“Goddamnit John, fix the sunavabitch. Override the drone’s communication matrix. Do whatever you’ve got to do, just do it now!”
“Sir, we’re doing everything we can. The modifications were not spec’ed for this contingency.”
Damn it John, if you were doing everything, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I can find any idiot on this ship who can tell me why it won’t work. You’ve got less than five minutes to make it work, or the Lieutenant won’t be the only one up shiott creek. Is that clear.”
“Yes sir. Very clear.”
Zeke was lost in thought. The sight of 643 stuck in his mind. Twenty-nine Hynerian scientists, just like his mom and dad, out to do good, not an unjust bone in their bodies, murdered. Murdered in deep space, murdered in silence, murdered where their screams could not be heard. An yet, there was the last distress signal, playing, over, and over again.
643 was a living tomb. A tomb with a horrific voice. A voice crying out in desperation. A plea they must have known could not and would not be answered in time. Every living fiber of Zeke’s body cried out in sympathy with those words “revenge our souls.”
Zeke couldn’t divorce himself from the image of those Hynerian scientists surrounded, desperate, crying for help. Help that would never come. He couldn’t divorce himself from the image of his mom and dad, both research scientists, the image of them on this mission, on that station, in those last hours. Could have been them. Instead it was their colleagues, their friends, with a request. A request made in blood. One word. Revenge.
Sitting alone in the cold silence of space, his heart beat with a different timbre. Deep. Heavy. Brooding. His blood felt thicker as if his heart had to work harder to keep the life flowing within him. Life itself felt heavy at the moment. Just lifting his arm seemed like a monumental task.
“Lieutenant Zeke come in please. Lieutenant Zeke come in please.”
Zeke had turned his receiver off. He couldn’t bear to hear the radio distress signal anymore. Besides, that signal lived in his head now, had taken up residence and wasn’t leaving anytime soon.
“John, status report.”

“We have three Javalina Raptors bearing down on Zeke’s location. ETA, four minutes.”
Javalina Raptors were drones left behind like boobie traps. Their only purpose was to inflict additional pain and suffering on first responders. Small vessels with a single central cannon, they were “single use” killing and maiming machines.
Vanguard drones relied on stealth and silence to navigate the battlefield. The tradeoff was lack of armor or any significant defense mechanism. To lose a Vanguard was to lose a machine. Data was transmitted simultaneously so only potential was lost. This Vanguard, however, was different. It carried a life. And not just any life but the potential successor to Ji. And now it appeared that life had less than four minutes. Four minutes to find a way or four minutes to infamy. No one wanted to be carved into Zing Tao history like this.
“John, I think we need to notify Ji.”
Commentary Part 1: Commentary Part 2:Reading:
Was going to add something to that, but it kind of says it all :)
So, just 'Wow'.
Thanks Sunshine. I feel good about the commentary. The reading is better but still "rough." We'll make progress one post at a time.
Thanks for the kind word--lol. :-)
I'm on my way to pick up C. He will be with me for the next two day. Have you learned anything about your computer yet?
Hi there Trée. I've been reading (and re-reading) these last several posts with great interest. The story is becoming unbearably urgent, and the pics just define it exquisitely. I have not yet heard the audios - waiting with such anticipation - I need to be able to listen at home rather than here at work, to give your voice my full attention. Can't wait.
Hi Terry. Re-reading. Mmm, that's a good sign. :-D
Listen to the commentary first. It's better than me reading the story. Plus it gives you details and insights not found in the story. On my way over to your place to check out how the big dinner went.
As always, thanks for your kind words.
:-) Most welcome for the word, meant it most sincerely.
Can't wait to listen, will have to wait 'til tomorrow though again.
Have fun with C, x
Thanks Sunshine. I think you are going to like the commentary on this one. :-)
Your Fractals are really reaching out there, along with the story. Still waiting for my rebuilt puter so I can really get going again and have some sound too.
Considering I don't get to check in here all the time, Wow. You've came a long way!
Hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you a Happy Safe New Year, too!
