If they had, they would have realized they had much bigger issues than the current systems crisis within their own vessel. Filling the front view window was a massive Metalunan Battle cruiser accompanied by hundreds of Metalunan squork fighter craft on patrol.
Credit to Tim Hodkinson for reminding me of the fabulous name "Metalunan" (American Sci-fi from the 1950s--This Island Earth)and for "squork" as a name for these particular smaller fractal creations I'm using as fighter craft. Thanks Tim.
ooooh beautiful fractal, can't wait to see where we go next :0)
Going to be lazy and cut and paste that other message -->
Lots of nail-biting suspence, wonderful follow-up, very interesting work on the fractals.
Clever man :-)
Sunshine, I'm getting the same WV issues with your blog that I had here. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
What would be fun is to create a fractal, send it to you and have you write the next part of the story, then post them both together.
What would be fun is to create a fractal, send it to you and have you write the next part of the story, then post them both
oooh can I vote, I think that is a smashing idea :0)
Oh, gosh, I wouldn't do as good a job as you, esp. within this type of genre.
Well, if you change your mind let me know. :-)
I just realized just how many fractals and parts are involved in this story - you should be very proud of yourself, you're creating one absolutely amazing work of art after the next and as said, you have a great talent for story writing.
Look at those fractals daily and admire each one in turn, but when one scrolls down, it becomes very apparent just how good they are, each and every one. (though I have a number of special favourites, like everyone else.)
I cannot even imagine where you will go from here, but you've been surprising and delighting us in developoment from the beginning and I have no doubt, you will find some way to continue doing so.
Start thinking seriously about that book, Trée, and put me down for at least 10 copies straight-away :-)
Thanks A. I appreciate very much your thoughts. Comments like yours give the the encouragement I need to keep going. :-)
Besides which, if you do publish, I could shamelessly use you as my claim to fame...'oh, I know him, he's a friend of mine!'
How cool would that be!
Might have to do a book tour in Denmark in that case. :-D
Very cool
all of these are amazing! you are getting so good!
Thanks Jan. I've been visiting your site but have seen no updates for quite some time. Are you doing okay?
OMG! Metalunan Battle cruisers full of squorks? What will the Hynerians do?
Trée - these fractals just blow my mind. Color and light, shape and form. You never cease to amaze me!
If this weren't a Metalunan Battle Cruiser, I would think it was some sort of holiday ornament. It is truly lovely.
Thanks Aggie. Makes me very happy, among other things, to blow your mind. I wonder what your eyes look like when your mind is blown? :-)
I missed this fractal before, I wonder if it didn't load when I was catching up. It's BRILLIANT! Another one to add to my favorites.
Have a fantastic weekend! *HUGS* to you and Jack!
Karen, your reading must have picked up this post from me republishing it. So glad you were able to enjoy this one. Have a great weekend. Jack demands it. :-D
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