Location: CIC Zael
Dateline: 30:567:0982 M23
Message: Zael under intense attack. Stop. Wigglinas have attacked in the North and the South. Stop. Javalina command ships have launched wave upon wave of Scatalinas against CIC. Stop. Situation dire. Stop. Please advise on ETA. Over.
Fractastic frac!!!
I love this fractal. Are you sure it's not a Google spiderbot?
holy moly batman ROFL
another great cliff hanger, dang I'm sorry, I can't possibly go where I am supposed to tonite, the suspense is way to delicious LOL
Awesome frac!!!!!!
Uh oh, I surely hope this urgent communiqué is not going to interrupt Zeke’s meeting with Ji??? Who the hell is writing this stuff? My holy mother of cows, is the poor lad ever going to have this freaking meeting! Would someone just write the dialogue and send it to me. Shiott, that’s what this is. Pure Javalina shiott.
you're killin us here Trée LOL
(but in a good way of course!)
Thanks Sunshine. :-) Now I just need to work a little snoggling into the story. Maybe I'll leave that for when we get back to Kyra on Bravo-Four-Zero. That is the story after all--LMAO.
Liz, you surprise me. I would not have thought this one would have appealed to you. Mmm, shows what I know. And I thought Golden Child was average at best. Think I'll just keep my opinions to myself. :-)
Oh Trace, don't let me stop your plans. Of course, if you've got the popcorn . . . ;-)
for one of your creative bursts of energy LOL I always come prepared LOL
I can just heare that phone call now, I'm sorry I can't possibly be at rehearsal tonite, you see there is this unbelievable story unfolding and there are these amazing pictures, and well.....LMAO
Would someone just write the dialogue and send it to me. Shiott, that’s what this is. Pure Javalina shiott
He's cracking - oh no! Help help!
Like a Venusian black rawhide whip aged on the farms of southern Zael.
Like a Venusian black rawhide whip aged on the farms of southern Zael
oh my LOL
Careful missy, I might just know where I might get my hands on one of those whips. :-D
"That is the story after all--LMAO."
"Like a Venusian black rawhide whip aged on the farms of southern Zael."
Trée, my cheeks are aching!
And I still gotta know, can't stand the suspence, will there be 'more' tonight?!
well shiott LOL as much fun as this is real life intrudes :0)
I have got to get ready to go :0(
Trée always a pleasure :0)
Autumn, get some sleep
Terry, don't work to hard
I'm outta here for a few :0)
Okay Quickdraw... is there ever a time when you don't have a snappy comeback? You are in rare form today indeed.
"Trée, my cheeks are aching!" Sorry, laughing at myself now too lol
You must show us.
The whip that is.
Bye Trace - TTFN
See ya, Trace, have a good practice!
I might get my hands on one of those whips
and did I say oh my LOL I think that might just bring on the purring ROFLMAO
and on that oh so innapropriat note
kiss kiss
bye :0)
A, I've got to run some errands. If I can create a fractal worth posting that somehow moves the story forward, I'll post tonight. Nothing forthcoming in the next few hours.
Terry, somewhere in my archives is a picture of a whip that is very, very close. Sunshine once told me she had one hanging in her closet so she might have a pic she could post too. I think the post was called Black Leather. :-)
I do remember the post :-D and the outfit that went with it. I am still trying to find one like it.
It looks kind of like a crabbby spider!
Dialogue...uhm, I can't even think of a piece of advice to give. Argh! When I'm writing a story, it's like I'm watching a movie in my head...but I'm betting it doesn't work that way for you. Sorry, Trée.
Terry, if you find that outfit we are gonna want pics! You sitting on the hog, whip in hand, full black leather. Hell, I'd pay to see that. :-D
No worries Ciera, something will come to mind. It always does. :-)
Awaiting with bated breath!
- In the mean time though, I think, I shall have a little nap :)
Enjoy your afternoon, x
Hell, I'd pay to see that. :-D
You sure know how to make a girl feel good
:-D awe shucks
Terry, ready on my end. :-)
sweet frac; art even
Thanks langfors. Kind words always appreciated here.
