“Looks deceive,” Papa Kyra whispered into his darling’s tender ear. “What color is this shell Kyra?”
“Just plain old white Papa,” Kyra muttered rolling her eyes while biting her lower lip, a sign Papa knew was her way of saying hurry up and say what you got to say.
Holding the “just plain old white shell” in his tanned and leathery hands, Papa raised it up to the sun and ever so slowly begin to rotate the pearl-like hull until a single ray of sunshine revealed a dazzling display of kaleidoscopic color and intricate detail that could only be seen from the right perspective. Kyra giggled with delight as Papa once again tickled her brain in ways that would forever change how she saw the outside world. How she saw life from the inside would have to wait a few more years.
Kyra laid in bed, memories of Papa, the beach and those many lessons dancing in her mind’s eye as vividly as if they had happened yesterday. As Kyra grew older, her Papa’s language became a little more colorful. She was never sure if this was his attempt to relate to a teenage girl, or if he just felt comfortable enough to treat her like one of the boys. Really didn’t matter, because for her, Papa hung the many moons that graced the nighttime skies over Valla cove. She still felt that way today.
“The unskilled mind cavorts with that slut of a sense called sight. The two together romp with boisterous raucousness, caring not the havoc and pain they leave in their wake,” Papa would say with a sly smile and twinkle in his eye, knowing the words he had chosen would indelibly stick in her mind like red passion fruit juice on a new white blouse. Somehow, she had the sense Papa had ruined many a young lasses’ white blouses with a bit of passion fruit juice. The old man still had it; he still had that spark of wonder in life and in his step. His mind was as bright as she imagined it had ever been.
“Opinions form and hearts harden without direct communication,” his words rolling off the scars of his own heart. “The enemy, Kyra, is not sight, not something out there; the enemy is thought untethered from awareness, a stranger to wisdom and a destroyer of relationships. Trust not the eye alone Kyra.” That one phrase she could have tattooed to her forehead. It might have saved her from hearing the story of the Zael’s just a few less times. (to be continued)
It looks dangerous.
Looks kind of like one of Queen Amidala's hairdo's. Only prettier.
Reminds me of a court jester.
very cool frac!
I'm with Terry it does have menacing quality about it, despite the mardi gras colors,
can't wait to see the chapter that goes with this one :0)
HI TERRY! waves from 3 comments below :0)
Hi Tracey - {looks up to comment above} How's about showing us that superduper hair cut?
ROFL I thought we had settled that already at my place LOL
um yeah, about that haircut, you are just going to have to take my word for it :0D and y'all know how trustworthy I am LOL
Trée, this picture looks uncomfortably up close and personal - about to attack my face! Is a Zael a bug?
it looks mean :(
Oh Trée, you big tease are we going to get a bedtime story tonite :0) the anticipation is killing me LOL
ROTFLMAO, Trace, I've been sitting here waiting for someone to roll out the "T" word. I'm still working on this post. I've got so many ideas I'm having a hard time figuring out how to fit them all in and not overcrowd this small segment. Would you like me to throw you a bone on Zaels, at least where they stand at the moment?
My minds running...........
Court jester hats, some type of exotic, exquisite sea creature and fireworks come to mind first - which means its something unrelated to any of those - mind boggles!
(have to leave in 90 minutes, how fast can you work) The suspence is almost painful...:-)
Morning, x
i really like this one!! made me think of one of those "joker" hats at first, but then i looked again and it wasn't so jokerish. just pretty!
LOL, I'm amazed I made it as long as I did :0)
no, I'll wait for the finished product :0)
Is the lesson here, don't ever post another image until the prose is ready--LOL.
My oh my, I'm killing Trace and have put my Sunshine in a state of "almost pain."
I'm attempting to write some dialogue between Papa Kyra and Kyra as he teaches another lesson on the beach. I've never written dialogue before so the process is going slow. On top of that, this image could go in several different directions and I'm still not sure which way to take it. Heck, I'm not even sure the dialogue will make it into the final post. :-)
ROFL what can I say, we are all addicted to this story :0)
and this frac is so intriguing, it just piques the curiousity a bit too much :0)
Looks can deceive is all I'm going to say for now. With a little luck I'll finish this one before midnight, otherwise it'll have to wait for tomorrow. :-)
Hmmm, looks can deceive... what could he mean? Sly Trée, dragging it out to the very end, making us all wait.
