The tragedy of Zael presented Papa with his first experience in the field upon ordination within the elite branch. They say the first cut is always the deepest, and from the number of times he liked to tell the story, Zael and his experience there seemed forever branded in his memory.
Zael was part of a distant subsystem of planets that were fairly off the beaten path. Not a lot of activity and really no reason for anyone to venture in that direction. Zael did have one feature that made it valuable, namely the creatures that populated the area and named for the very subsystem they called home. Zaels live in and around Zael, yet whenever anyone spoke of Zael, the reference surely referred to the creatures and not the system.
Zaels possessed perhaps the most unique physiology known to Hynerians. Each Zael had dual coloring and each color performed multiple unique functions. The purple part of the organism sustained life in outer space, while the green segment maintained the organism on any of the planets within the subsystem. How this could be remained a mystery.
Hynerians knew of no other creature whose primary habitat was planetary while also able, completely unaided, to live and thrive equally well in the vacuum of space. Herein lay their value. Hynerian scientists had hoped to learn how this was possible, how a creature could literally have two totally different biological systems, yet still function as a single entity. Zing Tao warriors, in particular, were fascinated with the philosophical implications implied in dualism manifesting as oneness. A kinship formed between the two and they were the first to volunteer when trouble was realized.
Zaels were also unique in that there was no such thing as male and female Zaels. Each creature contained both sexual functions. Since they experienced no internal conflict between their dual sexual natures, the creatures tended to reproduce at a prodigious rate. We might have called them the rabbits of the universe. Wherever there was one Zael, there was sure to be hundreds of baby Zaels.
There in lay the trouble. The more the Zaels reproduced the more resources they consumed. Only a matter of time before their numbers constituted a threat to other species within the subsystem. Reports of war had worked their way from Hynerian scientific outposts to Hyneria, but such reports were all too common place and no one took them too seriously.
Problem was, Zaels were peaceful creatures with little means to defend themselves. Once neighboring Javalinas lauched their attack, slaughter was the only word to describe the wholesale destruction. By the time the seriousness of the situation became clear, only Zing Tao warriors stood a chance of stopping the carnage. Papa Kyra’s unit was the first to arrive on the scene and what he saw forever stood as a milestone between his innocence and the rest of his life.
"Hynerian Peace Flowers were a direct result of Zing Tao cultivation, the weaving together of beauty and science with the unseen thread of peace educated by compassion and instructed by love."
(jaw dropped)
"what he saw forever stood as a milestone between his innocence and the rest of his life."
(fell off my chair)
(managed to pick myself up - heading back for another read)
A, are you okay? Do I need to call anyone?
You've taken compliments to a new level. Hugs and kisses my dear sweet wonderful loving woman.
absolutely magnificent Trée, I don't even know where to start.
Science girl is all sorts of intrigued by these creatures
duality of the life systems, reproduction, over consumption of resources, the way they live, fascinating just fascinating.
and now science girl will go away LOL
this story is just fabulous, landed on the same phrases Autumn did, just outstanding and so worth staying up for darlin.
can you hear the clapping from Missouri, just amazing!
What do you think about Zaels now? So many were so quick to judge them base on their appearance. Mmm, I sense a new phrase: WWJQD
Oh my. :-D
I sense a new phrase: WWJQD
LOL excellent
I would love to take about a year to study the Zaels wonder if they have fellowships LOL, how fascinating :0)
Trée, I can't believe I knew you all this time, read all those inspired comments and never guessed or even contemplated you would be capable of this kind of story-telling - should really have known, makes perfect sense the more, I think of it. This is definitely a calling of some sorts, you must do more with it. I'm so excited to be near this talent, priveledged (sp.chk) to read and to follow the story, you make me wonder if I will ever be able to write anything remotely close to this level and conclude that its not possible, this is a rare gift. Love your words, the way you use them, gushing I know, but hot dam', Trée, this story as a whole with the fractals is just fan-*-tastic!
Clapping echoed from Denmark
(nods head in definite agreement)
I love reading back through the whole thing, it really is wonderful Trée
Might be one more ominous dispatch from outpost 643. It was the last one they sent. Teletype not quite working. Let me fix it and see if we can diciper this last call for help. :-)
Sunshine, your writing is superb. Don't you ever doubt that your postings are magnificent. I can't do what you do and the way you do it. That's why I like you so much. :-)
You know Trée we all decided how lucky we are to have known you in this early pre-internationally reknown fame phase, and how we hope to score a mention in the first book hot of the press... It is amazing to see this talent for story telling unfold before us. And it is very much a privilege that you are sharing it with us.
yes it is Autumn, as I have told you before, your ability to capture emotion is just stunning my friend.
Oh and Trée amidst all this ooohing and ahhhing I forgot to tell you about the party, I think Terry has you signed up to bring food LOL
:-) Sweet. Hoochie coochie hug as thanks.
And it is very much a privilege that you are sharing it with us
amen to that my friend!
:-) Trace.
