38. Trial of Thorns
Zimmler training addressed fear; the Trial of Thorns, pain. Most Hynerian recruits saw pain as static, something solid, something to avoid, as something that happened to them. They were wrong on all accounts. Zing Tao indoctrination sought as much to untrain false view, to uproot years of deception, as it did to plant and water right view. Weed and plant, weed and plant. For Ji, pain provided the perfect place to start the weeding.To say the Trial of Thorns was about pain really missed the point. According to Ji, pain equaled data, no more no less. Data used skillfully aided the warrior and data used unskillfully hindered. Dropping false ideas, simplifying view, seeking flow within the dynamic made Zing Tao warriors different from the rest. Many felt they had simply mastered skills and techniques. Ji didn’t see it that way. For him, training meant dropping, not picking up, it meant doing less, not learning more, it mean seeing pain for the friend it was, not the enemy loathed.
Those recruits who embraced pain and dropped their static, solid views of something out there graduated to advanced training. As a small token of remembrance, each graduating recruit was given a small mosaic plague depicting The Trial. No Zing Tao ever was far from this memento. Placing his right hand on the identification pad to enter Ji’s chamber, Zeke unconsciously ran the fingers of his left hand over the cobble like tiles on his plaque. Felt it gave him good luck. With a familiar soothing whoosh, the door opened and Zeke walked in.
to untrain false view, to uproot years of deception, as it did to plant and water right view. Weed and plant, weed and plant. For Ji, pain provided the perfect place to start the weeding.
Dropping false ideas, simplifying view, seeking flow within the dynamic
For him, training meant dropping, not picking up, it meant doing less, not learning more, it mean seeing pain for the friend it was, not the enemy loathed
absolutely stellar Trée
small mosaic plague depicting The Trial wonderful frac, love the mosaic effect, gives it such wonderful texture!
just keeps getting better :0)
hope your day is going well (hugs)
I love hearing Zeke think - being privvy to his reasoning. The mozaic is an excellent thought of yours (Oh WISE STORYTELLER) and the factal depicting it is fabulous.
I should be used to being amazed at how you are able to carry the story on seamlessly each time, but I am amazed at how you keep amazing ;) (Makes perfect sense to me lol)
Going well Trace. The soda is cold and fizzy today. :-D
Oh I love the flattery Terry. And you do it so well. :-)
The sun just came out a few minutes ago. Thanks for joining me dear. Time for a little snoggle practice. :-)
The soda is cold and fizzy today
Diet or regular?
Oh I do like the mosaic. The cool feel of the tiles across the nerves of each finger. Heightening, focusing the senses.
It is only right to be awarded such a momento for travelling successfully through this awakening.
"embraced pain and dropped their static, solid views"
It is an awakening that cannot be forgotten and can never again be taken for granted.
It's so true, that "training means dropping, not picking up,...doing less, not learning more" I often tell my clarinet students they will spend years learning how to do more with less, to play the simplest way possible, to be purely efficient.
David, you sound like an excellent teacher.
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