Outgoing comms were jammed. Decisions had to be made and no information had arrived from Ji's task force with an ETA. Best estimates put the time of arrival several hours post surrender deadline. With secure communications compromised and Javalina jammers effectively in place, Zael was all but surrounded and isolated. One could only hope Ji had received their last urgent communiqué.
Could they play for time? Was there another option? No one knew, but Zael command worked like condemned prisoners on death row. In a sense, that’s exactly what they were. Sweat poured, minds cracked, and tempers flared. Javalinas took no prisoners. Annihilation mean the compete destruction of their species. All options were now open for discussion.
cool. looks kind of like a guy holding his hands apart with lightning sparking inbetween them.
absolutely stunning frac!!!!!!!!!!!
Zael command worked like condemned prisoners on death row. In a sense, that’s exactly what they were. Sweat poured, minds cracked, and tempers flared. Javalinas took no prisoners. Annihilation mean the compete destruction of their species. All options were now open for discussion.
am I going to need the popcorn? I love love love these teasers at the end of every chapter
Trace, if you've been following the story very closely, which if anyone has its been you, then you know somehow, someway, very bad things are going to happen. I would say get the kleenezes rather than the popcorn.
What exactly is going to happen on Zael, I don't know, but remember, this is the story, The Tragedy of Zael, that separated Papa Kyra from his innocence, the story forever branded in his brain.
Having said that, I still don't have a fractal for the Ji and Zeke pow-wow, so the Zaels may have more than 24 earth hours to think of something.
Never say never. So stay tuned. lol
Hey, how do you like that sense of contrast between a bunch of Zing Tao playing Wabi Wabi and laughing it up, and the message Zael command just got. I can almost here the musical score accenting each scene. Heavy drums, Boom Boom Boom, Boom--perhaps a lone trumpet with a wailful plaintive cry. Mmm, is it getting hot in here or has Terry just stopped by in her black leather. :-D
I would say get the kleenezes rather than the popcorn.
The Tragedy of Zael, that separated Papa Kyra from his innocence, the story forever branded in his brain.
so the Zaels may have more than 24 earth hours to think of something
OMG, this just keeps getting better... ok, kleenex, not popcorn (never a good sign), this story is just phenomenal Trée, my god, I think you can't top the last chapter and then you do.
on the edge of my seat sweetie, can't wait to see what happens next, whenever the story unfolds!
Ciera, I'm gonna have to look again to see that. Mmm . . . runs to get reading glasses
Hope you are keeping warm. Thanks for stopping by sweetie. :-)
is it getting hot in here or has Terry just stopped by in her black leather. :-D
hell, I have been hearing orchestration in my head since chapter one, it adds so much when there is music LOL
when the movie goes into production, you must get John Williams to do the score, he would be perfect LOL :0)
then you know somehow, someway, very bad things are going to happen.
oh crap, I just figured out where this is going, we are about to come full circle to when we first met the zaels and the last distress call, the transmission of the scientific logs and the call for revenge
May Ji Qong revenge our souls
man I am gonna need kleenex
Dazzling fractal. I've run out of ways to tell you how good this is.
It does just build and build, as Tracey said and as I think, I've said before, thus getting better and better. Terribly exciting! You've managed to involve us completely in the fate of the characters, caring, wondering what will happen. Kleenex sounds ominous, but I'm holding onto the promise of a happy ending.
Think absolutely brilliant, and then think all of this.
I'm very sad to hear about the upcoming battles. I wish I could just fast forward through the awful parts - and with this being your first novel, I don't know enough about your writing style to be able to predict whether or not the ending will be tragic. Did you see City of Angels? That kind of ending is what I'm talking about. Anyway, I will hold on for the ride you are taking us on, careening madly on into the unknown. I'm in it for the longhaul. You are one talented story teller.
