In a quiet moment when no one else was around, Grandma had whispered for Kyra to retrieve a small box hidden in the nightstand. Grandma’s eyes widened as she opened it. Kyra couldn’t quite see, but the contents seemed to glow. Grandma sat up with a smile on her tired face that Kyra hadn’t seen in some time.

Kyra remember not knowing what to say. The brooch looked brand new, yet she had seen grand wearing it on many official occasions. The detail and care that papa put into it boggled her young mind. That her own Papa Kyra had produced this with his own hands made it more than a keepsake.
“Miss Kyra, the crew is expecting you,” said Goldie, snapping Kyra back into the moment. “Tell them I’ll be there as soon as I finish my snizzle.” Kyra always felt uncomfortable when she told a white lie. Her snizzle was cold and she was finished with it, but she wasn’t finished with the sanctuary of a few closely held memories. She needed just another minute to remind herself of who she was.
“Dear child, I give you this brooch to close the circle,” grandma had said. She must have noticed the puzzled look on my face Kyra thought. “This brooch has value in that it represents love. When you hold this brooch you hold love. Only love would save for years; only love would labor for months; and only love could light up your papa’s eyes like they did when he gave this to me.”
“Take it Kyra,” grandma had urged. “Close the circle between us three. Papa always said love was truth, that love would conquer all. I don’t know what he saw on Zael, but your papa’s heart came back ten-fold the size that it was. He told me that’s when he started saving.”
“I love you my dear sweet child. Keep this brooch. Hold it close to your heart and know that the gleam of light in your eye is the sparkle of my soul forever protecting you with the shield of love given to me by your papa and which I now bestow upon you.”
The day was starting, if one could call time in space such. Between the ring and the brooch, Kyra had all the grounding she needed to see clearly. Time to make things happen.
Close the circle between us three. Papa always said love was truth, that love would conquer all
Hold it close to your heart and know that the gleam of light in your eye is the sparkle of my soul forever protecting you with the shield of love
absolutely beautiful Trée, you have touched my heart my friend, more than you will ever know.
The frac is just gorgeous, the texture and the detail are amazing.
I know I keep saying it but I do thank you for sharing this gift with us (hugs)
Thanks Trace. Are you going to be able to report from Florida or are we going to experience a Trace blackout? Just trying to emotionally prepare myself if the latter. :-)
Trée, I can't believe this.
I'll tell you why.
Last December my grandmother passed away. Some time before she died she gave me a ring. I never wore it until a few days ago.
So now you how people can find themselves in your stories :)
Beuatifully written, very nice, and the fractal does look so much like something my granmother would own ;)
Happy Holidays Melly. I'll never forget being on your Blog Crush list several weeks ago. I always think of that post each time you visit. Makes me smile.
Your kind words are very much appreciated. Try and keep warm and tell your mom that I'm enjoying her art work. Keep warm and keep safe my dear blog crush. :-)
are we going to experience a Trace blackout? Just trying to emotionally prepare myself if the latter. :-)
awww :0) and not if I can help it. I'd miss you guys too much (plus then I wouldn't be able to torment y'all with pics LOL)
The laptop will be going with on monday, not sure if I will have access though since we are staying in a condo. Guess we will find out when I get there.
I was thinking about my own grandmother tonight, as I often do. The words you have written here would have been poignant anyway for what they are and the beauty within them, but having been blessed with as loving a grandmother as anyone could wish for, as openly loving as 'Kyra's', I feel them just that little bit more. And that's the gift of this piece: I suspect, it will evoke beautiful personal memories for anyone (hopefully everyone) who has felt this kind of love at some point in their life.
Beautiful creations. The fractal amazes as always.
Incredible :-) Made with love and dedication, that's what is the most beautiful attributes.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family! *HUGS*
A, if this piece was able to touch a very warm and very special place in your heart, then I feel very blessed, if not a bit lucky. Just over a year ago, I too was sitting bedside with my dad knowing when I left I would never see him alive again. He died shortly after that. My last memory of him alive was in the bedroom. He in bed, me standing. I suppose if I am lucky, I will have my son with me in my last days. To die alone, I would think would be beyond my comprehension of sad.
Merry Christmas Karen. So glad to see you stop by. Hugs and kisses. Now where is that mistletoe. ;-)
What a lovely story Tree... The brooch is perfect...
