Found only in the southern regions, Pepegai minor, known commonly as the Juju bird for its dazzling color that mimicked the Southern Lights. But the name stuck for another reason. Juju birds were easy to domesticate and their subtle chirping at sixty to seventy beats per minute provided the most interesting biofeedback for Hynerians.
Scientists had discovered that school children who studied to the sound of Juju birds increased their retention of material by forty percent. Jujus were very popular with parents with young kids, and Papa was a huge fan since Ji had used them in Zing Tao training. Kyra never studied without her Juju birds.
Jujus were famous for one more reason. Their biological system processed ninety-eight percent of all food and water ingested. That is, they produced almost zero waste. Juju birds possessed perhaps the most efficient biological system known on Hyneria. As such, they became a favorite pet for space expeditions. For Kyra, Jujus were memories of better times, memories of Valla and memories of Papa.
absolutely beautiful frac, I love the colors, very summery and festive, makes you think of Carnivale in Rio!
Pepegai Minor, known commonly as the Juju bird for its dazzling color that mimicked the Southern Lights.
their subtle chirping at sixty to seventy beats per minute provided the most interesting biofeedback for Hynerians.
Their biological system processed ninety-eight percent of all food and water ingested. That is, they produced almost zero waste. Juju birds possessed perhaps the most efficient biological system known on Hyneria.
Scientists had discovered that school children who studied to the sound of Juju birds increased their retention of material by forty percent
absolutely brilliant Trée, such fabulous descriptions of these birds!
For Kyra, Jujus were memories of better times, memories of Valla and memories of Papa.
just wonderful!
(almost perfect on the scientific name with the italics :0) just make minor all lowercase and it will be in the perfect form )
Trace, change is done. Thanks for the feedback. Your science education is already paying dividends. :-)
I wish my dogs were as "biologically efficent" as those birds. lol
Your science education is already paying dividends.
LOL good to know its good for something :0)
I wish my dogs were as "biologically efficent" as those birds
your dogs and my cats, would make life so much easier LOL
Now we are into my favorite subject :-) Your Juju birds have me enchanted - I want them. (cleaning the cages sounds like a breeze!) I LOVE the colors in this fractal - I imagine the birds themselves are stunning to behold.
Terry, stunning would be a great way to describe these little guys. Think combination between a hummingbird and a parrot. They sing like angels and hardly produce any shiott whatsoever. Plus, you get better grades! I understand they love moonlight and that their sound competely changes to something much more sensual. Now that would be cool to hear. :-)
Trace, if only. :-)
They sing like angels
As if anything you created could do less?
Stunning colors. Even more stunning imagination that created them.
(Biologically efficient? Hmmm...putting a bit too much thought into the pooper scooper?? LMAO! Brilliant!!!!)
Thank you Aggie. Everyone should have a few Juju birds. A bamthem or two and some flutrices wouldn't hurt, and I'll take a couple Golden Trees and some of the Hynerian eggs too. That was very nice of you to give that older couple your gift. Shows the real spirit of Christmas within your heart. :-)
thanks Tree. I never heard of the Juju birds. I've heard of the Juju B fruit! and i have a cat named Juju.
Kathy, what color is your cat Juju? :-)
That's funny. No worries about not knowing about the Juju birds. I had never heard of them either until yesterday. :-)
Hey sweetie, hope you are having a fabulous nite!
Thanks Trace. Other than being worried sick about my Sunshine I'm having a wonderful evening. It's not like her to slip away and not check in. She's got 24 more hours and then I'm flying to Denmark. She leaves a mysterious post that doesn't sound like everything is as it should be and then she disappears. Mmm ...
I love your blog, you have some very beautiful artwork. :)
Thanks Matt. Hope to see you visit again.
Other than being worried sick about my Sunshine
I am too, sweetie, I am too.
but glad to hear the night is going well otherwise :0)
This could be used as an advert for some sort of rainbow-themed candy. Or inspiration for a retro-style Carmen Miranda hat. Fantastic colors, motion, everything! Awesome!
Thanks Wontar. I still can't get those milk shake/moray eels out of my mind. What a mental image that creates. Thanks again for your kind words. Much appreciated.
Great fractal...very intense colors = me likes :D
Sounds like those birds could be useful in more places.
A lil update on my adventures seeking that job at Blogexplosion.
Jeff...one of the owners...contacted me yesterday and I am among the 10 they've picked out to review again (out of over 200 applications). He wanted to know how many hours I could do for them and my compensation claims ;)
I haven't dared to say a beep about this on my blog, coz if I do it'll fall flat to the ground...LOL
Gah! I hate this anticipation...haha
Those colours are stunning! My initial reaction was what we call American Jelly Babies, but the image is more like a kaleidoscope. Stunning!
Have a craving for jellybeans all of a sudden. Gloriously colourful!
Love the attention to detail in relation to the jujus
- wherever it all comes from, its a very special place, for sure.
Amazed to the point of starry-eyes with these last three parts! :)
Good morning Trée, hope you have a wonderful Monday
(Autumns back! woo hoo)
Do you think I could get my own Juju bird? :D
Intriguing concept--sort of like an expanded Rorschach Test.
Christa, all the luck in the world to ya. You have so much talent and do such beautiful work. I'll keep my fingers crossed. As always, thanks for the kind words.
Thanks Chicky. American Jelly babies. Mmm, I'll have to check those out. :-)
Oh Sunshine, what a wonderful thing for you to say. Just glad to know the fruitcake wasn't what knocked you out of commission. :-)
Afternoon Trace. How is the countdown coming along? All packed yet? :-)
Sherri, for the right price my dear, for the right price. LOL
Welcome Jason.
Hi Tree
my Juju is a calico cat! her hair is long and it has four colors...Black, brown and a reddish brown and has white paws! shes a cutie, one out of four cats of mine.
Kathy, I've got four dogs. Little yorkies. With all the barking they've been doing lately at the birds in my backyard I'm ready to trade you my four dogs for your four cats. Maybe we can just trade for a few weeks. :-)
Beautiful colors. Would make a worderful holiday candy.
Hi Tree, thanks for your nice words on my blog. I appreciate them very much.
This fractal is so bright and "glorious" color! It made me feel more bright gave me a lift. Ju ju makes me think of the ole "ju ju beans" or beads I think they called them. I used to eat them all the time as a kid when we went to the movies. They looked like small little gumdrops but had their own special unique taste to them.
Hope your holidays are happy and joyful. Love and light in "spirit"..
Angel Blessings,
Rhi, you are more than welcome. I loved your story about meeting Jim Morrison. Good stuff. I remember seeing those candies at the theatre now that you mention it. Happy Holidays my dear friend. Blessing to you too. :-)
Thanks Mark. Seems this one made most think of candy. My poor little birds. Everyone wanting to eat them--lol.
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