No one really believed such a tree existed until MetaRaven returned triumphantly with the holy grail of all discoveries. He had a Golden Tree, and the legend was true. Every single member of his crew had returned from the uncharted territories despite contracting a multitude of unknown foreign diseases that their own medicines could not cure.
If enough trees had been brought back or if enough could ever be cultivated, illness and disease on Metaluna would have effectively been conquered. MetaRaven, however, was only able to secure one tree and after centuries of effort, only a handful of the trees had been cultivated. Although the trees seemingly lived forever, no one had yet seen one die, they were very slow to grow and almost impossible to reproduce. To date, only the ruling family had access to the few trees in Metaluan possession. They were prized more than power, more than fame, more than wealth.
As the Hynerians boarded Bravo-Four-Zero, they took on board a gift of unimaginable proportions. They had a miniature Golden Tree, and little did they know the Metalunans had, in effect, saved their lives. Without their Golden Tree, not a single Hynerian would have survived the journey to earth. Metalunans knew, and so they gave.
Brilliant next chapter! You are sooooooo good ;)
And the tree is as pretty as it is magical!
Evening, my sweet, guessing you are off to dreamland soon, hope you have a pleasant journey through it.
Outstanding Trée, just excellent
love the gold on the smoky background and the texture and depth of the tree.
just splendid darlin
I can see where "Tree" would write about the "Golden Tree" to heal and save lives....its close to home..a wish to be manifest..
Its a beautiful gorgeous caramel Golden Tree to perfection..
Can't decide which I like more, the graphic or the story. I am in awe of your talents! You are amazing :)
Does the tree bear flowers or fruits? How does it propagate--if they could, they can grow more golden tree and use the trees as medicine?
Once again... amazed. The color is beautiful and brings out the design. I enjoyed the story along with it.
Happy Tuesday :-) *HUGS*
Hi Trée. I want to put all these beautiful fractals in one place so I can just flip through them and feel all the beauty washing through my soul and filling up my heart.
I have to go all the way back to the beginning because I missed a chapter or two. Very soon I'm going to read the whole story again. :)
All my love to you dear. Don't stop filling our world with beauty.
Oh Tree,
How lovely the fractal, how appropriate that it is, in essence the holy grail. You have described it perfectly both in picture and in words. And the caretakers who hold it are all that I would hope that would be.
Metalunans knew, and so they gave.
How long have you held these gifts unshared? You are brilliant at this. You must make this a book.
Liz, to wake up to your comment was the touch of joy I needed this morning. How did you know. :-)
I know next to nothing about publishing, but if you want to point me in the right direction I would be happy to explore.
Opening my top secret box of smiles and sending them your way by special Squork delivery. They're lightning quick and if you blink you might miss them. If you find yourself smiling for no reason today, that's how you know they were there. :-)
Aggie, I can't begin to tell you how much I've missed your presense. I know you have more important matters to attend at this time in your life, but know you are loved and you are missed and that I cherish each and every one of your loving and heartfelt comments. I too would like to have a single place to refer back to all the delightful and wonderful comments you have left for me over the last several months. Oh, and I'll take that love too. Does it come with boots on? LOL
Thanks Karen. I need to go visit all those unruly bananas, esp Jack since he's my fav. So glad you're enjoying the story. Hugs and kisses.
Saffron, I'll ask the Metalunans for more information on these trees. I've got a feeling they produce both fruit and flowers, both of which have the ability to create new trees, but I'm just guessing on this one. Perhaps somewhere along the way the Hynerians will discover the answers to your questions.
Oh Rhi, flattery will get you everything and everywhere with me. :-)
Tell me what you desire and I'll have it there by noon. Your comments truly are blessings and most welcomed here. Thank you my angel.
Thanks Trace. Wanted to do something a little different than the standard black background, esp with my Holy Grail reference, the thought of doing something with a touch of a Monty Python look was pleasing to me.
Sunshine, your poetry this morning was brilliant. I'll be back to read it several more times today. Hugs and kisses my dear sweet woman. :-)
of a Monty Python look
thats what it reminds me of! LOL :0) that was driving me crazy last nite, it had such a familiarity to it but I couldn't place it.
brilliant :0)
Good Morning Trée. Always late to arrive I am (being west coast time), but the wealth of mystical magic and eye pleasing splendor which greets me at your place is such a nice way to start the day. I want your tree! Also, cheers for MetaRaven - I feel a kinship toward him :-)
"I want your tree!"
Oh Terry, careful with the language this early in the morning--lol.
Thanks for such kind words darlin'. They be wonderful to my eyes. :-)
Trace, happy to scratch your itch. :-)
HA HA HA HA - wondered if you'd catch that. What was I thinking -
Terry, that's what I'd like to know, "What were you thinking?" lol
:-D yes, I was.
Oh my, Terry. Go get your boots hon. The black ones. :-)
Trace, happy to scratch your itch
:0) you always know just the right spot.
Have a great day sweetie, off to take final number two :0)
Trace, best of luck sweetie.
I wear my boots when riding. Kinda chilly today.
Sometimes I'm psychic ;-) Predicting the response to that last comment, rofl.
Sigh, Tree..I appreciate the sentiments of your offer but I really don't think anyone can give me what I desire, its not possible, just not possible..so I just keep dreaming...
Angel Blessings to you,
Rhi, may your dreams fly to you on the wings of the angels who pass out so many of your blessings. Sweet dreams my dear darlin' woman. :-)
My bananas and Jack miss you... LOL *hugs & kisses* to you too
Morning Karen. I'll be by to visit both you and the bananas today. Thanks for the hugs and kisses. :-)
Beautiful tree. Beautiful concept.
I wonder if that means there is one tree, somewhere...here...waiting until mankind is evolved enough to use it only for good.
Aggie, meet me on the corner and we'll go in search together, for the greater good of mankind of course. ;-)
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