Trée, to echo Autumn, wow, and wow and did I say wow :0)
I feel like a kid let loose in toy store, I don't know what to look at or listen to first LOL
the frac is just stellar
the story as always is phenom, but the added bonus of your reading it is just fantastic!
The commentary on this is just wonderful, I have listened to it twice
you have outdone yourself luv, with everything together the whole package is just mag sweetie!
Such wonderful praise Trace. Thank you very much my dear sweet friend. I haven't had the opportunity to do the audio for Caribbean Canopy yet, so please accept my apologies. Hope you and mom had a great day.
Jamie, always good to see you stop by. Thanks for the very nice comment. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Happy New Year too. :-)
Thanks djb. Just having a ton of fun doing these. Best of luck with that puter.
you're doin' a really good job, T. :o) got propane. yay!
:0) we did (big surprise LOL)
Caribbean Canopy I can wait as long as need be for :0) I know it will be well worth the wait ;0)
(just reread that one, and did I mention "oh my" lately LOL)
you having a good evening with C?
Hmmmmm.... Not bad, not bad at all Mr. Southern man!! LOL... Your accent brings out the sincerity of the story... ;-)
Thanks sweetbabyk. I'm very happy to hear you and the little one have hot water and heat again. When C was just a month old, we had no heat in sub freezing temps. That was not a fun time. Now go soak in a long warm bath. You deserve it.
Trace, thanks again for such warm words. Keep plenty of ice near---lol.
Those pics were great. Absolutely loved them. Very nice personal touch. As far as the HNT, I guess that was just wishful thinking--that is, trying to wish it into existance. :-D
Say hello to mom for me. Around 8am would be an appropriate time. LMAO
Hey Y. Interesting insight. Sincere voice. Mmm . . . I'll have to listen to see if I can hear what you are hearing. When I listen, it just sounds like me. Now if you had said sexy, well, I could see that! LMAO
What's also interesting is I have never seen nor defined myself as "Southern." Yet, with these audio files, everyone thinks I have an accent. What's up with that--lol. ;-)
I do appreciate your very kind words dear. Your opinion matters.
glad you liked the pics, I think the lady next to me thought I was nuts, but I was having fun LOL
HNT, I guess that was just wishful thinking--that is, trying to wish it into existance
:0) you're sweet and I never say never so.....its a long winter and I do get bored so easily, LOL always looking for something new, who knows what the new year may bring LOL
No water moment on the mom comment? I must be losing my touch. :-D
ROFL thought that one deserved its own comment, you just didn't give me a chance :0)
you? lose your touch? Never LOL
Hey Trace. Give me your feedback on this idea. I post the next fractal by itself. Give people a chance to guess whether it fits with the Zeke side of the story or with Kyra and what it might say. Then post the prose later with the audio.
Your thoughts?
well lets see, to torment us or not to torment us, that is the question LOL just kidding :0)
I think it would be interesting to see what people come up with, try it, see how it goes :0)
You're always flattering me Tree... Thanks, darlin'. ;-)
I know what you mean about accents! I've recorded some of my poetry and I've been told you can really notice the brazilian accent. I don't really hear it, but if it does, it does, right? lol...
Y, your writing speaks for itself. No need for flattery there. You have a natural talent for painting wonderfully vivid pictures with words. Quite frankly, some of your turns of phrase remind me of Charles Dickens. I'm saying that in my best sincere voice too. :-D
Torment? Why Trace I would never do that on a blog. There are much better places for such things. ;-D
LOL can't disagree with that one ;0)
Are you taking me to the beach again tomorrow. My iPod wants to know.
Awwww... Thanks Tree! You have always been such a good friend to me, and I say this in my sincerest voice as well... ;-)
Y, I try. :-)
Hugs and kisses my darlin'
LOL tell your ipod, of course you will be coming with me to the beach tomorrow
ocean waves in one ear, educated sexy southern in the other :0) now thats a stellar combination LOL
Sweet! I'm not there but my voice is. How cool is that. Zeke would like that, being from Valla and all. :-)
Happy New Year!
