Simultaneously, the three Raptors disappeared off the same monitors. No Zeke, no Vanguard, no Raptors. Minds raced for an answer, yet the echo back was the same. Command had miscalculated. The Vanguard was no match for three Raptors. Zeke never saw them coming and Command, well, Command had miss calculated.
“Sir,” John hesitated. “Sir, we, we have no explanation. All vector calculations estimated four minutes to impact. That data . . .” Rogers cut him off. “That data John was wrong. How else do you explain all four entities disappearing at the same exact moment?”
The question hung in the air. No one could ever remember such silence in Central Command. Rogers starred straight ahead. Empty monitors mocking his competence. “So this is it,” he mused. Thoughts of notifying Ji, thoughts of history lessons on what not to do next to his name, thoughts of court martial, thoughts of a career in ruins, thoughts of returning home in disgrace, the sight of his wife and children and not being able to look them in the eye. Rogers was full of thoughts, lost in thoughts, consumed by thoughts.
Zeke, likewise had been in his own world. If not for the blinding flash and electrical shock that stung him like a giant willow wasp, he would have still been in that self-absorbed world. Wringing the sting from his fingers and rubbing the blindness from his eyes, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Zeke had studied all the scientific logs transmitted by Outpost 643. Their mission was to study the duality of Zaels, yet, as scientists are wont to be, they tended to study anything that struck their fancy. The Zael system was unique for more than just its magnificent creatures. Electro-magnetic solar storms occasioned the confines of Zael space in ways the Hynerians had never seen.
These storms had been studied during “down-time” and very little was known or at least very little data transmitted. Zeke guessed no one wanted to document time spend on a subject not commissioned. This much was known. The storms were massive. They were spontaneous and apparently unpredictable. Charged with electrical power, any and all communication became impossible for the duration. The few storms documented had lasted from one to five minutes and then they were gone as quickly as they had materialized.
Command had not miscalculated the vector. The blinding flash Zeke had seen was the three

“Sir, exclaimed John. We’ve got data on the Vanguard. Zeke is alive. Lieutenant Zeke, this is Central Command, can you hear me?”
“Lieutenant Zeke reporting. Did you guys see that unfricken believable solar storm? I’ve never seen such incredible beauty and massive power all in one package. Holy fricken molasses.”
“That’s our boy,” exclaimed Rogers with a grin big enough to light the deepest caves in the central regions. “Zeke, I’m not sure what the hell you’re talking ‘bout but it sure is good to hear your voice. You ready to proceed?”
“Yes sir. Like a pampus on his pappus, let’s get this show on the road. I don’t plan on freezing my ass off all day in this Janus forsaken contraption. By the way, give my regards to the engineers. Tell them I’ve got a little sumthin sumthin for them when I get back.”
“Will do Lieutenant. Will do my friend.”
Commentary Part 1: Commentary Part 2: Reading:
Beautiful works of art and the story. don't know how you keep up with it all. But keep it coming!!
Thanks DJB. Comments like yours are all the motivation I need. Much appreciated my friend. Can't wait till you get your sound fixed and can listen to the commentary.
wow Trée, :-o (this is me just sitting here with my mouth hanging open) The first frac is absolutely, amazing, the colors, the texture, the light throughout, the vanguard on the edge of the approaching front, just amazing.
the second one is stunning too!
I am in awe.
another great chapter! I don't know how you keep topping yourself but you do, you are amazing sweetheart.
now, I have to go and listen to the audio, I'll be back (kiss kiss)
Was there the predicted panty blowout or did you take heed and prepare yourself. :-D
Don't let your mom read this stuff. I'll sure that image is not one either one of us wants to see. Cotton too I bet. Yep, best she not see. :-D
Hurry back darlin'.
As always sweetie, thanks so much for such wonderfully kind words. I love love reading your comments to pieces. :-)
Was there the predicted panty blowout or did you take heed and prepare yourself
LOL goin commando babe, but if I wasn't they would be hanging from the ceiling fan :0)
that image is not one either one of us wants to see ROFLMAO
I am loving these commentaries, its like having you here, just sitting down over a cup of coffee and talking through the story, it is just wonderful, I love the extra backstory and the process of the stories creation.
and well what can I say about you reading the text, its like my own personal bedtime story :0)
I love the description of the storms, just wonderful,especially when coupled with the frac and you have definitely nailed the spirit of a scientist:
as scientists are wont to be, they tended to study anything that struck their fancy. :0)
ok I'm going to stop now LOL and take a breath LOL
I'm loving doing the audio, just lovin' it. I feel like you guys are here and I'm speaking directly to each of you, sharing the passion I have for the images, the story, the characters. I really have to thank Muse. Doing audio never crossed my mind. Now, I can't imagine not having a chance to flesh out the postings and give extra detail on what is going on and how the images were created. Believe me I could record a bunch more stuff but I think 10 minutes of commentary per post is plenty.
