Squorks begin life on the moons of Spherion. Aggressive by nature, they lived unknown to the outside universe as scavengers, feeding on anything that came close to their natural habitat, the space around the seven moons. Because food was scare, only the strongest and brightest Squorks survived. Their skill at stealth, maneuver, and attack are without peer for their size.
Metalunans befriended the creatures, domesticated them, and over time, converted their natural aggression to protection of Metalunan fleets. Scientists discovered Squorks have a rare and unique chemistry that allows them to integrate inanimate matter into their living tissues. With that discovery it was only a matter of time before Squorks were equipped with the latest Metalunan technology.
Bravo-Four-Zero's first contact with intelligent life outside of Hyneria were Metalunan Squorks.
wow this fractal and chapter appeals to me on so many levels, just brings out my inner science girl LOL
fascinating, just fascinating:0)
they have a spore like quality, organic yet not, damn I am such a geek sometimes ROFL
ROFL, Trace, welcome to your sci-fi geek side. You have company. Makes me want to snuggle up for, at least the first half of, a good old fashioned sci-fi movie. :-D
ooh snuggling, sci-fi, only watching half the movie :0), what a great way to spend a cold winter evening :0)
My thoughts exactly. Cold and rainy here tonight. And LSU is getting beat! :-)
And LSU is getting beat! awwww poor thing, ooh just switched it on, bummer they really are getting beat aren't they :0)
I definitely think snuggling is in order then :0)
getting sleet here, I asked for snow not ice, someone messed up my order :0)
Well, there is an old proverb that says if all we every get is Sun, we will end up with a desert. :-)
It be raining tonight in Georgia, raining Tiger tears that is--lol.
It be raining tonight in Georgia, raining Tiger tears that is :0)
I have never heard that proverb before, one of those ones you read and go, well yeah that makes sense :0)
Aquaman would have these guys for lunch..and so would his sea horses. No wonder your Hyerianian guys took over the planet.
Aquaman. Mmm, I needed to update my reading list. Sounds like an interesting character.
Your imagination is incredible! Squorks have a rare and unique chemistry that allows them to integrate inanimate matter into their living tissues.
That's the stuff of the very best sci-fi writers.
I bow to you, Mr. Asimov!
And the Squorks are beautiful, regardless of their agressiveness.
Hmmm...aggressive beauty. Now that's a good thing.
Squorks are cute little buggers, and very playful too. Just don't make them mad. ;-)
So glad to see you enjoying the story Aggie. I've missed you.
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