19. Tigerland Sea
On weekends the Metalunans loved to sail on Tigerland Sea. At night the flowing waters glowed honey yellow and burnt orange and the sky filled with the many moons that gave Metaluna its name and Squorks their home. Coming from a water world, the Hynerians were more than thrilled to experience the unworldly butter-like flowing waves and swells. Tigerland water wrapped itself around sea going vessels and carried the occupants like a mother cradling a new born baby. The eyes saw danger but the sea spoke otherwise.Metalunans claimed that most all their scientific breakthroughs occurred by scientists sailing on Tigerland. No one could yet explain the relationship between the sea and idea generation, yet the gentle flow of the swells undeniably created a stillness of mind much like deep meditation.
Sometimes it pays to be in the right place at the right time, and the Hynerians were certainly in the right place to explore their next move. For now, time to sit back and simply enjoy the kindness of strangers.
wonderful Trée, just beautiful
the colors, the movement, the warmth...
yet the gentle flow of the swells undeniably created a stillness of mind much like deep meditation
just beautiful :0)
How is your day sweetie?
Thanks Trace. The daylight version of this fractal looks like something straight out of Dr Seuss.
My day has been rather uneventful. Weather is cold and wet, so we've been inside watching football.
How are you doing sweetie?
except for being weak as a kitten and not being able to talk, I am peachy wonderful :0) its amazing what a good nights rest will do :0)
thanks for asking
cold here too, went out this AM, brrrr still not warmed back up yet.
Uneventful is not always a bad thing :0)
Disney quality to the 2nd picture, very, very nice, the first is exceptional.
Loving the choice of vocab to match, butter-like, honey, swells, flowing, etc.
Perfect follow-up!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
didn't see the second one at first :0)
yes it does have a Suess quality to it, expect to see some Who's playing :0)
Thanks Sunshine. May my love for you flow like the honey on Tigerland sea from me to you over time and distance. I think I might be able to find a couple angels around these parts to fly it to Denmark before the morning sun touches your smiling cheeks. :-)
Trace, if I find those "Whos" you'll be the first to know. :-)
Honey (making an exception;), you have no idea how wide you just made me smile.
simply lovely!
First picture is just not fair: how could anybody else compete with the fractals when you've become so good at it!
Second picture is the beanstalk from Jack and the Beanstalk (no relation to me). Another thing these aliens stole from us.
It really does look Seussian. Very creative!!!
Sunshine, now that I would like to see. Glad to be of service sweetie. :-)
Thank you Karma.
Jack, I'm using a program called Ultra Fractal 4 for these two. I don't think one could replicate these with Apophysis. Horses for courses as they say.
I do take your kind words to heart. Good luck with finals Jack.
Hey sweet BBB! We need to lock in a time for that date. :-)
Thanks, Tree. The closer I get to the end of the semester, the busier my life seems to get.
Hey Trée,
Your UF4 fractals are just divine, sunshine. Tell me, when did you first start using the program? Because it looks as if you've been at it for years! These fractals show great skill that only a pro can accomplish.
Also, when did you first start using Apophysis?
Trée, did you find those Who's yet LOL
having a good nite?
Stacey, I did my first Apophysis fractal on October 5th of this year. I did my first UF4 image about a week ago.
You are very nice to say such wonderfully kind things about these images. I love working with these programs and trying this and trying that. I just started using Sterlingware too last week. The Squork and Metalunan images were done with this program. Also been using Xaos too, which created Reentry and North. I like moving between programs just to stay fresh and not get stuck in a rut.
Thanks again for the sweet and kind words dear. Much appreciated. :-)
Trace, I found the Who's--in Barnes & Noble. :-)
Keep some rest darlin'. I'm sure you'll want to be healthy for finals. Sweet dreams.
you too darlin, and have a great Monday (hugs)
anytime! i'll be online working on finishing a paper Monday and Tuesday nights. Will be looking forward to a break from the work, may even have to work in spurts.
For now, timeto sit back and simply enjoy the kindness of strangers.
I can see the book coming out of this. I wish we all could get together for a read-aloud.
Oooo Tigerland sea, are there any tigers that live in the waters?
just stoppin by to say good morning, hope you have a stellar day :0)
k, I look forward to a little r&r. :-D
Liz, sounds like a great idea--both of them. :-)
Saffron, good question. I'll have to ask the Metalunans. I'll let you know what I find out.
Trée, these pictures are completely fantastic. I really think the illustrations should be used in a published work. I'm so amazed! Really, do you think you might go foward with this stuff? The pictures alone are fabulous, but coupled with your story you could have a best seller on your hands. I love the fantasy you've created. I'm such a visual creature - relying upon my eyes to help complete the ideas. Your pictures make it possible for me to imagine your saga. Simply awesome!
Terry, I have no idea where these images and this story is taking me. I do believe you never say never. For now, I'm just having fun learning how to use the various fractal programs and letting the images shape the story. Until the next image, I have no idea what is going to happen next.
Your very dear and kind words mean more to me than you know. I do deeply appreciate you sharing. :-)
Um Beijão!
Muito obrigado Elaine. Bom vê-lo visitar outra vez. Beijos.
I shall make you a fractal of what my eyes look like when my mind is blown. :)
Ahhh those Metalunan shores by moonlight are one amazing thing to behold. Warm and beautiful to behold as ice falls here in our little winter world.
I'm glad to be back...for a bit anyway. And I think it is wonderful to experience this story from the start.
Aggie, I'll be up waiting. :-)
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