Thanks again for the wonderful feedback. What time do you guys have to get up in the morning to leave?
we have to leave here by 5 to get to the airport by 6 (yuck, and thanks Delta for changing my flight time, its just lovely) which means getting up at 4 so I'm thinkin I'm gonna be up for the duration since I never get to sleep before 2 anyway and by then its pretty much pointless LOL :0)
you having a good ride today?
Yes, baby, been a good ride. But it ain't over yet LOL.
:-D Its brilliant! From start to finish, fractals included, brilliant!
Awesome is a better word!
morning Autumn :0)
Morning Sunshine. You are up early this morning. Did you hear my whispers on the wind? :-)
Thanks for such warm and wonderful comments dear sweet one. I could drink them up like fine ice wine all night long. Just delicious my dear.
Morning, x :-)
Trée, what I said is so true, I couldn't elaborate! I'm awestruck :)
Thanks Sunshine. :-)
Had a good day?
I have no complaints worthy of being given the breath of my life. But I have many blessings that deserve much more life than I give them. You, my dear, are one of those wonderful blessings in my life. Have I told you that yet today? :-)
:-) Smile provider.
Happy you're happy (think I said the same words yesterday:).
Are you still planning to do audio for Caribbean Canopy etc?
Why yes I am sweetie. Would you like me to do it right now?
I'd pay for your flight just to hear you read that. Installation would merely be a bonus :)
Sweet dreams.
do I get a vote? see you mention Caribbean Canopy and you get my undivided attention LOL
Still up.
I'll have to cancel some of the stuff planned today to hear the audio - esp. if you do C.C., no way can I wait, impossible.
:0) I was out on the balcony, listening to the surf :0)
ROTFLMAO, A, I thought there was going to be a cat fight when I misread your "Still up" comment to Trace to read "Shut up."
Let me go read the post again and see if I'm in the right mood to do it justice. If so, I'll record it.
'Still up' was directed at you, Trée! Thought you'd gone to bed.
Catfights lol!
I think I'm going to do CC now. Give me a few to git ur done. :-)
Oh, and any time you want to buy that ticket just let me know. I pack light so it won't take me long to get ready. :-)
Ooh, yes, you must be in the mood to do it justice, I already imagine how it will sound :)
Definitely must get to a comp with sound today then, crucial!
Okay, both the reading and commentary are posted under Caribbean Canopy. Trace, if you are still online, give me your take. Sounds funny to hear myself read that one. I already feel a need to redo it.
still here sweetie, give me a chance to download and listen and I will be back :0)
Feel like pouting! Or at least waking M, so we can get to a comp :)
Already can guess what Trace's comment will be :-) We'll see if I'm right..
They did it! Yey!
Trée, beautiful fractals, and I was so happy to see how the story unfolded. I loved the storm idea, the duality of beauty and destruction.
By the way, I have a post today from a guest (hubby dearest :), a post that may be of special interest to you.
A, I was holding off for this exact reason.
Hey Melly. Thanks for the kind words. I'll check out your guest. You have my interest now. What a tease. :-)
Wish you'd told me :)
Actually, maybe I should wait til I can hear it in privacy at home :-D lol
Is hot stuff after all.
Nah, who am I kidding. Not that patient.
alright miss smarty, just what do you think my reaction is going to be LOL
Trace, you won't hurt my feelings if you think I should redo it. I would rather get it right than just get it done.
'Oh My!'
Well, hopefully :)
Trée darlin, you will get the truth from me always (just had to give Autumn trouble LOL)
the story:
my reaction is the need for a seriously cold shower and if I still smoked I would need one :0)
now the question becomes, do you think you could better? ok so probaby not the question to ask a perfectionist LOL but seriously, its good, its oh so very good, but only you will know when you are happy with it.
now the commentary:
stellar, I haved loved that frac from the moment you posted it so hearing you talk about it adds so much(and there are parts of the commentary that are as hot as the story)
oh and just to be my normal predictable self,(just for Autumn LOL) said of course in my best Susan Sarandon voice
"oh my!"
oooh one thing though, you are losing the last 3 or 4 words on both of them, its like the volume drops off right at the end, could just be my itunes, I'm loading it into the ipod now to see if that still happens
It's taking her longer to write this comment than it took me to produce it. lol
Trace, your iPod setting are causing that drop off.
:-D Sounds like you did a perfect job, Trée.
To repeat myself for perhaps the 25th time, can't wait to hear it!
I think I might try an Alt Version, where I adlib a bit to make my reading more natural. The prose is a little difficult to read and not sound like you are reading.
A, you need to sign up to either yahoo or AIM so we can chat in real time. Both are free. I would sign up for MSN, but I don't trust messenger as a chat client. Give it some thought.
LOL it did not take that long
and an alt version with adlibs, think I just listen in that cold shower LOL
You should try that, can imagine it is very difficult to read it aloud.
