37. Zimmlers
Eighty paces, eight million thoughts. Zeke knew resistance and effort would work against his desire for calm and clarity. He resisted and worked anyway. He knew desire was the illusion, yet he could no longer shake that desire from his mind anymore than he could rub the black off his boots. He wasn’t ready, he wasn’t worthy and he knew neither thought was a friend of his. How did these enemies of truth enter and take root in his mind, whispering echoes of deceit so lightly as to make even a falling flutrix feather sound like the dull thud of a large tome falling from the top shelf.
Zeke’s mind started to move in slow motion. Images flashed like slides in a projector. First course: Zimmlers. Zimmlers struck fear, and so they were employed—first. Ji had no patience for recruits that did not possess the most basic aptitude for handling fear. They might make good Blue Onyx warriors, but not Zing Tao. No sense in beating around the bush. Day one, Zimmler training.Zimmlers were native to Hyneria. Large creatures that lived in the high altitudes above the Southern Sea, they took to Hynerians like wild mustangs took to being rode. In the right hands Zimmlers could be ridden through the upper currents at heights unknown to the masses and at speeds no living thing could approach. They made the perfect training tool for Ji.Mastering control of your Zimmler meant to master your fear. More than seventy percent of all recruits washed out of Zimmler training. Height and speed unwrapped their fear, tossing them to the side as quickly and carelessly as a child discarding wrapping paper on Christmas morning.
Zeke made it. He fixed his mind on that single success. Focus turned to concentration. He had made it pass the Zimmlers and now he would make it pass Ji.
He would make it, because he knew he had to. He would make it because there was no other option. The beautiful fractal tells me so.
I shudder to think where Kyra would be if her grandfather had not made it. What I really want to know is how. How did he made it, how did he succeed to the level of the Ninth Order, and what and how exactly did he teach Kyra.
Boy oh boy, I sure do wish someone would write this story so I knew! If you find the author, tell him to get busy wit it.
That walk down the corrider is taking waaaay too long.
Chants heard in the distance: We Want Ji! We Want Ji!
Thanks Liz. I too like the peacefulness of Zimmler flight. I understand its a bit like flying in a glider. No sound, just pure beauty, it you can tame the rascal. :-)
Height and speed unwrapped their fear, tossing them to the side as quickly and carelessly as a child discarding wrapping paper on Christmas morning
just splendid
He had made it pass the Zimmlers and now he would make it pass Ji.
just excellent Trée, love the frac, love love love the story.
hows your nite been sweetie?
Anyone notice anything of particular interest in these Zimmlers? Major kudos for the first to notice. :-)
Lacking esprit is how I would call the night. Feel like a can of soda gone flat and warm. I think too much time in front of the computer is doing me in. LOL
And then, Aggie came back and pumped me right back up. What a woman! :-)
Thanks for your kind words Trace. Have a peaceful night sweetie.
Lacking esprit is how I would call the night. Feel like a can of soda gone flat and warm
you poor thing, glad Aggie was able to work her magic
peace is exactly what I am having tonite and it is all good :0)
now gotta go look at that frac again :0)
ooooh I know
its the ring isn't it?
Evening Fracmeister.
"Anyone notice anything of particular interest in these Zimmlers?" I dare not...they all have dolphin tales? ;)
They look magnificent, think you are right about it being like gliding.:)
Wonderful. Of course!
morning Autumn :0)
Evening Tracey!
They just look like boomerangs to me - albeit fancy ones, LOL. Can't quite figure out what the little miniature ones are - part of the whole, or added appendages.. I give up. They are just cool.
Ring - what ring? I must be blind.
Papa Kyra's blue onyx ring, it was back about 6-7 chapters ago
thats my guess and I'm stickin to it LOL
They make me think of mythical birds in flight...
Tree, this is so much fun! And such a cosmic tale that points to where we are right now, facing and dealing and zooming and whirring and manifesting in all ways needed to help the birthing of this universe emerging. You are a fine story teller, Bard!
Ohhh...I don't know what Zimmlers are yet - but they look wonderful and free. I think I want to be a Zimmler. (Of course, I haven't had a chance to read the post yet. hee hee)
Off to work now.
Hugs to you. Have a WONDERFUL Thursday.
I'll catch up soon. :)
Morning sweetness, wishing you a very happy Thursday full of giggles!
good morning sweetie, hope sleep energized you and restored you.