Thanks for sharing... :-)
Y, you are more than welcome. :-)
Wow, so entrancing, and to be Kyra, knowing someone loved you enough to pass on their most cherished possession--cherished because of the memories and what it represented, to be trusted and loved enough to carry on that circle of love. And then to still have it as an adult. It should always be passed down in the family; no matter what it would gain in monetary value, considering the love and memories it represents, it should never be sold.
Hugs, sweetie, x
good morning Trée, hope you have a wonderful Friday :0) (hugs)
Morning to you too Trace. Not long now. :-)
Hoochie Coochie back at ya Sunshine. Hope you've been practicing. ;-)
Hi Darlene. Welcome to Decadent Tranquility. Kyra grew up surrounded in and by the love of her grandparents. Not sure what the story would say about her relationship with her parents, who were always gone on another research project. Priorities I suppose. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. As you might have noticed, we love comments on this blog. Feel free to stop by as much as you like.
Loved your post of feeding birds in the winter. We have a ton of cardinals that feed in our backyard. If you go back in my archives, I think around April, you will see a whole series of pics documenting the birth of some cardinal babies in a tree just outside our backdoor.
Happy Holidays.
On a watermelon, lol.
Have a wonderful day, x
Oh to be a watermelon in Denmark. What strange dreams you conjure in my mind. lol
just finished Eisenhorn :0) what a great book, the third of the trilogy my favorite (though I could have done without them killing almost everybody off...though at least Gregor finally told Alizabeth how he felt, stubborn male LOL waiting until the last)
Thank you for the recommendation, when I need another book, I know who to ask :0)
Hope you are having a good day darlin :0)
The more I look at it - the more it DOES look like a brooch. Brilliant. Complete with clasps and bird/butterfly decorations. And it goes perfect with the story as well. ;)
Trace, you can pick up Ravenor in paperback at most major bookstores if you feel the need to continue the story. Glad you liked it. :-)
Jack, it's amazing how these fractals just appear that are perfect to move the story along. I feel alien spirits are channelling through my body and mind and making this happen. Needs further investigation I think.
It's a "drive by" comment to say Merry Christmas to y'all! :)
Ciera, drive by comments are welcomed here too--lol. Merry Christmas to you too. :-)
LOL Darn, you can never find it when you need it.
Juicy hugs ;-)
Enjoy the rest of your day, x
No worries Karen. I've got plenty. :-D
Sunshine, are you turning in for the night? If so, sweet dreams of watermelons and other things associated with watermelons. :-)
Merry Christmas, Sweetie! *bats eyelashes and flirts*
Merry Christmas Leigh. Next time you need to invite me to these parties you're having. *leans head down and rolls eyes up with a sheepishly deceiving grin*
What a pretty brooch! Papa Kyra must have added his love in when he made it.
Merry Christmas Saffron. He did. :-)
Trée, Merry Christmass to you and yours and the all readers of this blog.
Beautiful detail and colour!! Would Santa get me one if I asked nicely?
Have a Merry Christmas Tree; and thanks for all the awesome images! :)
Happy Christmas Eve my dear, hope you have an absolutely wonderful day (hugs)
Love & hugs,
happy Christmas Eve, x
hey Tree! merry christmas to you and your family and a happy healthy peaceful new year, to the Ambassador of Good Will and Kindness. thank you for providing this colourful sparkling creative thought provoking blogparadise that anyone is allowed to fall freely into any time. you light up the land. xo lisa
ps, i saw your note on hollys thing and i left a wee hello for you there, days ago! xo
Lisa, so good to see you again. Hope and trust you are well. You've been missed my friend. Happy Holidays and much peace and joy. Love.
Happy Christmas Sunshine! Love, hugs and kisses sweet woman. :-)
Merry Christmas Jar.
Trace, have a great time in Flordia. Merry Christmas dear. :-)
Merry Christmas Chicky. Thanks so much for kind words. Much appreciated. :-)
Hey you :)
Hope you have an absolutely awesome day tomorrow (so nice you'll have C there!).
Much love, x
Hey you back. Thanks for the well wishes. May you and M have a Christmas to remember. Love sweetie.
Well, you are most welcome, though you outdid me with sweetness as per usual ;), but then you are 'a real writer', such wonderful expressiveness and you go together like bangars and mash!
That's like peanut butter and jelly in US lingo ;).
Let me in on what you would like to find under the tree tomorrow? :)
Mmm, might need private email for that request. :-D
:-) <-- see! Sure to leave with a smile, whenever I visit here.
