
The Christmas ornament fractal - with silk swaddling. Lovely.
And what the heck does a pampus look like? Anything like the bladed grass?
The yellow/orange/red globe fractal is beautiful. The images are perfect for your story.
Thanks Stargazer. They are so much fun to create. You just never know what is going to turn up next in these images. :-)
Terry--lol--when I figure out what a pampus looks like you'll be the first to know. They do look like xmas ornaments don't they. :-)
Happy belated birthday dear!!!
cool. the top one reminds me of falling snow.
Ciera, when I first started working with this image and it was all blue and white, it did look just like falling snow. Perhaps we will have some snow this year in Tennessee. Some years we do and some we don't. Having grew up in Louisiana where in 29 years I saw "snow" four times. That was it--just four times. And I remember each time too. I felt like the kid in the Bradbury story who lived on the planet where the sun only came out once every seven years. Amazing how much we value those things that are rare in our life. Sometimes I think we value love so much for that very reason.
These fractals are just GORGEOUS! Are you using Ultra Fractal 4 to make them? If not, what are you using? You've got skill!
Stacey, very good eye. Yes, these were created with Ultra Fractal 4. I just download the program a couple days ago and I'm trying to get my head around all the options. I love the way it creates very different fractals from Apophysis. The change of pace is a good thing for the mind--lol.
For those reading this comment, go see Stacey's site. She has done some of the most amazing fractals. The ones she posted today are in-f***ing-credible.
Amazing what's happening and what you're doing with the fractals. You're becoming a masterful combination.
Oh Liz, I so needed to hear that. Have you been peeking into my pysche and determining exactly when and where to administer just the right dose of kindness. Thank you sweet woman.
Frac*-*tastic follow-up/addition
Morning, love of my blogging life, sun shinny woman with words sweeter than honey and danish buns always warm and fresh. :-)
How's the coffee. Might need some in a bit. :-)
everyone always loves my buns ;)
Hot, delishious, soothing, awakening and aromatic, help yourself.
Do I need two hands or just one?
Hmm, I'd say, two, one for the buns and one for the coffee. Fruitcake! :)
Had/having a wonderful Thursday?
Sunshine, I'm blessed with so many teachers in my life my head is ready to explode with all the lessons they keep reminding me that I should know. All in all life is good. I have no complaints.
And how are you doing dear?
& in answer, wonderfully.
You sound like a woman in love. Is there something you'd like to share sweetie? :-)
i'm so lost as to the story, BBB, but i am lovin the artwork. you should hang that on the fridge. btw, table is clean.
k, don't worry about the story--there really is no story, just some pretty fractals and my rather sophomoric attempts to entertain myself--oooh, that didn't sound quite right--lmao.
Clean table. Mmm, put some rubber jar opener thingies under the legs of that table. First, it will keep the table from sliding; and two, it'll help keep the table from making any noise and waking the little sweetbabyk up. You did put the kid to bed didn't you? :-D
Spread a little of it around, you mean? :-)
Well, in that case, I'll take two servings dear. :-)
Its a free buffet, help yourself(for the 2nd time) :-)
Mmm, I always overindulge at the buffet. Is that a bad thing in this case?
I really like how you actually got that "land" design on your worlds. Though honestly it doesn't seem like my kind of world - too Technicolor-y.
Jack, the navigation globe is suppose to be showing a map of outer space, although it does look like the landmass from a planet. ;-)
If I didn't make them colorful, how could they double as xmas ornaments?
I don't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe because I can imagine them eating and acting pompous while looking at pampus...
I love the egg fractals. So different from one another yet similar. I love the cold colours of the first one, while I could almost see the beginning of a face in the second - two eyes.
Great post, great story!
Thanks Melly. My heart always warms when I see you visit. I missed you dear and so glad to have you back. :-)
ever thought
of printing up
some of these?
I'd love to
hang one
on my wall!
TOB, the idea has been suggested. Perhaps with enough encouragement I might move in that direction. Quite honestly, I'm still not convinced these images are that good, but then again beauty and value is in the eye of the beholder. Stay tuned. As my skill with these programs increases, perhaps my belief that there would be a market for such images could change. Thanks for such very kind words TOB. I do sincerely appreciate them.
I'm still not convinced these images are that good,
and what exactly is it going to take to convince you they are LOL
Those images are haunting in a way. One could look at them and see something new each time.
Chicky, interesting observation. Could you share more on "haunting" and what that means to you. Quite a range to go from xmas ornaments to haunting in the same image--lol.
Your pics from paradise are nothing short of divine. Almost torture for us souls in the Northern Hemisphere just approaching winter. So, keep the torture up! I need it. :-)
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