Priority: Extreme Level 10 Code Red
Location: Outpost 643 Subsector 5
Dateline: 24:567:0982 M23
Message: Outpost surrounded. Stop. Situation desperate. Stop. Transmitting all scientific logs. Stop. Last rites performed. Stop. May Ji Qong revenge our souls. Over.
May Ji Qong revenge our souls wow!
have nothing else to say that I haven't already covered LOL so just suffice it with a magnificent for the whole evening, thank you so much Trée for the awesome bedtime story tonite!
excellent frac too!
Trace, would you like for me to come over, tuck you in bed and makeup a bedtime story for you. I might have an idea or two. Not guarenteed to put you to sleep of course. :-)
hmmm lets see, you, tucking in, stories, I'm thinkin sleep would be the furthest thing from my mind :0)
Zing Tao Baby! On a cold night like tonight, did you remember to warm the buns? Gotta have warm buns, no doubt about it. Might need a pic or two. Show us your new doo, and the buns too. Hot damn, that would be nice. :-)
LOL put that on your Christmas wish list and I'll see what I can do ;0)
maybe throw in some plaid and that red hat just for good measure.
Oh my, now that would put me over the edge. I wonder how I can work plaid and red hats into this story. :-)
I'm sure you will find a way :0)
go to bed sweetheart, you have worked hard tonite :0)
sweet dreams luv, hope they are pleasant ones :0)
good morning sweet Trée, hope you slept well :0) Have a great time with C at the game today!
hmmm. another good pic. Very dramatic too
Hope your team wins! :)
Happy Saturday!
Now here's something to don't see everyday! lol
Hey, thanks Tree... :-)
You're welcome Y.
Pics turn out okay today? Hope the game went your way.
Terry, they won with a great team effort. Christopher scored his first basket of the season. Haven't downloaded the pics yet. Thanks for asking. Hope you are having a peaceful Saturday with much love in your heart.
Hurray for Christopher's basket! We have so much pride in our kids, don't we?
I'm hanging around, trying to get to the myriad of chores I have put off forever. Christmas is looming with impending certainty and I can hardly procrastinate much longer. Have a good evening Trée.
Your team did win!, great, looking forward to the photos
As imagens estão cada vez mais bonitas...
Obrigado Elaine. Eu aprecio suas palavras muito muito. Beijos.
As always, a pleasure!
just stopping in to see how the game went and say hi sweetie, quiet around here tonite :0)
yay for Christopher and the team that is great!
Hope you are having a great saturday! (hugs)
An awesome image and story - I would love to take a CAT scan of your brain tissue...imagine the enery patterns.
Bonita, I'd be afraid to see the results of the scan. Somethings are best not known. :-)
I do greatly appreciate your kind words. I think your energy is pretty good too. ;-)
Deborah, thanks for being so nice and generous with your words. They are so nice to read. Thanks sweetie.
Trace, hoped you've had a great Saturday too. Keep warm. :-)
Love the stories and the fractals. Keep 'em coming.
Just checking in to sat hello and Happy Holidays. I finally broke down and bought my own domain so I won't be updating my usual blog anymore. Come visit my new place, I added a link to you.
Wow, I can't visit for a couple of days and come here to find more amazing fracs and stories. Awesome! You're amazing and very creative.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. *HUGS*
Lysergia, welcome. I think you guys are doing some fantastic work with Apophysis. I say the same. Keep'em coming.
Dariana. Thanks for the new link. I tried to leave a comment but it told me the site was under construction. I'll check back later. Oh, and great pic of you with the Santa hat. :-)
That might be my "second" favorite pic. LOL.
Thanks Karen. I had the time and a burst of creativity with an audience egging me on. I've got Christopher this weekend so my time on the blog is rather limited, but I'm itching to pick this story back up and run like a pampus being chased by a snortnose longhair boarik. :-)
with an audience egging me on
hey! I resemble that remark LOL
hope you and Christopher are having a great weekend together :0)
snortnose longhair boarik ROFL where do you come up with this stuff :0)
Trace, I have no idea where these ideas come from. I see an image in my mind and thoughts just come tumbling forward. One day I'd like to meet the entity responsible for all these thoughts. :-)
Have a great Sunday dear. I think we are going to try and do a little xmas shopping today. I expect to be pummelled. :-)
I expect to be pummelled.
LOL, try not to wear yourself out too much.
have fun sweetie!
I loved the poignancy of the text in this one. Sometimes fewer words convey so much more...
Thanks Melly. The last five posts were all created in a very short window along with the images. Many times I tend to use more words than are necessary. Thanks for the kind words and the wonderful reminder that less is often more. :-)
Trée, u r doing great work. Keep it up. I was so inspired by this - just what we collapsable xmas trees people need.
Congrattts Tre!
good morning sweetie, hope you have a wonderful Monday (hugs)
Hey Cupcake ;), hope you had a fantastic weekend!
Looking forward to the continuance to this saga, to being astounded anew by your limitless talent and to giggling myself silly at your fruitcakish comments. :-)
Wow Tree so lovely, as always..
fruitcakish comments
ROFL Autumn you crack me up :0)
Keshi, not sure what the congrats are for, but thanks. :-)
Thanks Trace. Been a good day. We might actually have a hire or two today. That's good news. :-)
Sunshine, always good to see you post here. Been a very busy weekend and Monday. I hope to get back into the story as soon as I can catch my breath. I'm going through fractal creation withdrawal.
Thanks Anu. Hope you are doing well over on the other side of the world. Your kind words are very much appreciated.
Wow! What a way to go. I'm not sure that's how I would want to end my way. The fractal kind of says it all. Whoa.
Liz, those scientists on Outpost 643 were not real happy with the slow response. :-)
looking at this one again (uploading into webshots)
is it just me, or does anybody else see a lion like face on this one, I just noticed that when it was full size, wow, its great :0)
Oh no! Surrounded! Code Red! Last rites!
Ji Qong will surely find the way to avenge this....even if it means forgiveness.
Thank goodness all the scientific logs were saved.
Oh the poor poor Zaels.
AWESOME fractal! Extremity. Animosity. Fear. I see it all.
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