Red rain occurred only a couple times a year and all work ceased in preparation for quiet celebrations of remembrance and thankfulness. Most Metalunans celebrated the day in silence to honor the heart, which they felt spoke with the eyes and with deeds, not with the tongue.
On this day, thousands gathered to say goodbye to their new friends and wish them all the best on their continued journey into parts unknown. To launch on a new adventure during a time of red rain was considered a sign of good fortune, a sign of a new beginning, a sign of cleansing. The mystical among them called it a blessing from the cosmos.
The Hynerians, likewise, shed tears of thankfulness for the kindnesses and largesse bestowed upon them by strangers, now considered friends. From the timely repair of their ship to the Golden Tree, the Metalunans had given more than the Hynerians could ever repay. Words were uttered but not heard, and more importantly, not required or needed. The look in the eyes and the tears on the cheeks spoke volumes and this simple gesture, as far the Metalunans were concerned, justified everything. The Hynerians were leaving with more than just a Golden Tree, they were leaving with love, a love created from love and given freely.
So many wonderful messages in these posts and the story gets better and better. Am enjoying the calmer segments, stopped biting my nails when I log on here now convinced there will be a joyful ending ;).
The fractal is stunning!
- though these days I fully expect to be awed, it is just a matter of to what extent :-).
Have a good evening!
(Your clouds remind me of those I saw last week).
The Hynerians and all the others seem to be endowed with all the human emotions we experience. Your picture and descriptions are so vivid that I can look at them and be in the midst of the crowd, sharing the farewells.
" ...thankfulness for the kindnesses and largesse bestowed upon them by strangers, now considered friends".
Kind of like my new blog friends
Don't stay up too late darlin' English/Danish woman of many breathtaking words that simply reflect the beautiful soul that expresses them. :-)
Well said Terry. I feel the same way about all those that visit here. So many wonderful comments left here, I feel like a very rich man. :-)
Gift of the gab for sure.
Such a happy place you have here, full of love and warmth. :-)
Just heading off to bed, came to say goodnight:
...good night, Terry, good night, John boy...lol, over-tired.
Sweet dreams my lovely blogmate with a heart large enough to span the globe and bring cheer to parts unknown. Hugs and kisses. Do you need to be tucked in?
Goodnight Autumn - :-D LOL Walton trivia made it's way to Denmark. Sleep tight - sweet dreams.
Trée, wow. Amazing. I can't keep up :)
I went back a few posts, and I'm so happy I did. Such wonderful things. The story and the accompanying fractals (or as you explained to me, perhaps the reverse is true - fractals and accompanying story :)
This is becoming quite an adventure.
The Squorks are amazing. While I could feel the male's natural agression, I also could almost hear the music in The Dance of Alisa. Your dance fractal is dynamic, if that's at all possible.
Okay, I'd better go before I write a story about your story :)
Tuck me in and help me fall asleep :-)
Suddenly so many fellow bloggers are going through tough times and besides emailing half the night away, I'm worrying the rest of it -(silly, I know) catching up on me though now.
:-) Should make a blog birthday wish for peace and happiness amongst my blogmates.
Jabber on, as well as make bad (Walton) jokes, when I'm tired, lol.
OK, definitely going to try again now, just over 3 hours til the alarm rings, yikes. Night, x
Thanks, Terry, night, x
Melly, your comments are most welcome and most appreciated. The fractals take much longer than the prose but both are equally enjoyable to match together. The story is fractal driven. Where it goes next depends on what I can create so where we go from here is as much a mystery to me and to you or anyone else.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments. Hugs and kisses my dear. :-)
Just so incredibly beautiful Trée, if I wasn't already weepy tonite, this would have done it (as it is now I have tears streaming down my face).
The Hynerians were leaving with more than just a Golden Tree, they were leaving with love, a love created from love and given freely.
just beautiful sweetheart, you just keep getting better and better.
Thanks Trace. Why the tears sweetie?
nothing bad just relief to be done with finals, not being able to sing tonite and just having to watch, still not feeling a 100%, just crying at the drop of a dime today, this too like everything else will pass :0)
this chapter was just beautiful and it just set me off again, no worries sweet Trée, its still all good :0)
Just checking. Never thought these little stories would be the cause for tears. Mmm, might be time for a little he-man space battles. LOL
sweetie today dropping my car keys in snow in the parking lot was cause for tears :0)
this chapter was just very touching, and touching gets me every time.
space battles are always good too :0)
The red clouds just take my imagination to a place where no words exist. And I drift...
Blood red clouds. Cool! The sun is behind them, wanting badly to peep out at the world below.
I love this, and love the sky and clouds. It looks like the golden sun going down and reflecting off the clouds. Beautiful!!!
I'm enjoying the stories too, and wish our world - everyone - can be more like them.
Chicky, I'll trade you some red clouds for a few of those beaches you've been visiting. I thought you might like this one. From a distance, this fractal looks like a photograph. Maybe somewhere at sometime there was a sky on earth that looked just like this. Keep those wonderful pictures coming. :-)
Morning Stacey! Just trying to keep up with your prodigious production--lol. I did like the yellow coloring in this one for that very reason. Only thing missing here is a rainbow. :-)
Karen, me too sweetie, me too.
You amaze me with your fantastic concepts. "a time to reflect and give gratitude for peace, love and health." Oh let us celebrate these red clouds right along with them.
Aggie, the feeling is mutual dear. :-)
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