Oh Terry, you've just earned major brownie points. These are the "special" brownies by the way. Want to come have a few with me?
The double entendres just keep on rolling - LMAO... you are so quick with the words young man! (with words I said!) I'm into organic green things LOL from the garden :-D Is that the specialty from Tennesee? I had you bringing BBQ
"Hoochie coochie hug as thanks."
A, did you get your hoochie coochie certification? I think you need to come over here so I can verify. Didn't Reagan say, Trust but Verify. Bring those warm Danish buns over this way sweetie. Time to do some verifying. :-D
Terry, I've got the Tennessee beef, bbq style if you like. No worries. Can you bring the buns?
ROFL I really hope you fed exed my chrimstas present because I am going to need it :0) 2nd water alert in one post, damn Trée, you're good LOL
lol, may as well since I'm not getting the things done, I'm supposed to this morning anyway, can't stay away from here for long enough :)
Trace, turn away from the screen, whenever you take a sip!
LOL, I just need to stop the drinking altogether LOL
"Tennessee beef" Sounds good, I'll have some of that ;o)
A, I'm frac'ed and posted out for the night. Return engagement soon. Much to learn and do now with Ji Qong around. Man, I've got to stop creating all these new characters. Kyra's going to need my attention when I get back to her. Poor baby. I think I know just what she needs too. Can get kinda lonely in space you know.
I'm going to become a hermit and just sit in front of my computer all day! Giggles galore :)
LOL, must remember to put on our list the Trée must bring the beef to the party LOL
Oh, no worries there. I bring my beef wherever I go. No reheating necessary. :-)
Can you bring the buns?
Sure, but mine aren't Danish - well, only about 1/16 or so. More like rough country homespun peasant buns, lots of kneading and handling required for making.
"More like rough country homespun peasant buns, lots of kneading and handling required for making." Terry, LOVE IT!
"lots of kneading and handling required"
Mmm, I think my tanned and leathery hands, quite vascular too, might just be up for the task. See you in the kitchen then?
Night, Fracmeister, beautiful, happy dreams, xxx
LOL and people wonder why we hang out here :0)
why for the company of course :0)
Ah, 'frac'ed out, but not out out :)
May you be filled with new inspirations as you sleep, renewed and refreshed in the morning. I'll be in the kitchen.
All of a sudden I'm feeling hungry for a little midnight snack. Whatcha got in that kitchen Terry?
I ain't tellin.
Well, I'll just take a quick peek before I turn in. Never hurts to look at the menu.
ROFL Terry you are bad, tormenting poor sweet innocent Trée like that LOL
Lotta spice in that kitchen, I think, and a whole lotta sweet too :)
"poor sweet innocent Trée"
That's right Trace, you tell her. This is a no tease zone after midnight. :-)
Love to all of you,
later, x
Love darlin' Sunshine in my life. See you in 8. :-)
Autumn have a great day with your company my friend :0)
poor sweet innocent Trée
Trace, who are YOU talking about? Must be someone else.
I think I know just what she needs too. Can get kinda lonely in space you know innocent... surely you jest :-D
LOL what can I say Ter, tone of voice would have helped a lot on that comment LOL
cause we both know there isn't an innocent bone in his body LOL
Well, sweet darlins, I've got to turn in. Another basketball photo shoot in the morning. Game two. Woohoo.
Night everyone. Love, hugs and kisses. :-)
no tease zone after midnight
I don't think you meant that.
See you later Autumn - have fun with your company and the kids :-D
good night sweet Trée, thanks again for a grand evening, many good nite hugs and kisses for you :0)
good luck on the game tomorrow can't wait to see the pics :0)
Night all - another night of frolic and debauchery...
Night Terry, have a great rest of the night (hugs)
frolic and debauchery...
I'll take one frolic and two debaucheries. In the kitchen of course. :-)
Night Tracey - sweet dreams. Nice evening :-)
Trée you are a rascal.
Looks like a little microscopic alien, as viewed from a microscope.
Javalinas. Vicious and not so little things, as the Zaels discovered. Hope you are having a great weekend Stacey.
Trée, since Autumn Storm and Mergrl already said everything that I felt about this, I can only add how impressed I am with all this.
Melly, for you as a writer to say such things is very, very meaningful for me. I do appreciate your kind words like rare jewels. Thanks Melly!
Hi ya Tree'. I was so glad to see you came by the new site. Be sure and bookmark me and keep me up to date on your adventures!
Is it me or do all the life forms on this planet seem kinda - uh...puny. I'm thinking we Earthlings could make mince meat of them - or at least starfish. ;)
GASP! The slaughter of the Zaels. And such amazing and beautiful creatures. So much we have yet to learn from them.
Zing Tao warriors, in particular, were fascinated with the philosophical implications implied in dualism manifesting as oneness.
(I hear some whisper of humanity speaking deep inside that jewel of a concept, my friend.)
Oh my, I do hope some were saved.
Still gives me the giggles. :-D
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