Ji smiled at the added difficulty. The volume of one’s thoughts magnified in the vacuum of sound. Like walking outside in the deep wilderness and witnessing stars forever unseen, silence revealed the ever constant flow of thought, and the sound was deafening. Like the stars, these thoughts had always been there. Silent operatives in most lives, pulling strings and issuing orders from the shadows. These thoughts feared the gap like evil fears the light. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Zeke would face his tormentors, his captors and he would face them alone.
The questions flowed faster than Zeke could catalog them. Seemed each one came hand in hand with “Why.” They begged to be heard, begged to be addressed. Like the incessant knocking of a child at the front door, the questions banged from the inside of his skull begging for release, demanding answers. Zeke watched. No resistance, no judgment, nothing solid or enduring here. Watch, listen, watch again. Notice how they come. Notice how they distract. Notice how they leave like the caged animal who realizes you have no food for them.
“Lieutenant Zeke, come in please.” Startled, Zeke replied. “Roger, Zeke here, over.”
“Lieutenant, look to your right and switch your frequency to 643z.” Radio techs must have all gone through the same training. Zeke was damned if he could ever deduce any flavoring of tone in their communication. He called them blank voices.
Zeke couldn’t quite make out what he was seeing. The glare from Z16 made seeing difficult. He lowered his amber antiglare visor. Chills electrified his spine. The assault came not by way of vision but snuck in the twin back doors on the side of his head.
“What the hell is this transmission,” reacted Zeke. Almost immediately he regretted the tone in his voice. “Apologies. Transmission is garbled. Need clarification. Over.”
“Change the alpha channel two clicks to the right Lieutenant. That should clear most of the static. What you are hearing is being beamed from . . .”
Zeke didn’t hear the rest. He knew.
“Outpost surrounded. Stop. Situation desperate. Stop. Transmitting all scientific logs. Stop. Last rites performed. Stop. May Ji Qong revenge our souls. Over.”
The message was looped. Auxiliary battery power had been transmitting since inception. The signal was weak but unmistakable. Outpost 643’s last communiqué. The blank voices were no longer blank.
“Situation desperate. Last rites. Revenge our souls. Situation desperate. Last rites. Revenge our souls. Revenge our souls. Revenge our souls. Over.”
The words echoed within Zeke's heart like unexpected hammer blows long after he had clicked the receiver off. His eyes fixed on the sight before his drone. Not much remained of Outpost 643. Still golden, still beautiful. Still a tomb.
Surrounded. Annihilated. Defenseless Hynerian scientists had met their end here. Right here, in this place, floating before his eyes. The silence roared with the power of a hundred crashing waves on the beach of Zeke’s mind.
Zeke didn’t know it, but his first test had arrived. Ji sat silently in his chambers watching the events unfold. Did he have a bowie knife or did he have a samurai sword. He would know soon enough.
Commentary Part 1: Commentary Part 2:
I must say Tree, This has become a very facinating and interesting story... And the designs are just as interesting... How about a little back ground?! ;-)
Hey Y. Hope you had a great Christmas. Love your lastest posting. By the way, who did that fabulous painting. Looks like you got a little cold posing. :-)
As for background, this story started with the November 26th post "Carribean Canopy" although it started to take off three days later with the Hynerians. Check the archive link at the end of my sidebar.
Take care sweetie. So good to see you posting again. :-)
Must comment on the fractal first this time, which I would hang on my wall next to the one from Agnes site - wouldn't ever tire of looking at it.
I've said it before, and its completely true, I can't think what to say anymore other than to tell you, you keep amazing with your great talent. The story, the choice of vocab, its a combination of many things that make it so very, very good.
You've wow'ed me! :)
Wowed Sunshine. I'd like to see that. :-)
My darlin' your comments to me are like coffee in the morning. I don't know how I could live without either. ;-)
Come a little closer. I want to see what wow looks like up close. :-D
How was the rest of your day yesterday? Equally 'fat and happy', I hope :)
Hey Trée! I don't know how you did it, but something about that pic [fractal?] looks...well...Jewish/Hebrew. Did you do that on purpose?
I dropped C off with his mom early afternoon. It was nice to have my computer back--lol. Good day overall. My 19yo copped a bit of an attitude but that was par for the course. She's an adult you know, as she likes to tell us over and over. LMAO
I just let it go and move on. Her karma is not my karma. Just keep lovin' and let the chips fall where they may.
And how was your day today dear? Didn't see much of you online. Busy?