Um beijão!
I'm loving the audio parts, it adds a lot to the story. :-) Very cool fractals too. I like the bullseyes, and of course the star on the second one.
Have a great day, it's almost Friday! Woohoo.
what are those?
I'm imaging them to be some type of a special clock used by them.
The "clocks" probably dont work the same way as ours, though.
good morning sweetie, hope you slept well, with sweet dreams aplenty :0) Have a great day!
Your story is amazing and your fractals are as usual great.
Yet I didn't hear the audios, but I'm sure I'll like them,
Happy Christmas.
Morning my sweet, hope its a good one.
No opportunity today to go on mission #2 :(
However, I will be travelling into the city tomorrow and will pick up that sound card - sound has become my top priority! :)
Hugs, have a wonderful day w. C, x
Afternoon sweet one with words like nectar from the gods. I like your priorities. :-)
Hi Kate. Thanks for the kind words. Happy New Year to you and Melly. Many blessings sending your way. Thanks for stopping by and brightening my day. :-)
Trace, it is Thursday isn't it? LMAO
Hey, no expectations, no anticipation, no pressure. Just go have fun. :-)
Saffron, the answer is in the story. ;-)
Happy New Year sweetie.
Karen, I'm so glad to get feedback on the audio. Glad you liked it. I really enjoy doing the commentary. And, yes, it is almost Friday. :-D
E, Happy New Year!
Um beijão back at ya.
I listened, I listened!
You have a very soothing, clear voice and you play up the parts wonderfully.
The fractals are, as always, great.
And I just love where you left us in the story. A very good place to stop and leave us in suspenese. Make us come back (as if I wouldn't anyways).
I really hope Zeke is the one and can defeat all advesaries from the outside world and from within.
Melly, my dear blog crush woman, you are so kind to me. I would love to read some of your published stories. Is there a place online where I might reference some of them?
Happy New Year to you and Kate. Thanks so much for spending some time reading and listening. I do deeply appreciate the feedback. :-)
Oh, and I have a good feeling about Zeke. Kyra was a very lucky girl to have such a grandfather.
No, no online stuff. My few published titles so far have been mostly in print and in any event, I still prefer to keep my "identity" somewhat concealed. I know, it's stupid, but...
Hey Trée, its Thursday ;0)
Melly, if you ever change your mind let me know. I would love to see your writing.
Trace, I saw. Mighty brave of you young lady. Now you know, this only starts the ball rolling. :-D
PS: Does mom know what you've been up to? :-)
ROFL oh lord no, she was still down at the pool when I took it LOL
as long as I'm having fun with it, we will continue HNT for a bit ;0)
that was one of about 5, didn't have the nerve to post the one I really liked, maybe next week LOL
You might need a second opinion on that one you liked. Send it to me by email and I'll let you know if you should post it or not. :-D
ROFL hmmmm lets see how much I have to drink with dinner :-D
then I'll decide LOL
talk to you later sweetie, we are out of here for a bit, thanks for the encouragement LOL and seriously thank you for the compliment, you have no idea :0)
oh and I have already decided Barbi is worth every penny and we are only halfway there :0)
Have fun and make sure you time dinner to get there right at happy hour. I'm sure mom will drive. :-D
Such wonderful fun to hear the story and the commentary. The fractals are up a notch once again. Whew and the cookies!!!
Thank you just what I needed.
I think you are the most creative person I have seen on the web. I love the visuals.
Have a wonderful New Year!
Thank you Liz. I'm glad you enjoyed the cookies. I made them just for you. I thought you might get a little cold tonight so I also made you a special paint fire. Paint fires warm the heart and the heart takes care of everything else. :-)
Bonita, I can't begin to tell you how much your comment touches my heart. Thank you for leaving such a gift for me to find. Happy New Year to you too. :-)
hey trée, hope you're doin okay tonight. :)
Trée, I am struck by how uncanny this is--the way hearing you reading this and commenting on it makes it seem like the story is real and not fiction. This is great.
