Papa Kyra did his best to look studious, studying every aspect of the Javalina Main Command Dreadnought. He hoped no one noticed the sweat dripping down his forehead. Years of working with fear were about to be put to the test. So far, fear had the upper hand. The older hands onboard knew and he felt, without words, their compassion and undying brotherly love. Once a Zing Tao, one was a Zing Tao for life. The brotherhood was small and about as tight knit as was Hynerianly possible.
Not much was known about Javalinas. They were known to be aggressive and technologically advanced, but other than that, subsector Zael was still vastly unexplored. What little they knew came from the several scientific outpost established to study Zael duality, a subject near and dear to the heart of all Zing Tao.
Zael Studies, what few had been published, fascinated the entire Zing Tao community. The first distress reports were disturbing. The second and third stuck fear and from fear action. Papa Kyra's transport would be the first to reach the sector. It had been two weeks since the last relay message had been received. No one quite knew what to expect.
Btw, this is still not the Zael part 2 post. It's written, but these other fractals are pushing it back. You guys will learn much more about the Zaels in that post. Hang tight. :-)
oooh I need popcorn for this :0)
so glad I didn't go to bed :0)
gorgeous frac my dear!
Silence packaged in disbelief permeated the transport
stellar Trée, just stellar :0)
Don't go to bed just yet. I think another urgent message (Flashback) is coming in. :-D
oh I am so not going anywhere LOL
except maybe refill my glass and get more popcorn :0)
Aha - I wondered where you went Tracey...
Wow Trée.
Hey Terry. We've been missing you biker babe. Welcome to the show. Did you bring the popcorn? :-)
Nope... sushi LOL
'bout time you showed up :0)
Sushi, I'll take a couple cali rolls if you got'em.
They don't make transistors like they use to do they? Yet another thing these aliens have pilfered from us.
I'm at "Move Out" now. I LOVE the last post. Flashbacks - Green type, Extreme Level 10 Priority, and that Dateline. LMAO Oh my you are a sci-fi buff aren't you? Way to build the tension! Insane, sharp-edged, erratic fractal to boot.
Where the [censored] is that [censored] help?! Aaaaa!!! Things are getting out of hand.
Ok, so back now to Papa Kyra - Zing Tao. Rescuers of the universe. We can feel his youthful trepidation. We respect the honor of the Zing Tao brotherhood. And may I add that the use of the word "Hynerianly" just iced that cake for me!!
I am so deep into this now. Like a great novel; I read and I am lost in the reality of the characters.
(Dreadnoughts? Where have I heard of dreadnoughts before??)
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