Ciera, this image bears no relation to any known religion. I thought it looked like what might be left of a space station that had been destroyed. No more, no less. How was your Christmas?
Christmas was good! Ah, the painting... Well, as you know, Tara did this painting over the summer! And as for the cold posing, Ha, what can I say... ;-)
As for posting, I feel whole once again... Being able to express myself without someone else's restrictions and insecurities paving the way!
I will check out the archives to catch-up with this story!
Thank you for your kindness and friendship Tree... ;-)
I asked you once before if you have just the two, but you didn't respond.
Bet it was lovely to have them there, attitude or not.;) Happy you had a good day.
Went to see a friend, missed you though :).
Y, I remember the painting, just didn't remember the lower part--lol. How did I miss that. Well, I do have my annual eye exam coming up in March. Maybe I can get it moved forward. :-)
I've missed having you post here and it makes me very happy to see your return. Also good to see your writing again. You have a talent and a way with words that begs to have your postings read over and over again.
Here's a toast to feeling whole again! Red, if I remember correctly. :-)
And you are very welcome my dear friend.
Sunshine, I have two step-daughters (17 and 19) and C who is 11. The step-daughters live with me and I have C as much as possible but he lives about 30 minutes away with his mom.
I missed you too darlin' Haven't been able to get that horseback ride on the beach out of my mind. :-)
Lots of life at your place, I imagine, with the dogs too, lovely.
I actually found a picture of that ride (by chance - M loves horses), lol, corresponds exactly to my imagination :)
Lots of life--LMAO. Lots of talking! Talk, talk, talk. Sometimes I wonder how I'm ever able to put two thoughts together. I seem to be the only one who doesn't need constant white noise (called a TV) on in the background 24/7. I think I spend most of my life turning off a TV in a room with no one in it. Did I tell you I despise TVs.
Mmm, I'd like to see that pic. Might we see it soon?
Hmm, I need quiet, so can understand that. Despise is rather a strong word, lol, though the little I watch is so not worth the money I pay for the licence!
I'll post the picture :-) Give me a few minutes
Hi Tree, Love your use of visual and written, Im just wondering what comes to you first, the story or the pictures? They just fit together so well its hard to tell.
Also, have you ever considered an audio post. I find its always cool to hear the person who wrote a piece, to read their piece. Completes the circle, at least to me.
and.. hope you had a good Christmas.
I need to amend my remarks. I despise having the TV on something I'm not interesting in. How's that--LMAO!
Ooooh, looking forward to seeing that pic. :-)
Its up :)
Hi Alma. 95% of the time the image comes first. I have a general idea of where the story is going to go, but creating fractals or 3D images is like herding cats. You can scoot them in a direction but they are really going to go where they want. It helps to have an active imagination--lol.
Funny you should mention the audio file bit. I read each post aloud before I post just to make sure it flows like I would like it to. I imagine the nuances of tone I know is there is lost on most and it would be fun to add that dimension. Not sure how to go about it but I'm sure I could figure it out. Let me give that some thought. I do have to warn you. My educated Southern voice can be . . . well, let's just say I've been told it's a very nice voice to listen to--lol. :-D
Have a wonderful evening!
Night, x :)
Got room for two? I could snoggle you to sleep. :-)
Plenty of room, feel free to snoggle all you like. :)
Meet you there.
I'll bring my quaidesque smile. And my black stetson.
hey luv, excellent excellent frac!
gotta agree with Autumn, worthy of wall art :0)
The silence roared with the power of a hundred crashing waves on the beach of Zeke’s mind.
such a wonderful way with words, you are something else, and just keep getting better :0)
Hey babe. How's the beach? Did you miss me?
the beach is wonderful (at least in the dark, haven't seen it in the light yet LOL) and the condo is phenom, its bigger than my house :0)
and of course I miss you :0) would have much rather had company on the little walk I just took, white sand, bright moon, crashing waves :0)
you having a good day?
Good day. Not as good as yours, but still a good day. Glad you liked the latest installment. Your kind sweet words are always appreciated. :-)
Great story Tree.
quaidesque smile, black stetson (sigh) :-D
Dream sweet, x
I would have thought the words came first, so thats quite interesting. I love how the pic works with the story so well. Audio Blogger is very simple to use if you choose to grace us with your southern voice. :)
Alma, I find it quite interesting too in that I have no idea exactly where the story goes until the image is created. The image sparks movement, the idea of what happened next.
I'll check out audio blogger. Thanks for the heads up. Hugs and kisses dear.
Mark, glad you are enjoying the story. Keep taking those hikes. Your pictures are wonderful.
