The Tragedy of Zael provided the test Ji needed. He would learn, and so would Zeke, just how far this young Hynerian could take Zing Tao. Saving a few Zaels was important but uncovering the next leader of the Order was paramount. Ji was not getting any younger and all great movements demanded leadership. Contrary to popular bedtime stories, leaders, Ji knew, were born, not made. The knife could be sharpened but a pen knife, no matter how sharp, was never going to be a bowie knife, much less a samurai sword capable of greatness.
Vanguards were always first in battle. They possessed thousands of delicate sensors capable of gathering more information on the field of battle in an hour than a commander could process in a week. Seen as an engineering marvel, they were the pride of the Southern Scientific institute. Zeke would be the first to ever actually fly in one.
“This way Lieutenant,” motioned the tech. “Watch your step sir, we’ve had to make some rather interesting modifications.”
Zeke ducked his head and settled into the drone. Pilot not needed. He would be a passenger on this ride. Price of admission—his future. “Lieutenant, if you look this way you will see the main control panel. We’ve modified the display so that you will be able to see all the data normally beamed back to central processing. Any questions sir?”
“I think I got it,” Zeke said to no one in particular. “When will she be ready for launch?”
“She’s ready now Lieutenant. Should we initiate the launch sequence?”
“Yes. Initiate the countdown. No time like now,” Zeke intoned with an unintended edge.
Less than twenty minutes to the surface. Three hours until return. Never before nor ever after would Zeke experience such a dividing line of before and after. The Hynerian that left on that Vanguard drone was not the Hynerian that returned.
Very very cool frac!
Contrary to popular bedtime stories, leaders, Ji knew, were born, not made. The knife could be sharpened but a pen knife, no matter how sharp, was never going to be a bowie knife, much less a samurai sword capable of greatness.
excellent, just excellent
The Hynerian that left on that Vanguard drone was not the Hynerian that returned.
ooooo, love these cliffhangers darlin :0) such a great story!
Why thank you dear sweet one who procrastinates on packing. ;-)
All ready to go?
Another beauty, I love the colors.
Merry Christmas Trée!
Thank you Stargazer. Hope you survived the influx of family. :-)
Thanks for the kind words. Kinda has Tucson sorta colors.
why as a matter of fact I am ready to go :0)
There's still some room left in my suitcase LOL
Is the suitcase sitting on your bed?
at the moment it is :0)
Open the top and bending from the waist with feet firmly placed on the floor, tell me how much room is still available without spilling your water. Nice view by the way. :-)
why thank you kind sir, been working on that view :0)
you know if I brace my hands on the bed and bend over just a bit more, I get a much better perspective on that suitcase :0)
I like your thinking. Give my regards to Barbi. :-)
right after the next time she totally kicks my butt, I'll be sure and tell her you send your regards LOL
Trace is right. You've gotten this cliffhanger thing down to a fine art. I think we're going to see Ji coming out of a dream or out of the the shower at the end--with an evil twin or two! :)
This is so cool! I can't wait to see what happens next. Must say that you do suspense very very well.
morning sweetie
hope you slept well and have a great day! (hugs)
see you at the beach :0)
I'm taking you out for breakfast, if you're free, to make up for the cold snizzle. Anything you want from the menu. I'm having 'Pancakes w. Maple Syrup' - always wanted to try a classic American dish. :-)
Note to self: Remember to refresh the page!
Perfect - love the knife analogy, cleverly done.
"Never before nor ever after would Zeke experience such a dividing line of before and after. The Hynerian that left on that Vanguard drone was not the Hynerian that returned." (resounding round of applause).
Thou art the fracmeister, more than welcome to keep proving it though :).
Looks like a fortified Portugese man of war... intimidating, dangerous, and beautiful at the same time. Very Cool.
Good to see you again Terry. Travel safe and enjoy your return home. No place like home. :-)
Okay, I'm ready for breakfast. Pancakes sound wonderful. I'll take mine with just a touch of sunshine. I was knocking and knocking but you were deep in slumber. Hope you slept well dear. As always your kind words are deeply appreciated. Hugs and kisses my sweet one. :-)
Jenni, I think we need to share. :-)
Thank for your very kind words dear. You've been creating some incredible stuff. Always look forward to your daily postings. I'll try to keep the story going. ;-)
Liz, always good to see you stop in. Thank You. :-)
Trace, I'm expecting daily reports. And if you and your mom do any tent making, I want all the details. :-)
Amazing colour gradation! The shape reminds me of a brain...
Hey Chicky. Looks like something exotic that could wash up on some secluded beach. Keep your eyes peeled since you spend more time on beaches than me. :-)
Thanks as always for the kind words.
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