Ah, we are lovers of fractal art...so many of them are under copyright protection and can't be copied. What a pity, they are so stunning...I'm glad to see yours here.
Bonita, from one fractal lover to another, hugs and kisses my dear child. Come look all you like. :-)
(peeks head in) Oh goodie I didn't miss anything :0)
hope you a having a great nite sweetie!
Just creating fractals that look purdy but have no way of fitting into the story at the moment. Such is a fractal driven story.
I am being totally sucked in by the story and graphics! This is amazing work. Can't wait for the next installment!
Evening, sweetest heart, hope you are having a good'un!
Just creating fractals that look purdy
ooh I wanna see :0)
Thank you Jenni. I'm kinda getting sucked in too. For the first time today I started writing a post before I had a fractal. I just got to know what happens next!
It's not suppose to work that way, so after I spanked myself for being naughty, I think I'm back to normal. ;-)
Morning sweet child of northern places cold with cheer enough to fill three lives. Come over here and snoggle for a bit before you have to go out. :-)
Trace, that's what all the girls say. {blushing}
ROFL well what do you expect when you go around spanking yourself ;0)
"Trace, that's what all the girls say." :-D
well what do you expect when you go around spanking yourself
i'm speechless - HA HA HA HA
How can I refuse such an invitation? I can't! :)
I missed that!
"spanking yourself" - do tell?!?! ;)
It's really more of a show and tell thing. :-)
LOL read up about 8 comments, now that one I did not just pull out of thin air LOL
I framed my first two prints today. Healing Planet and One Step. I printed 5x7 and matted them with a large white matt with a black metal frame. The prints came out really nice. They're hanging on my wall.
I think I need to "Do a Trace."
10, 9, 8, 7, 6 . . .
5, 4, 3 . . .
LOL what areyou doing? LOL
I love healing planet, its back on the desktop again, that has to be my favorite so far
Mmm, I thought someone would jump all over the "Do a Trace" comment.
I meant I need to print out all the images and prose from this story and lay it out all in one place.
I meant...
oh yeah...
I thought someone would jump all over the "Do a Trace" comment.
ahhh I see now, at least give a girl a chance to come up with an appropriate response LOL
and you now have about 17 pages in writing, I have no idea how many fracs :0)
Trace, are you working on an index? Names, places, dates, species, timeline. Might need a dictionary of terms too.
I could make it worth your weight Venusian whips. :-D
Terry {TYSH}
That would be weight "in"
Now I have the Trace typing disease--lol
Terry, my secret code for really big smile. :-D
I have the Trace typing disease ROFL
sweetie, when you are ready to publish you just let me know, I have everything you need :0)
and I actually had already thought about a list of the flora and fauna (its that science girl thing again LOL), just to see what all you come up with :0)
"I have everything you need . . . just to see what all you come up with."
Nuff said. SOLD! :-D
LOL ;0)
Don't forget to put me down for at least 10 copies! Don't forget too, Terry has has already worded our mention :)
A, I'm thinking bus tour. Me, you, Trace and Terry. Think you guys can free up a couple months?
Sure, just need to find a babysitter lol
now that is a plan LOL :0)
Autumn, you can leave M with my mom LOL no worries
Holy Coe, I forgot Aggie. And she has the bus from the Disney trip. Everybody meet in Texas. I'm sure Aggie won't mind. :-)
Excellent, Trace, now you're sure she won't mind?
Agnes is a 'given', that's why you forgot :)
nope mom will love it :0)
Agnes is a 'given', that's why you forgot :)
(nods head in agreement)
Anyone for a game of Wabi Wabi? I just discovered its a favorite pastime of Zing Tao on long trips.
Wabi Wabi
sounds intriguing, do tell :0)
I'm definitely in for a game of Wabi Wabi - looking for some fun!
I'm working on the basic rules right now, but it should be up in the next few minutes. :-)
Hi Kathy. :-)
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