Well, whenever you get it done, it will be well worth the wait, for sure. Good luck with the dialogue. & yes, I'm perfectly willing to believe it is something I would never have guessed in my wildest dreams, and now I'm trying to figure out what my wildest dreams could possibly be. ;)
oh you are bad Trée, LOL just enough to get the mind going again in a different direction :0)
autumn, i'm nervous to know what your wildest dreams are! lol, just kiddin! :o)
Another teaser: the words "cavorting" and "slut" enter the story for the first time.
Patience my friends. :-)
now you are just being mean ROFLMAO
Oh my gosh - now you and how you are going to get "cavorting" and "slut" into this story are all I'll be able to think about all day!!!
Bad man :-) I like!
...........The thought of calling in sick actually just crossed my mind ;-D
The thought of calling in sick actually just crossed my mind
LOL Autumn :0)
Okay, I think this is going to be a two part post. Part one tonight and the rest tomorrow. A bit of a cliff hanger, but what the hell, that's the fun of it right?
"The thought of calling in sick actually just crossed my mind"
Oh Sunshine, that's just a great f***ing comment. You should see the smile on my face now. :-D
Part one tonight and the rest tomorrow.
Drumroll please...
The unskilled mind cavorted with that slut of a sense called sight. The two together romp with boisterous raucousness, caring not the havoc and pain they left in their wake
The enemy, Kyra, is not sight, not something out there; the enemy is thought untethered from awareness, a stranger to wisdom and a destroyer of relationships. Trust not the eye alone Kyra.”
my god Trée, this was soooooo worth the wait. What wonderful words you have given us tonite. you are amazing, just freakin amazing.
I am so loving this story :0)
Here is the teaser for part two:
Zaels are creatures from the time of Papa Kyra's many adventures as a Zing Tao warrior with the Blue Oynx special section. They have a duel nature as illustrated by their two colors. The exact nature of what dual means, well you'll just have to wait. :-)
Each color, purple and green, have a significance, as do the hundreds of little Zaels hanging around the one large one in the fractal.
Oh my gosh, I just fell hard and fast for that mind of yours:-)
So many (insert suitable verb, can't think of one good enough) turns of phrase.
Will try to list the ones that especially made my eyes sparkle with delight and wonder ;)
-his tanned and leathery hands
-ever so slowly begin to rotate the pearl-like hull until a single ray of sunshine revealed a dazzling display of kaleidoscopic color and intricate detail that could only be seen from the right perspective.
-tickled her brain in ways
-the many moons that graced the nighttime skies over Valla cove.
-that slut of a sense called sight.
-The two together romp with boisterous raucousness, caring not the havoc and pain they left in their wake
-his words rolling off the scars of his own heart.
-the enemy is thought untethered from
F***ing amazing!
Trace, your comment has left me speechless. Thank you very much darlin'. That was such a nice thing to say. :-)
and so not nearly enough darlin, you have no idea the talent you have do you?
oops, meant adjective of course lol
A, by the way, I thought of you with that phrase concerning that single ray of Sunshine, the one that had the power with it's light and warmth to reveal the hidden beauty in others. Thoughts of you inspired that one phrase sweet woman. The ray of sunshine was you--now you're in the story--lol.
Now how do you like them apples. :-D
"you have no idea the talent you have do you?"
