How a mechanical contraption could sound like her grandmother never failed to surprise Kyra. Brushing the dark long hair out of her eyes she threw one leg followed by the other off the bed and headed for her breakfast nook.
Morning Hynerian, Kyra was not. She loved her snizzle and refused to start the day without it. Goldie, as Kyra called her personal assistant, had perfected brew time and temperature. Of course, since Papa Kyra had built her, exact attention to detail was a given. That he gave her Ms Papa Kyra’s voice was a gift. A gift to whom, she chuckled, was still a mystery since Papa seemed to enjoy having Goldie around as much as she did.
Grandma had passed away a few years before Kyra came of age. Within six months, love and grief had built Goldie using Papa’s hands, mind and heart. The only surprise for Kyra was that Papa gave her away. But as he always said, “Sweet baby, I had your grandma for many years, you but a few. This is my way of correcting that injustice.”
How a Zing Tao of the Ninth Order could have such love in his heart, such compassion—well, that was the very thing that Ji saw in Papa. “Love was Truth,” Ji would say with all seriousness. “No Truth, no Zing Tao,” he quickly added with a laugh that put everyone at ease.
According to Papa, Ji had an outstanding sense of humor. “Humor reminds us what we don’t know. Why do you laugh," Ji would often query a new recruit. Of course, no one knew where laughing came from and before the questioned could make a fool of him or herself, Ji would slap his hand down on the table making as large a booming noise as possible exclaiming, “And That’s the Point! Don’t know.” And with a sparkle in his eyes, Ji would let out a booming laugh that echoed the love within his heart for teaching.
Time for some snizzle. Ah, if only Papa had build Goldie to enjoy it with her.
This one is incredible!! What program did you use to generate it?? Wonderful work. Wonderful words.
Jenni, I did this one in Sterling-Ware. Wabi Wabi and Twenty Four Hours were also done using this program. As always, thanks for your very kind and encouraging words. Let me know if you see any typos. I've very teachable you know. :-)
Absolutely beautiful darlin, love the liquid gold effect.
you know how I feel about the story and I am starting to run out of adjectives for very very good LOL so just suffice it to say brilliant as always :0)
having a good day?
oh and I love the name for the morning drink of choice-snizzle- it is wonderful :0)
Let me just say, Tree, that the last three fractals have been outstanding. A great 3-D effect, this one in particular stands out -the gold seeming to actually shine. Reminds me a little of the robot in Fritz Lang's silent film. Metropolis.
Trace, I need a woman who can brew a good snizzle without losing her touch to snoggle. I kinda like my snoggling to have a little snizzle to it. LMAO
So how are your S&S skills? :-D
Thanks Jack. I see you've branched out with some other programs too. Your latest are very, very good. I love the jewel. I see you getting better and better with these programs and now that finals are over I've expecting big things from you before the spring semester starts. :-D
As always, thanks again for your kind words.
Oh I DO want a Goldie of my own. What wonderful company over a hot cup of snizzle.
Within six months, love and grief had built Goldie using Papa’s hands, mind and heart.
I think I know that very motivation. I do adore our Papa Kyra.
And "Morning Hynerian, Kyra was not." - you are too much fun sometimes.
I am always thrilled at how wonderfully you endear these characters to us. So deeply we relate to them....and cheer them on!!
I can not wait to see what happens next. I am biting nails in anticipation.
Love to you dear. As always, thank you for being you and for sharing your gifts with us. You are the smile on my face. :D
LMAO So how are your S&S skills?
well I can really think of one answer to that question....
Zing Tao Baby! :0) LOL
Aggie, 10pm tonight. Moonlight. We have a date. See you then my love. :-)
Oh Trace, abso-f***ing-lutely perfect answer! LMAO
You've got a natural talent for making fractals. I've never made anything like this in Sterlingware.
Good stuff.
Tim, I've seen your work and I've got a long, long way to catch up to your skill. I do greatly appreciate your kind words--it's given me encouragement to keep clicking away in an attempt to find something new and different.
Goldie was a Lyapunov design (12) with a (5) LDerivative and a (2) on LMapping with no Transform. Max Iterations set at (5) with a scale factor of 1.6000 and a 2.5000 Stalks & Bubbles Radius.
Goldie was hidden and needed a deep zoom to coax her out.
I've haven't told anyone yet, but she has a brother that I call "Blu." Just imagine a Blue and Silver shinny version.
Tim, thanks again for your kind words. I visit your site several times a day just to look at the work you are doing and read the incredible things you write about them. I hope more folks will visit you to see your work.
Awww...this one is so cute!! The eyes say it all! I love it, Tree! :)
PS I'm sitting here this mornng drinking my snizzle,it's so yummy! But I think I'm going to sneeze...
Very cool, I love the previous two that I missed too. The one below has the feeling of royalty to me.
Where can I get some snizzle?
Have a great weeeknd. *HUGS*
Chicky, this isn't the first time you saw the exact same thing as my wife. When she saw this one she immeadiately went to the eyes. I did a mosaic version of this one that she fell in love with. She's been wanting to take old coffee tables and redo them with a tile mosaic top. Who knows, maybe Goldie will live on. :-)
Thanks Karen. I might have a little extra snizzle around here somewhere. How much were you thinkin ya might need? ;-)
Time for some snizzle. Ah, if only Papa had build Goldie to enjoy it with her
Yes, it IS time. Sigh. I know the wishful thinking for company when there is none.
Nice fractal - as usual I can hardly believe you "create" it with a computer! Strange paintbrush.
Nice reflection in the storyline. As Aggie mentioned, that line is very nicely worded about the building of Goldie. Very well done Trée.
Thank you Terry. It's nice to be the one writing in that my story can be whatever I want it to be and the characters can be exactly as I want too. I'm amazed at how much the fractal moves the story rather than me. I feel like I'm playing a game of double-blind solitare. :-)
I really have no idea where the story is going to go until the next image points the way. :-)
Tree, I invite you please to turn your mind to A Worthy Project on my site. Thanks, George
P.S. Would love to share some Snizzle at some point.
George, take my comments in context--the context that's it's Saturday Night! :-D
I do look forward to seeing the dialogue your project gathers.
You have still got it Tree.
Thanks Mark. I love the new name. By the way, did you ever figure out what was going on the the picture posting? I noticed you still haven't posted a pic.
Goldie is a real nifty thing to have around.
What a lovely gift that Goldie is. Papa loved them both very much. Didn't he? Goldie will never lose that shine.
Yes he did Liz. Indeed, he loved them both very much.
Saffron, we could all use a Goldie. I think we could also all use someone in our life who could and would pour their love into making a Goldie for us. Goldie is Papa's love personified, to live on long after he was gone. I think he did a pretty good job. :-)
Goldie just became my first 8.5x11 print. She's looking at me right now with those big brown eyes. What a pretty girl she is. Papa did a good job. :-D
Now I know what a snizzle is :)
Trée, this absolutely wonderful. The prose, the fractal.
Like I've said, I've run out of ways to tell you just how good this entire project is. Wish there was some word that could say it all!
- do you know one?
A, sometimes just a smile is all that is needed. :-)
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