Morning/afternoon Sunshine. :-)
I'm enjoying reading this story and the fractles portray the feelings... of course you know that ;-)
The bright blue light in this one is incredible, as if it's calling me to it.
*HUGS* to you and :Jack: ROFL
Morning Hot Stuff. :-D
Have a great day!
Morning Karen. I discovered I can make about a bazillion different stars so be prepared to see a few more down the road. There should be stars in space, right? :-D
Hugs and kisses. As always, thanks for your kind and sweet words.
Thanks Sunshine. You too dear. I might have to wear my steton for these audio recordings--lol. My stetson and my robe. Can you picture that--LMAO.
The little pinprick of light at the back is the best part.
I think I saw a sculpture like this in a museum once - modern art. Seriously. Probably sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Tree, you might want to consider mass-producing your fractal designs for the masses. ;)
Jack, your words warm my heart in ways you'll never know. Thank you for that gift of a post. I do like this one alot. It has that lonely sort of look I would image a destroyed space station might have in space. Warm and cold all at the same time.
Dam', now I wish even more I could hear the voice to go with that image :)
A, I'm thinking of doing two audio postings for each chapter. One would be a reading and the other would add misc commentary to the story and the image. So much about these little stories live in my mind but never make it to the final post, mostly for the sake to space and time. I think the audio file could fill in a lot of little gaps and add an interesting flavor for those that want to listen. Lets get those speakers fixed!
Most definitely - annoying me something cronic now!!
Very much looking forward to hearing the commentary (also).
Oh Sunshine. Last thing I wanted to do was annoy you. How can I ever makes things right? :-)
Its not funny ;op
I'm not always patient.
This is such a great idea, a new dimension - and it will be nice to hear your voice :)
Don't get your expectations up to high. I've listened to these files and I ain't too impressed. Perhaps they will improve with time. :-)
With what you've said? Or the sound?
LMAO, oh the sound is just fine. :-D
I've never known you not to say anything that wasn't more than worth listening to.
(Gosh, I hope, I don't have to wait beyond tomorrow!)
Well, get your sound fixed before I decide audio was not such a good idea after all--lol.
PS: I would never do that to ya. :-D
Good, 'cause that would be the only thing, I wouldn't forgive you ;-)
Hope you are having a fabulous day!
Been a peaceful day. Not a creative day, but a peaceful one. Question. Is there any one post on this story you would like to have me read and comment on? If so, I will do that one next.
How was your day Sunshine?
Peaceful is good :-)
Will have to go back and check - I'll do that now.......
Beautiful :)
Couldn't decide on one :-)
Based mostly on particular sentences, I'd love to hear you read anyone of the following:
Caribbean Canopy
No One
The Chapel
Serenity Gardens
I'll start from the top of your list and work down. Good thing I'm not there or I would have thrown you down on the bed and tickled you silly until I got what I wanted--the number one choice. :-)
If I were ever captured with secret information, they would get much farther in making me confess with tickling than torture :-).
Starting at the top of that list would be good ;). Do you have a favourite?
Not sure I have a favorite, although Caribbean Canopy will always have a special place in my heart. I was really able to get into that one and the fractal inspired the post.
Tickle, tickle. :-)
"Starting at the top of that list would be good ;)" was my too subtle hint, if push came to tickle, I'd pick that one. :-)
I realize the story will come full circle (or at least, that's what I assume will happen, believe you hinted at it once also), but at this point, Caribbean Canopy is different from the rest.
Anyways, babbling, I'd love to hear you read that one in particular.
I'm off. Enjoy the rest of your day, x
A, I'll do that one either tonight or tomorrow. Sweet dreams dear. :-)
The audio file, btw, will be attached to the post in question.
I simply like this fractal, it's so multi-dimensional, like looking down a spiral staircase.
OK, I'm prepared, bring on the stars! ;-)
Hugs & kisses to you too - and don't forget :jack: LOL
Karen, one more star served up above. Oh, and jack is never far away either. :-)
Hi Saffron. Glad you liked this one. It's one of my favorites. I think in part for the role it plays in this story. Very heartfelt, very emotional image for Zeke.
Is the reading a new version?
Afternoon Sunshine. Same recording as before. Did you get your computer sound fixed?
Maybe I just had better sound quality today, sounded fantastic.
I've just got back, soundcard in hand and I'm wondering whether to have a go or wait 'til I can get someone in to help.
A, have you ever taken the back off your computer before?
I had a look and decided this time, I will watch (which means probably earliest Monday) - next time I'll do.
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