Well, then we are wearing matching smiles :-)
We are, and hopefully that's the only thing we are wearing that matches lol
Well, I wasn't planning on wearing much so we should be good to go. I was thinking more of a glove in hand sorta match--one that fits like soft warm buttery leather. :-)
Merry Christmas, Tree. :)
Sounds kinda nice :)
Not least the not wearing much bit ;) lol
Merry Christmas Alma. So good to see you post here. Don't be a stranger dear. :-)
Sunshine, is it too late to get a flight tonight? lol
I have to ask. Was the puzzle pic you posted a couple days ago, was that you? If not, that was one gorgeous woman. I could have fallen in love with her eyes. You must have cut it out of a fashion magazine. :-)
lol, stop!
Don't stop!
Flattery will get you everywhere.
Yes, was me, few years ago though, and much like fine wine...:)
lol, too sweet for words, x
As you know, I fell for that big smile on the beach ages ago ;)
And I fell for you when I read that CNN post so many weeks ago. ;-)
Then 'falling' is something else where we match. :-)
Had any time to be creative? (Or taking a few days off over the holiday?)
I've got three different fractals ready to go to move the story forward, but C has been on my main computer playing City of Heroes so I'll have to wait till tomorrow afternoon to get posting again. These three should bring the Zael chapter to an end and then I can get back to Kyra. I think she needs to have a romantic adventure. :-)
Ah, bless him :)!
How old is he? Looks about 14 to me from the pics.
Looking forward to the continuance! - and romantic adventure certainly sounds good :)
I went back over the images the other day (without the words) and realized you've only been creating these for less than 3 months!
Btw, do you realize, we are all completely and seriously addicted to the fracs and the stories?
:-) How's that make you feel?!
C will be 12 in Feb. Been really nice having him since Tuesday. A real blessing.
A, I've been having so much fun creating the images and making up the story I've hardly looked behind me to see who was still there. :-)
Having you guys say so many wonderful and loving things about the images and the story makes me feel like a bazillion spankers. I can't begin to thank all of you for all the incredible comments. You guys make me feel very special and I love you all to pieces for it. :-)
I can well imagine, happy for you, x.
Tall for his age, he looks. Handsome (like his pop, I should add before you do, lol), happy kid, bright lively eyes - and that's just a photo taken at a distance - I'd wager, he's a whole heap of fun.
Nothing but the truth and thoroughly deserved. I'm still fully expecting to use you as my claim to fame in future.
You can use me all you want. In fact, I insist. Please use me. :-)
Well, since you insist...:)
Very accomodating, obviously another of your many talents :)
Bring that leather outfit hanging in your closet. Whip optional. :-)
The whip is not optional, its part of the outfit. Using it is optional.
We'll need large luggage cases for all these things we are bringing, lol
Well, since we won't be bringing much by way of clothes I think we will have room for the important stuff. :-)
Thank goodness for terry cloth robes :)
Thank goodness for the cleaners, since I imagine those robes will be spending alot of time on the floor.
Hmm, providing clean sheets, towels and robes too, in case we spill any honey.
Note to self: Bring extra cash for generous tip
Excellent idea. Be prepared to be wowed. I hear the bungalows even have sturdy kitchen tables in them. :-)
That's good news, much prefer sturdy over wobbly :)
Bring your skirts, pleated and plaid if you got them. If not, I'll bring some for ya. lol
Oh, gosh! I almost wrote something rude lmao - stopped myself just in time :)
Boots too right? Getting to know you well lol
I don't have them yet silly. ;-)
Yes, boots are very important. Now, put the boots together with a pleated plaid skirt and a tight white blouse and there won't be no walking on the beach--for you that is. But you can ride on my back--LMAO.
Nice work Tree. Merry Christmas.
One more item to add to the list. Bring a Stetson.
Which would fit well with the Stetson lol
Thanks Mark. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
& the "rude" was about the table :)
Anyway, not so much rude, as shocking, and I do like to shock. You'll wow, and I'll shock.
Shock and Wow. Sounds like fun. I'm in.
Black or White Stetson? WTH, I'll bring both. :-)
Shock and wow - sounds electrifying, maybe even a little dangerous lol
Both works for me. Got any cowboy boots? - I'll wear mine if you wear yours :)
I don't, but that can be fixed. I grew up with cowboy boots and my dad wore them all his life. Anything else I need to bring? :-)
Merry, by the way, is already packed.
Securely, I hope :)
Sweetheart, as long as you bring yourself and merry, I really couldn't care less about the rest. On second thought, I really do want to see you in the Stetson!
Well, I think I can handle all that. Of course, that's not really what I want to handle. How tall are you?