Have a wonderful Thursday (hugs)
Trace, you got it! Blue Onyx Zing Tao rings were modelled after Zimmlers in honor of the achievement and milestone of passing Zimmler training. Only Zing Tao used Zimmlers in training and the ring signified the dual concepts of accomplishment and union in one small piece of jewelery. These rings were not just ordinary rings issued!
Zing Tao are big fans of anything with a dual nature manifesting as one. Don't forget, this concept is what forges a sacred bond between the Zaels (their dual nature) and the Zing Tao. :-)
Check your kudo bank account later today. You should see a significant deposit. :-)
Afternoon my sweetest of sweet woman manifesting as the very rays of Sunshine that brighten my day. Wherever their is a single ray of light, you are with me with your love and warmth. :-)
One day I need to see those giggles so don't use them all up. Save Up! :-)
Aggie, I do love to be caught so I'm slowing down just enough. Taking off my track shoes helped. :-)
I think you'd like Zimmlers. Majestic and free spirited. Think of them as Mustangs, roaming the Southern Sea sky with a sense of freedom and authenticity that a life without fear brings.
Have a great Thursday. I'll be waiting at the curb with my cowboy hat. Bring your mocs and lets go! ;-)
George, you are my inspiration for the Zing Tao. Heck, you could actually be Ji in this story. For my friends who are intriqued by the Zing Tao, visit George's site--he's at the bottom of my links under Warrior Geezer. Much wisdom you will find there.
Morning Terry. The little ones are actually the Zing Tao recruits trying to control their Zimmlers or I should say, trying to control their fear. :-)
Riding a Zimmler was like riding a bull. Main difference, you did it miles above the planet surface at speeds that could take your breath away. To loose control more than likely meant to lose your life. Many Zing Tao recruits never returned from Zimmler training.
:0) yay!!!!!! I'm so observant LOL (or wait, no thats not it, its the fact that I have looked at these pictures and read the story about a bazillion times because I just can't get enough LOL)
hope you are having a stellar morning, and that you have a great day sweetie, try not to work to hard :0)
The fractel reminded me boomerangs, how they always come back, no matter how far their journey is. Am I off?
Have a great day *HUGS*
Excellent Karen. Flying like a boomerang is part of what made Zimmlers so difficult to control and ride. Mix a boomerang with a mustang and you've got a Zimmler. Hugs back at ya. :-)
Oh, and Zimmlers never get lost. ;-)
Trée, sweet thang, you are fast making yourself indispensible ;-).
Mmm, I wonder what the recipe is for indispensible. Probably best I don't know. A pinch of this and a dollop of that. Stay simple is the whisper I hear. Don't ask for more, ask for less. Learn to drop not pick up. Feel the flow, ride it. :-)
Fruitcake! Love it :)
Is this a hint that you want fruitcake for Christmas? This is not the first time you've mention how much you like them. :-)
That's exactly what it is. Extra nutty is the best kind.
Actually, I prefer chocolate! lol
I'll see what I can do. :-)
Good afternoon Trée.
I love how you are always working wildlife into your story, as well as flowers, Golden TREEs, nature stuff. It is like traveling - thanks for all the trips you have provided :-)
"Zimmler", huh? Looks like a boomarang to me. Oh if only Earth had the proper intellectual copyright laws! ;)
Fractal and scene - beautiful!
There's so much here about conquering our inner selves.
Very well written with a beautiful fractal (I said beautiful already, didn't I?) and lots of stuff to think about.
Me like :)
Melly, if what I'm writing brings you to visit, then I've had a good day. Thanks for your very kind words. Oh, and my desk is in worst shape than yours. I tell myself it helps me be creative but even I know that just a bunch of Javalina shiott. :-D
Zeke...our hero. His insecurities intrude because, after all, he is only Hynerian.
And yet...he is so much more.
Zimmlers are imposing. Height and speed and wild freedom, their nature...yet Zeke...he saw their beauty. He saw their majesty.
He knew it had been done before and his soul knew he was worthy.
I never had a doubt.
(Zimmlers look to me like seagull/dragons. Magical, mythical, free.)
And then I took the time to read the comments. And then I blushed from head to toe.
Magic? Me?
Your magic flows through me and is so easily returned to you.
What is the word I'm looking for? Something about two spirits feeding off of one another. Yes. I think I like that just fine.
My heart fills with joy to read the rest of you here. :)
Love and peace to each and every one.
Whew, I'm glad he made it!
I like how Zing Tao sounds like a Chinese beer I love!
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