Priority: Extreme Level 10
Location: Outpost 643 Subsector 5
Dateline: 20:567:0982 M23
Message: Outpost under attack. Stop. Taking incoming fire from Javalina Destroyers. Stop. Not sure how much longer we can hold out. Stop. Where the [censored] is that [censored] help?! Stop.
I love the colors on these last 3 fracs Trée!
wow I can't wait to see how this plays out :0)
you are being very prolific tonite :0) not complaining a bit, love these bursts of creative energy :0)
Hey babe, I've got plenty of bursts in me. :-D
How many can you handle?
LOL trust me darlin, I can handle anything ya got ;0)
That's my girl. Just what I wanted to hear. :-D
LOL I always do my best not to dissapoint :0)
I think I just found the Zing Tao leader of this expedition to save the Zaels and the Hynerian scientists, assuming they are still alive. Now I just need to figure out what to say about this character and give him a name. LOL
LOL always must save the scientists LOL
I'm sure you will come up with something great (no pressure of course LOL) you always do :0)
No fair! You guys started without me!
What a treat to wake up to four such spectacular images. Hardly need my coffee this morning (well, that admittedly is an exaggeration;) with all the excitement going on here.
Fantastic, to say the very least, all of it.
shoot Autumn I almost went to bed, glad I didn't LOL
I've got popcorn, want some :0)
I feel like I'm producing B rate Saturday morning movies--lol. What ever sells the soap, quality be damn. :-D And damn the speeling too--:-)
What the hell, I'm having fun. And as I like to say:
Zing Tao Baby!
Where is Aggie when we need her. :-)
LOL there is nothing B rate about these.
and speaking of missing persons, where did Terry go?
Got the name: Ji Qong! He's leading this expedition. Got the fractal too. Give me a bit to finish the prose and we will be a step further in this story. :-D
excellent :0)
Salty or caramel? If you have both, Trace, I'll take some of each (greedy, granted, haven't had breakfast yet).
Breathless with anticipation!
My two favorite blogger babes. What more could I want! :-)
Some peace and quiet so you can finish that next part? ;)
caramel would probably be better for breakfast, pass some coffee this way :0)
Some peace and quiet so you can finish that next part LOL I swear I'm trying to behave LOL
Trée you are such a sweetheart :0)
BAM! Ji Qong Lives. LOL
The storms there certainly seem prettier than the ones here.
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