Doing well sweetbabyk. I'm just glad you have hot water and heat again. Keep warm sweetie.
Oliviah, the audio, especially the commentary, had added a whole new dimension to these postings. I feel like I'm talking in an intimate setting with my close friends and sharing the things I see, the things that don't make it into the prose. The only thing missing is a campfire to gather around. I am so glad you like the audio pieces. I biting at the bit to do more. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for leaving me such fantastic feedback. :-)
Hi sweetheart, hope all is well in your world tonite :0)
Hey babe, after that HNT post, life has been all downhill. Now that you have a fanclub and the red carpet to fame in front of you, will you remember all your old friends. :-D
I think you are going to have to continue this tradition now. See how these things work. Good choir girl gone bad. All from one little post. LMAO.
Just teasing ya sweetie. Tell me all about your day and dinner.
thanks for worryin about me :) i knew i liked you for a reason! ;)
Awww, sweetbabyk, least I can do for my BBB! ;-)
well, you could do more, but now's not the time for that, huh? :)
Good choir girl gone bad. ROFLMAO damn... water through the nose burns LMAO
you are too much LOL and didn't you get my memo about being my creative consultant :0)
my day was wonderful, the sunset was beautiful, dinner was delicious, life is good LOL
how are you :0)
I'm the little boy on the cover of Trick Pony's album R.I.D.E.
That cover about says everything you need to know about me today. :-D
having a bit of a wild ride today?
Just having a hullava ride on the back of joy. :-D
Trée, that's great! :0)
Well, you just answered my question on whether the ride continued.
Happy you are happy, :-),
Hey girl, just left a message at your place :0)
good morning!
Morning Sunshine!
Morning Sweetheart :-)
Can I get you some hot snizzle my dear? Or perhaps a foot rub to start your day. Maybe a scalp massage to stimulate your creativity. Your wish my dear. :-)
Been a long four minutes. What do you guys think. LOL
Been a long four minutes
LOL, what happened to your idea from last nite to post the frac first and then the rest later..change your mind? :0)
Just keeping us in suspence, part of the fun.
Snizzle for now and your fabulous company :)
Did you guys have a game today?
I didn't produce the fractal for the next segment until about an hour ago. Tomorrow will be a busy day but I will try to write the prose and do the audio. Exactly when, not sure, but the most important part, the fractal is done. And that feels good, cause without it, the story ain't moving. :-)
No game today. In fact, I got thrown by the wayside. His friend Evan asked him to spend the night and so he's there tonight. The nice thing was, he told his mom he knew I was really excited to have him over during the week and he didn't want to hurt my feelings. Now is that a great kid or what.
awww thats so sweet, he does sound like a great kid :0)
well at least now you know where you are going next with the story if the frac is done and I agree with Autumn, the suspense is half the fun :0)
Great kid! A real sweet heart by the sounds of it.
No pressure from us, just anticipation and always well worth the wait.
To give you a small preview, Zeke is going to benefit from a rare act of Nature. The frac is terrific, beautiful and powerful all at the same time. However, it's only going to take a paragraph to explain the Nature bit, so the rest I haven't figured out yet. I think we are going to go inside again, into Zeke's mind as he sees more of the carnage in space. If I tell you anymore you'll both have to take your panties off. LOL
And if they are already off, then just send me the secret signal. :-)
Well, I don't know about Trace, but I seldom wear any.
LOL damn now what was that signal again :0D
Lips are sealed with regards to words, but operational in other capacities. :-)
Seriously, don't tell us anymore - as said, anticipation is part of the fun.
can't wait to see the frac, and you know how I am about nature stuff :0)
and I agree with Autumn (again LOL) I'll wait for the finished product :0)
Love it when people agree with me :)
I seem to be doing it a lot lately LOL
Well, if you were wearing panties, and you love the power of nature, well then this frac would knock your panties off.