Terry, the real story is Bravo-Four-Zero. Grandpa Zeke's adventures are only a diversion and a bit of background to helping understand Kyra and the lessons her grandfather taught her. What happened on Zael happened a long time ago. :-)
I do appreciate your sensitivities and I'm not really wanting to spend a lot of time on the bloody details. Hang tight. Grab your snoggle handles if you have to. This ride is just starting. :-D
Sunshine, your sweet wonderful words are always deeply welcomed. Thanks darlin'.
This fractal is absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you Saffron. Those Javalinas look awful purdy but you wouldn't want to mess with them.
Hey sweetie, hope you are having a good nite :0)
This one stopped me staring. It's awesome! The detail and colors are just mesmerizing. I couldn't take my eyes off it.
This fractal is like the Javalinas it takes no prisoners.
Magical fractal! Magical story! You've got me hooked :)
This fractal looks like a piece of jewelery to me. Gorgeous :)
Hope you're doing good and that you'll get a nice and peaceful Christmas :D
That is so pretty. I love it.
morning Trée, happy Saturday :0)
hope you have a great day!
What can I say? I have a vivid imagination. You should watch clouds with me sometime.
oops, forgot to give ya a smile!
So much catching up to do. Beautiful work.
DJB, I appreciate your kind words very much and I hope that since you are reading this you've got your computer back up and running. Good to see you back online my friend.
Ciera, I bet it would be a ton of fun sitting with you in an airport and listening to you tell stories about the people walking by. I'll think of you and your imagination on my next layover. :-)
Thanks Anna, always good to see you stop by. I hope and trust you are doing well.
Hallo Christa! Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. Christmas, or I should say the commericial feedy frenzy that surrounds Christmas, is not one of my favs but I'm doing well.
Good look with the blogexplosion interview process. You have incredible artistic talent and would bring such a step up for them. All the best and Happy Holidays to you and Wulf. :-)
Jenni, comments like that are music to my ears. I never imagined this story would last this long nor that there would be an interest. Just another reminder to take what I think with a large grain of salt. Don't take any stock recommendations from me either. :-)
I've been meaning to ask, What do you teach and on what level?
Liz, that is mighty high praise indeed. You continue to surprise me with the fractals you like. I must reevaluate what I think you think. LOL.
On second thought, I think I'll just find that comfy leather chair and go grab some hot tea.
Trace, how is the voice this morning? I understand you were on a natural high after last night's performance. Still floating or have you come back to earth yet? :-)
the voice is good, very good :0)
and still miles above the earth, its such a good place to be :0)
I do not know how to spell the sound one makes when their breath is ripped from them. "Hhhhhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhh" Could there be a more fantastic fractal in the entirety of the internet?? No. No there cannot.
Jewelry, like Christa said...but at the same time, like something physical and hot to the touch.
I am agast at the beauty of it.
As for the Zaels...I read Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I know what is about to happen.
"There was a terrible ghastly silence.
There was a terrible ghastly noise.
There was a terrible ghastly silence.
The Vogon Constructor Fleet coasted away into the inky void."
Aggie, I didn't quite hear what you said. Could you say again. Actually. could you come say it about 10 million more times. My dear sweet sexy woman you have perfected the art of uplifting comments. I get all worked up just reading what you write. :-D
As far as the ending. I wish I was as gifted as Adams and could bring this chapter to a close in such a brilliant way. Still not exactly sure what is going to happen. Waiting on the fractal to tell me. :-)
Thanks, Trée. However I think that my portfolio is a bit too thin these days for them to actually dare to hire me. And I bet I'm in the wrong country too or something silly like that :pp
And I've put away the commercial circus around Christmas and simply walked away from it altogether. Then again, I don't have any kids in the age who I need to buy anything for either - thank heavens :)
Christa, you have way too much skill and way too much talent to not be hired by someone, somewhere. You have more talent and more ability in your little pinky than I do in my whole body over ten lifetimes. And you do so many different things very well from photography to web design. Your eye is impecable (sp?). Can't teach good eye and you've got good eye. F***, you've got great eye. Dream big--the cost is really, really low and the potential benefits are high. :-)
And I've got green eyes too LOL
Christa, LOL, green eyes certainly don't hurt. :-)
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