Several parsecs ahead, a more ominous thudding could be heard on Zael. Massive, lumbering Javalina Wigglinas had arrived in the north. These elephantine monsters descended from the sky with a deliberate slowness that mimicked Zeke’s pace. Each mammoth limb sought solid ground to imbed its metal jaws. Upon contact with the planet, ice cracked with the sound of a whip, shards flew in all directions slaying anything in the path of flight, and the planet shook as if the very land was under attack. And so it was.
Wigglinas were the cruel invention of a warped mind. Designed to destroy the very land of the enemy, they gave a whole new meaning to cruelty in warfare. Destroy the land, poison the water, and retreat to watch the local population die a slow and merciless death of starvation and thirst. The machines and the minds that put them to use were heartless bastards. Wigglinas made the land inhabitable for decades. They were only used when one just didn’t care.
Metal clang in the corridor. Metal thud on Zael. One could imagine the two sounds moving in parallel, in unison, the twisted humor of fate, smiling at the opening act of destinies forever to be joined.
And South
And South

Good evening my love. I am, once again, behind in my reading. (novels do this to me too)
So, let me say that I miss you intensely. I ADORE the "golden child" fractal. I wholly intend to catch up again soon.
And, for the record, if I tell a group of strangers a story about being zipperless and open flyed for 3hrs at work you are not allowed to NOT tell me your zipper story. :)
All my love to you dear. You are on my mind every day.
Aggie, I miss your daily comments here more than you will ever know. Imagine me in the desert, parched and then you come along with a bucket of water and a sponge to quench my thirst. That is how I view your comments dear. Now go get caught up on the story. A lot of shiotts been happening. :-D
absolutely stellar!
hey bbb...hope you're doing well. when we gonna finally have that "date"??
Excellent desription in the first paragraph, lots of hollow sounds.
The photos are beatiful, but the creatures/machines in them sound (and look) huge and vicious.
Really good writing here. I'm starting to get hooked!
Thank you David. Your writing is superb so I take your words as very kind indeed. Wonderful way for me to end the day. Thank you for that gift.
Clanging out a metronomic pace
Where do you get your vocabulary? You must have some musical bent - to go along with all the rest of your special gifts.
The fractals are awesome - definitely reminding me of geologic formations. Cool!
Trepidation, ominous, bastards - you have a real talent for choosing the perfect words making for great reading!
Absolutely excellent follow-up, excrutiating cliffhangar yet again, and that first fractal (esp.) is fantastic!
In short, "perfect", "excellent", "fantastic" :-)
Thank you Terry. I have next to no musical talent but I do have an overactive imagination that thinks in pictures and images. I even see words that aren't even there! :-D
Sunshine, I always appreciate the enthusiasm of your comments. I can almost feel your energy and I love it sweetie.
shiott! LMAO. New word. I'm gonna use that!
And no desert parched friend of mine will be served water. Oh no...there will be wonderful, tangy, ice-cold frozen Grand Marnier margaritas my dear!
Shall we sit in yonder oasis and enjoy?
You'd better put on your track shoes tomorrow because I am all about catching up!
Heck, A.N.G.E.S. I was hoping you would say take off the track shoes. I'm all about subtraction not addition. :-)
Shiott--lol--I just made that up. Might need to work it into my story. :-)
Wow, look out, Agnes is BACK!!!! Yahoo! :-D
I think that zipper thing got her blood pumping like a woman again. :-D
ROFL - you two.
Trée - I figured you'd take your time putting on those track shoes, giving me ample opportunity to close in.
I do like a good chase though. :)~
Terry, "back"? Hmmm...I don't know....there's a real good possibility that I've just lost my mind.
Which wasn't hard because I was half out of it anyway, huh Trée?
There seems to be a bit more time in my little pink rubber room. ;)
ROFL the zipper.
Ok kids. I could do this all night but the nice young men in the clean white suits want me to take a pill and catch some zzzzs.
Lub ya bunches.
"Little pink rubber room"
Oh no she didn't just say that! How bout some E.S. in your little pink rubber room. :-D
Is there a "N."?
Do you have any idea how much I enjoy coming here and seeing these beautiful creations of yours and the stories that go along with them? It always brightens my day coming here, gives me a smile and causes me to think.
*HUGS* Happy Hump Day! :jack: LOL
Good morning Trée, hope you have a wonderful day (hugs)
Karen, what a wonderful thing for you to say. If my images and stories brighten your day then that makes me very happy. It also encourages me to continue and for that I say thanks sweetie. :-)
Oh, and Karen, Jack say hi too. ;-)
Morning Trace. Another busy day in place. Wish me luck. :-)
Are we down to 12 days on that countdown. Must be exciting :-)
Wishing you luck too :-), x
I'll take it Sunshine :-)
good luck sweetie, you can have all I've got to give :0)
yep, the countdown continues, and I am soooooooo ready to see the ocean again, feel the warm sand between my toes, just turn my face to the sun and inhale :0)
try not to work too hard today (hugs)
Fantabulous! lol Hope Aggie gets that water to ya soon. Parched lips sound painful. :-)
Dariana, now that she has offered, I really have my hopes set on those ice-cold frozen Grand Marnier margaritas. :-D
Little extra salt please. ;-)
Hey! Wow! I realize that it's only about 11 degrees right now, but the North pic made me even colder!
{blushes} the South one reminded me of an orange and made me hungry.
Oh Tree,
One could imagine the two sounds moving in parallel, in unison, the twisted humor of fate, smiling at the opening act of destinies forever to be joined. What a nice sentence for this day, and what a nice way to show it with the fractals.
I like to believe in destiny, esepcially to day. I want 2005 to go away. I'm ready for 2006 to start.
Thank you for this story and for the heart that made it.
You have been tagged with the Under The Mistletoe Christmas Blog-Snog!
Consider yourself snogged! *MUAH Slurpies*
Come back to mine slurp me right back and them slurp and christmas kiss your favourite bloggers!
woohoo Merry Christmas ;-)
Liz, your words touch my heart knowing the blessed heart who typed them and the beautiful soul that harbored and nurtured them to life. I will protect them with all my strength as prized jewels. :-)
"Consider yourself snogged! *MUAH Slurpies*"
Brilliant Leigh. I've been wondering where all the mistletoe was! What an incredible wonderful evening surprise. Most excellent my dear. :-)
Ciera, and I thought it was cold here--lol. Keep that bus warm!
"North and South"
Feel the tension building. Fate to draw good and evil into one fierce crescendo.
(is that Gershwin I hear??)
Oh Zeke, your destiny awaits.
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