Trace, just make sure your mom is not in the same room when you view this one. Don't want to be responsible for the coruption of the good little choir girl, or at least have to explain it to your mother. LMAO
Likewise - its 'cause we are both brilliant lol
ROFL, I'll be sure and have panties on just for that so they can be knocked off :-D
and I think I shot the good little choir girl image all to hell today LMAO
Wow, must be some frac - anticipation is great!!
its 'cause we are both brilliant
won't argue with that one LOL
Actually, there are two images for this post (maybe). One is a fractal and the other a 3D Chaos render like the ones in this post. See, I'm still holding back some stuff missy not quite winter. :-)
Silk panties will usually prevent skin burn. If you've got cotton, well, I can't help you then.
You are an absolute tease tonight - good thing we know you'll eventually deliver the goods :)
The audio might have a special message in it too. A little code for those that have the ears to pick it up. :-D
Are those speakers working yet? :-)
hmmm trying to think if I even own any cotton LOL, nope all silk or lace, have to remember to do the silk LOL thanks for the helpful tip :0D
damn you are a tease LOL
Just living up to expectations :-D
Off to purchase the sound card today, only problem will be installation. Do you think, I have a hope of doing myself - to get someone in will have to wait until after New Years.
Otherwise, I'll just have to go on mission #2 again, no way am I patient enough to have all that audio up there and not hear it til next week :)
"Do you think, I have a hope of doing myself - to get someone in will have to wait until after New Years" Its amazing how much difference a single word can make LOL! Put an 'it' in there and make me shut up! :)
Dam', blushing from head to toe now!
A, you pop the card in, load the software that comes with it, and that's it. I'm keeping fingers crossed that it's just the sound card. Might not hurt to take your computer with you. Most places will install it for you or test your system to make sure it's the card that is causing the problem. If you do just buy the card, keep your receipt in case the card doesn't fix the problem.
A, I can't answer the "doing yourself" bit. Did your mother have that talk with you?
damn Autumn, now I have the giggles again, just envisioning your calling someone to take care of "things" LOL
Thanks - long story to explain what shop assistants generally are like here, I'll have a go myself, otherwise I actually do have a neighbour who will help.
With the card or . . .
Oh it's getting late. :-)
Trace ;-)
Well, I'm pretty sure he'd do both, he's hinted as much, but I'll take just the installation :)
It is late there - time for bed?
Yep, busy day tomorrow, so I best get some sleep. Just popped another frac with strong potential to make the lineup for tomorrow. This could change everything! All bets are off. LOL
With that thought, I bid you wonderful sweet panty-less ladies good night. See you in 8 Sunshine. Trace, time to make some tents babe. Your mom too! No more slacking. :-)
Well, I'm pretty sure he'd do both, he's hinted as much, but I'll take just the installation
ROFL, I'm just gonna leave this one alone
Sweet dreams, dearest heart, x
Trace - race you to your place, ready, steady..........GO!
ROFLMAO (note to self, stop drinking water when reading comments at Trée's)
can't wait to see what is next on this storytelling adventure :0)
sweet dreams darlin, hope you sleep well (hugs and kisses)
no fair you got a head start!!!!!!
night Trée :0)
125 comments! wow! thats gotta be a record!!!
good morning sweetie, hope you have a another Trick Pony kind of day!
Trée, I've just listened to the 3 audios for this post and they are amazing. I loved the commentary, such passion. Beautiful, seriously. And it was wonderful to hear the story being read, EW!
Good morning :)
Morning Kathy. Thanks for the "wow". Wows are most welcome here and so are you. :-)
Thank you Sunshine. I felt much more comfortable doing the audio commentary this time around. The reading is still gonna take some time. I'm tempted to go buy a couple audio books just to listen to the actors voice work. I do appreciate your feedback and I'm so glad you liked the audio. That makes me very happy sweetie. :-)
Trace, make hay while the sun is shining or tents for that matter. :-)
Enjoy your last day on the beach as if it were to last forever. Banish all thoughts of tomorrow. Focus on each moment, each touch of sand, smell of salt, feel of warm breeze, sound of seagulls, taste of . . . use your imagination on that one--lol.
Exec summ: Have Fun!