Catching up after my blogging hiatus. I see you've been writing your own novel. It's quite fascinating to see how your site has transformed since I first saw it. Today's entry was beautiful.
Happy Holidays.
What I wouldn't give for a couple of extra inches now and then. I'm 5.5 for my sins, blame my father, he's 5.3 lol
Now I have to ask, out of great curiousity, how tall are you?
I'm 5'10"
5'5" is perfect for 5'10"
Hand in glove. I can see it now. :-)
I think, I can too. :)
#1 is definitely contagious.
I think the #1 is strong in you. Just needs to be coaxed out. I think I can handle the coaxing. Would you be willing to be coaxed? Never had any complaints on my coaxing to date. :-)
Sure, I'd trust you :)
Though we seem to have differing opinions on the benefits of #1. I've heard you refer to it as a fault countless times, whereas I think its an absolute treasure :)
Permission granted to coax, in fact, its my turn to insist :)
There might be a little tweaking and twisting and pinching that goes with the coaxing. Sometimes ice is helpful too. If that doesn't work, then warm candle wax from one of the many candles surrounding us will do. Of course, a combination is often needed to achieve proper coaxing results. :-)
Brace yourself dear. I'm a relentless coaxer. :-D
Relentless sounds perfect.
"Brace yourself" - love that expression, full of promise ;D
I'll see your tweaking, twisting and pinching and raise you
tugging :)
Ohh, tugging. Now that raises the ante. I call your tugging and raise you two snoggles and one OMG.
Hmm, don't know the rules of poker, but I think 'calling' means I'm supposed to show you what I've got.
Throw it down on the table so to speak lol
Put up or shut up is often heard about this time. Of course, I don't believe in either/or situations. Feel free to put up and tell me all about it at the same time. :-D
I can be quite talkative once I get going, lmao
You might regret those words :)
Somehow I think you know when it's time for words and when it's time to talk in touches and looks. :-)
Willing to admit yet, #1 is nothing but a gift?
Let's call it a double edged sword. Can do great things or great harm depending on how its wielded. ;-)
Ah, but I doubt you'd use it for anything other than good, so that's alright.
Have you ever noticed how the more you have the more you want?
I'm refering of course to having eaten a tremendous amount (in my book anyway) of Christmas dinner and now I'm hungry again. Well, ok it is almost 11 hours since, I realize now. :)
Oh you are such a sweet soul. Can I put my head in your lap and let you sing me to sleep with your pleansantries. A little tugging wouldn't hurt either. :-D
I think 11 hours qualifies for the "next meal." :-)
I'll stroke instead, the hair from your brow :).
Guess it does, in fact, it could be classified as an early breakfast :)
"I'll stroke instead, the hair from your brow :)."
I can think of few things more peaceful. And my hair is quite long at the moment--perfect for stroking out of my eyes. :-)
So very nice, isn't it, when someone does that. Lovely.
The single most relaxing thing has got to be having your hair washed by someone else. Head massage. I always fall straight asleep :)
Little embarrassing though, when at the salon and they have to wake you up to the amusement of the rest of the staff and the other customers :)
Oooh, note pad back out. I think I might have a different method to help you sleep, but I'll keep the hair washing idea in mind.
I'm off for a nap - thanks for the chat, had only 8-year-old company today, so it was much appreciated.
Have a most wonderful day tomorrow, Trée.
Merry Christmas, Sweetness, xxx
Time for me to go play Santa Claus. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas my dear sweet woman. I very much enjoyed our time alone tonight. Sweet nap my dear. :-)
:-), x
Hey Trée,
just hangin with St. Nick tonite handing out Christmas wishes and mistletoe kisses LOL
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas (hugs)
Merry Christmas Tree...!
(bellows:) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love and wishes for a wonderous day (for the 108th time)
Merry Christmas to you too Y! :-)
Morning/Afternoon Sunshine. :-)
Trace, just 24 more hours. I'm on my bike trying to get just a little smaller in hopes of squeezing in that suitcase. ;-)
Merry Christmas Trée from rainy Orlando :-D It is good to visit you from here - nice to know you are there.
Merry Christmas Terry, my motorcycle, boot-wearing, nature loving mama! It's raining here too. Too warm for snow, but we have plenty of warmth in our hearts. I've missed having you around here as much as usual. Have a great day and travel safe. Hugs and kisses. :-)
Trée, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Same to you sweetbabyk! Stay warm and stay safe. :-)
Hope you are having a fantastic time! :)
This fractual really looks like a brooch! :]
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