I don't know what to say to that Trace. I've never written like this before, never. Just wasn't something I ever really thought to do and never had a vehicle like a blog or fractals for motivation to do such a thing. As I mentioned to you guys sometime back, I was told in college that being a writer was not something I had an aptitude for, and I've always believed that was the case. I'm having a blast doing it. That you guys enjoy it makes me very happy. Perhaps there is a talent there. Not for me to say. But it sure does feel so very good to see you say such things. It really does sweetie. This has been a very tough year for me both personally and professionally. Your kind words mean more to me than you will ever really know. Thanks sweetie. :-)
good night kids, I am going to try and get some decent sleep tonite :0)
Trée, thank you again for the wonderful story you are weaving for us, sleep well when you do (hugs)
Autumn, have a great day my friend!
and Terry, wherever you went, have a good rest of the nite
Night all :0)
"Oh my gosh, I just fell hard and fast for that mind of yours:-)"
A, I don't think you could have made me smile any brighter or harder than with that wonderful lead-in sentence. :-)
Sweet dreams Trace. You should be tired from all that snow shovelling. Get some rest dear. See you in the morning. :-)
awww Trée now I will have to go to bed before you make me cry :0) you are an amazing person sweetheart, don't sell yourself short-- bigger hug and many sweet kisses darlin
"The ray of sunshine was you--now you're in the story" Thanks, handsome :-)
"Perhaps there is a talent there. Not for me to say" Lots of people, i.e. readers, the general public, have said it, believe it, x
To conclude this morning/evening's comments:
Night, Trace, x
Okay, A, I won't question it again. Thanks for sending a few warm rays my way. It might be the dead of night here now, but I feel as warm as if on that beach in the middle of the summer. Would you like to go for a walk and collect a few shells? :-)
Came back for another read...at the risk of gushing, must praise the story again - is thoroughly delightful!
:-) "won't question it again" Good!
Sure thing, could use a couple of shells.
(Dream sweet, x)
A, come back as much as you like. You always have a home here. Have a great Friday sweetie. :-)
I have not been able to get online much the last few weeks. My fathers battle with cancer (glioblastoma/gliosarcoma) ended last week. It is still so painful and I am not coping well at all.
My Dad took every moment, every thing that he did, he enjoyed all that much more.He only got about 17 months from his first diagnosis to the end. He had two operations, chemo, and radiation, but in the end the cancer was stronger than his will to beat it.
For those who are struggling...keep it up, but also enjoy the days that you do have.
Dawn, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. As you might know, I lost my father just over a year ago to cancer. I don't like to give advice but I will say this. Take time to grieve. Let your emotions flow. Cultivate the good memories like the precious flowers they will be for you for the rest of your life. As long as he is in your heart he will forever be with you and a part of you. Thanks for stopping by and letting us know. Take care Dawn and please feel free to come here and visit anytime.
I agree with Sherri. Reminds me of a court jester. Albeit a court jester with his spine hanging out of his hat. (I guess he wasn't funny after all.)
The "rendered" look you're achieving is incredible. Excellent work, as always!
Good Morning Trée , I hope you slept well and have a wonderful Friday my darlin. Came back for another read of this fab story this morning, can't wait for part 2 :0)
Thanks Wontar. The rendered look is part luck, part playing with the gradients before I render and in the case of Blue Oynx, part Photoshop. This image, however, had no post image processing other than to sharpen it up just a bit to bring out the background and play with the contrast just a bit.
Morning Trace. Is it as cold there as it is here? Any more snow?
:0) I think its about 13, not that I would know, still snuggled in with about 4 blankets :0)
no more snow, it sure looks pretty out the window though :0)
Hows your Friday look sweetie?
Another busy day. It's 19 here. First interview is underway.
well stay warm and try not to work too hard- have a good day sweetie(hugs)
Thanks Ciera.
'ello, 'ello, 'ello, 'ello, what's going on 'ere then?
Happily intoxicated on the beauty that is life whilst letting those creative juices flow to bring that eagerly-awaited follow-up to your adoring readers, I hope.
Sophisticated bug-eyes, ready to pounce. Great visual...and I agree that idle speculation takes a second place to good communication.
Evening Bonita. Good to see you visiting again. Thanks for the wonderful post you put up today.
Evening Sunshine. I'm working it. Thanks for such a positive note. Hugs and kisses to take you into the weekend. :-)
Looks kind of like a black widow type spider trying to trap someone into their "evil web" of deceit..brrrrr...
Rhi, lol, Zaels are a most peace loving species. More details on them are on the way. Stay tuned. :-)
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