Perfectionist :-) A lot less further to go than you might yourself think.
Hope you are having a great day.
I'm much better than I use to be. You should have seen me twenty years ago. Age does tend to mellow and in this case that's a very good thing. Still, I'm my hardest critic and I still work on easing off. Thanks for the sweet words. I do have a sweet tooth. :-D
Aren't we all. :-)
Nothing but praise from all the people who visit here, you've enhanced what was already wonderful, that takes some doing.
OMG! Is that you reading it? Is that your VOICE?
psssst....you have an accent ;-) (just messing with you!)
I must come back later and listen again. That accent is AWESOME. Oh and I love the story.
I've deleted my blog, and my photoblog too - but I will pop back from time to time. I'll let you know how my cycling is coming along.
Happy New Year, sweetie - all the very best to you!
Leigh, yes that is my voice. Thanks for the update. I had tried to access your blog and couldn't. Thanks for the kind words on the story and I do hope you will continue to visit and say hello. And please let me know as soon as you have a new blog. I would like to stay in touch. :-)
Oh, and have a Happy New Year too Leigh!
Sending one big snoggle your way. :-)
see? he DOES have an accent!
well, its a damn sight more interesting
than our monotone Canadian ones anyway...
we all sound like the queen on acid here.
(i'm sorry, i'm not sure what that sounds like either).
wow, Tree 141 comments...and you didnt even show any thigh yet!
Hey Lisa. I'm holding out on the thigh until I can get a little more sun this summer. :-)
I'm still waiting on my voice analysis. I'm not letting you off the hook on that one dear. :-)
you're holding whose thigh?
oh ya, the voice analysis...darn, you did promise me you wouldnt forget...well, i really did go back and listen, but mostly to hear that cool accent...in terms of analysis, to me, analysis is more like opinionating, and as much as i am more than capable of being too opinionated, i'm not in the mood...i dont feel that smart these days...besides, people all feel or perceive different things...really, what difference does it make what anyone thinks of anything...? does that sound too depressed? (dont answer that...!)
i pick up different things from different people at different times, maybe depending upon what they are feeling at the time of speaking...you probably werent feeling all that much, other than a bit hesitant to read out loud to people and share yet another side of yourself, because you were focusing on reading...but i guess i did hear a few things in your voice...at least the first time i heard it...lets see, what do i remember...ummmmmmmmmmmmmm...
you're a bit shy, but you have gentleness, kindness, understanding in your voice, not overly brash by any means and certainly not a showoff, in spite of how much you show of your "stuff" to people on your blog, its probably mostly something you hide behind as a way of not showing more of your real self...oops maybe i should stop...what else....uhhhhhhhhhhhh....you are a perfectionist...it all wants to be done perfectly...there is not much room for error...this perfectionism is something you impose upon yourself tho it may have initially come from someone else in your family, perhaps an older male in your past...you have a very serious side, and a very bright mind, one that likes to solve problems, and pull things apart for analysis and study...you have a logical, at times scientific mind...and something about balance...cant quite get it all, you like to balance things, in your explanations...maybe find things that support either side of an debate...something to do with being fair...? that may not be so clear as i am not getting as clear a message on that bit...
thats about all i can conjure up right now...if i think of anything else, you'll be the second to know....and now you'll find out why you dont ask people what they think...tho this isnt really thinking...its more feeling essences...dunno...
Lisa, first let me say thanks for taking the time and making the effort to give me so much wonderful feedback. I really do appreciate the effort this comment took for you to write and to go back and listen again.
I must say most of what you had to say is very accurate. I'm surprised you see or hear as much as you do from the audio. I do care how others perceive me in the sense that often there is truth in that perception that I often don't or can't see in myself because I'm too close and too familiar with who I think I am. It's a lot like trying to proof read your own stuff. You pass over the same typos over and over again, yet someone else sees them right away. Feedback helps me see those things about myself that I might just be passing over and over, or things I think are not true anymore but still are.
Thanks again for all the thought and effort. Much appreciated Lisa.
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