As Brave-Four-Zero quietly slipped through the night, Kyra dreamed of more innocent times with Papa. Shells riding the midnight waves on the back of Valla's own famed Dorfels turned her cheeks upward. Even in slumber, her imagination saw the most spectacular things that made others wonder how that brain of hers worked. She didn't know either, but she was going to need every bit of imagination she could muster on the journey ahead. For now, just sweet slumber.
love love love the frac!
and another great chapter darlin.
Shells riding the midnight waves on the back of Valla's own famed Dorfels
splendid visual and another unique creature name :0)
her imagination saw the most spectacular things that made others wonder how that brain of hers worked
kind of like we do with you :0)
excellent sweetie, excellent
Hows the evening going?
Been so busy with real life I've been going through fractal withdrawal pains. So wanting to know what is going to happen next, especially with Papa's first mission.
By the way, finally got a name for Papa other than Papa Kyra. That just wasn't going to work with his mates--lol. You'll have to wait for a future post, unless you can guess. One hint. It starts with a Z. :-)
You'll have to wait for a future post, unless you can guess. One hint. It starts with a Z
LOL you know that will drive me nuts LOL
you are very very bad LOL
Yes, I know. ;-)
oh and thanks for the book recommendation, I started it this afternoon, very good so far :0)
yeah, I just got it today (had to order it from a used book seller, amazon or barnes and noble no longer carried it)
I'm only a few chapters in but it is definitely holding my attention :0)
I really like Eisenhorn and the universe Dan has created for him. As Ms Science Girl I thought you might enjoy this one. :-)
Evening all.
Loved the continuance, astounded by your limitless talent, now I just need to read your fruitcakish comments throughout the day and my own withdrawal symtoms would have been worth suffering ;-).
Fractal is fantastic, story too. Slumber is such a lovely, quaint word, nobody uses it (at least not this side of the ocean). Excellent!
Thanks Sunshine. It's been killing me not having time to work on my fractals and continue the story. I need to win the lottery so I can do this full-time. lol
As Ms Science Girl I thought you might enjoy this one
LOL and thank you I am, not only is the story good, it is fascinating :0)
Morning Autumn, sleep well?
Wait till you meet Ravenor. He continues with his own series after Eisenhorn. :-)
can't wait, I love book series, I have about 3 that I read regularly (from what I am reading now in this one, gonna have to make it 4 I think LOL)
I just love a good read, always have :0)
Wait till you meet Ravenor
Sounds cool - I like the name :-D
Publish = like winning the lottery
The regular visitors here would buy, that's already a fair and pretty penny (or dollar coin as the case is).
Evening Terry :-)
lol, thinking of that scene in 'Grease' where they sing about all being together again :-)
Evening Terry. Why am I not surprised you like the name Ravenor. :-)
Hey Terry whats up, so far its a really good read :0)
The regular visitors here would buy
sign me up for a case :0)
Oh Sunshine, would you come with me on my poster signing tour? lol
Sure, I'll even keep a steady supply of pens to hand you when the old ones run out of ink :-)
Tree, this is the most beautiful fractal I've seen, I love love love it!..but this story, with the last post compared to this one, is this an end or a "beginning"?.hmmm
You're hired! :-)
Now how many jobs do you have?
Thank you Rhi. The story of the Zael's is just Kyra remembering the times with her grandfather, Papa Kyra. The fractals took the story on a diversion into Kyra's childhood and the adventures of her Zing Tao grandfather. I think her upbringing is going to tell us why Kyra is a special child and the one to lead Bravo-Four-Zero to a new homeland. :-)
"her upbringing is going to tell us why Kyra is a special child and the one to lead Bravo-Four-Zero to a new homeland"
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!
...I'm about to lose control and I think, I like it :-)
Gosh, that brings the total of jobs to about 5 or 6, I think.
Evening all - mornin Autumn :-)
Trée- fantastical fractal! Looks like a fabulous Dr. Suess ferris wheel contraption (LOL, been reading too many books to Hunter).
We have all missed your postings - glad to see you back.
...I'm about to lose control and I think, I like it :-) Pointer Sisters? tee hee you go girl
that brings the total of jobs to about 5 or 6, I think.
no wonder you never sleep :0)
Oh, Sunshine, don't lose control just yet. Save up! :-)
Terry, good to be back. I'm ready to get Ji Qong back in the story. I'm really interested in what he has to say to "Papa Kyra."
Anyone gonna guess Papa Kyra's name? :-)
Zing Tao baby?
Terry, lol. Only one first name and it's not Zing. :-)
LOL, guess what you have come with in that creative mind of yours? Wouldn't even know where to start :0)
My daughter is begging to use the computer - man alive, it's not fair. sigh. Don't stay up too late - sorry to miss the social hour - boo hoo. Guess I'll find out the mystery name manana :-/
~heavy sigh~
Okay, I give. Zeke. Zing Tao Zeke. Kinda has a ring to it. LOL
I had a bird named Zeke - also a horse. I like it!
Trée, you are way too easy LOL, and nope not one that was floatin around in my head, does have a nice ring to it :0)
Take it easy Terry, have a good rest of the night (hugs)
night all -
hugs :-D
Can't argue with that Trace ;-)
Night, Terry, x
Zeke befits him, good choice, lol :-)
Nite Terry. Zeke is gonna get a lesson on the nature of fear from Ji Qong. Now I just have to find the right fractal and figure how what the heck to say about fear that sounds like it means something--lol.
Can't argue with that Trace
LOL :0)
Night, 'boss', happy dreaming - maybe even dream up that next chapter :-)
I'm outta here too, night Autumn have a grand birthday party :0)
night Trée, sweet dreams darling :0)
Sunshine, have a great day. Sweet dreams Trace.
Thank you, both, x
Pretty shells, pretty pretty shells, like a christmas present unique and special
morning sweet Trée, hope you slept well and have a wonderful day!
That does make me feel peaceful and remember the fanciful dreams I had as a child, and being cuddled by my dad. How do you do that??
Have a great day! *HUGS*
Karen, I have no idea. Hugs back at ya. :-)
Alas, to sleep. Perchance, to dream.
The lovely shells of the mind.
Go Kyra! We all stand behind you.
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