No thought needed, I'll do that.
"think I just listen in that cold shower" :-)
Autumn, I have all 3, AIM is probably the easiest to download and use
I can see it now, mom gets up and I am in the shower with my ipod ROFL
"mom gets up and I am in the shower with my ipod"
lol still laughing, you are too cute!
I just have that picture in my head, and am trying really hard not to burst out laughing :0)
I'm LMAO over my own silly comment at your place as well, double giggles, great morning! rofl
woo hoo, I loved it
(though we might have to discuss the brad thing ROFLMAO)
Oh, gosh, I'm not a brad fan but in that one scene in that movie - 'Oh my!' :-)
Sunshine, I just recorded an alt version of the reading. It's posted with the other. I smoothed the edges with a little adlibing. In fact it's almost twice as long as the original version. You definately need to get your sound fixed now. Rumor has it, it is a little warmer. :-)
How warm? :-)
Safe to listen to in public? :-)
& I have no idea what 'YMMV' means, but that's okay :)
don't believe those rumors, its not warmer, its blazing :0)
Might want to ask Trace about that. I don't think I would have M in the same room.
Your Mileage May Vary
Your Mileage May Vary
But that would mean waiting 'til next week (pout)
Autumn, just take earphones with you
and refrain from saying "oh my" and fanning yourself every few minutes LOL
A, if you have the card, I can walk you thur how to install it. Really not hard. I promise.
Autumn, its really not, if I can do it, anybody can trust me
Thing is, strange/stupid as it may sound, all things technical usually develop problems when I am in near radius - have therefore become a coward about trying my hand. Give me anything without wires and I'm fine.
ok so we are back to the public computer, seriously take earphones and it will be fine.
only other option I have is wait until I get home, I'll call you and play it over the phone :0)
This is Denmark, and so they only had one type, which I'm wondering whether is any good, since I only paid USDollars 47.6398
oh and y'all have been great tonite, I only have 30 more minutes before its time to start getting things together to head out.
thanks for that, it would have been a really long night without somebody to play with LOL :0)
I have no idea what one usually costs here
Safe jpurney - see you when you get home :)
thanks Autumn, its going to be a long day :0)
Trée, did you go to bed?
if you did sweet dreams darlin and thanks for the hot flashes tonite LOL
Autumn, have a great day and a fun time tonite, I'll see you later and thanks my friend for getting up early and keeping me company
Thanks, Trace, you too, x
A, that sounds about right for a low end sound card, which is all you really need. If you want me to walk you through it tomorrow, let me know. Heading to bed. Have a great day sweetie.
Was just about to tell you to :)Sweet dreams, x
Adding the audio is VERY awesome. :-)
Happy New Year!!
I'm looking forward to it, hope you are too!
Really cool images here (as usual). It's always a pleasure to visit your blog. I look forward to seeing your latest works of art.
The audio is such a nice touch too!
Happy New Year, Trée!!
Listened to C.C. Perfect.
Now for Stormy Weather...
Reading is excellent
Commentary equally so.
Happy New Year Tree'
I love the added audio Trée. It adds so much to the posts. It's almost like you're sitting there reading them to me.
I love the artwork! Hey how do you add audio to your blog?
good morning darlin,from the beautiful Atlanta airport LOL , hope you slept well and have a great new years eve!
Dang, I'm gonna have to beg borrow or steal a comp. that has sound, sheesh, I'm getting so far behind.
Gorgeous, you've done it again... there is something tranquil about the stormy look though. I guess it's because I love clouds.
HAPPY NEW YEAR my friend! *HUGS*
Morning Beanhead,
Thanks for the very nice comments. Here’s how to add audio.
Go to audioblogger.com. Takes just a couple minutes to set up an account—it’s free too. Then you just call into the system, leave your message and audioblogger automatically posts it to your blog. That’s it. Simplest thing I’ve ever done.
Let me know if you have any other questions and thanks for stopping by. Kind words are always appreciated.
Happy New Year.
I love clouds too Karen and these are so beautiful and so dangerous at the same time, which is why I thing I love them so much. Plus the colors are gorgeous.
Happy New Year from me and Jack!!
DJB, that is such a nice compliment. I think you will enjoy the added commentary. I talk about the story, add details and sometimes talk about how the images were created. Happy New Year!
Sherri, that is so nice to hear you say. Now, just image me reading them at bedtime, you are all tucked in, and there is a plate of carrots on the nite stand. Of course, you are wearing your special snowbunny pajamas. Cottontail optional. :-)
Now that is a reading I would pay to do. :-D
Happy New Year Sherri. Oh, and my carrots are just for you dear. No worries there. Psycho sec ain't getting any of these. ;-)
Sherri, maybe we should leave her some plastic carrots in her mailbox. What do you think? :-D
Christa, Happy New Year to you too! May the New Year bring you reward for your talent and efforts. You are too good not to be rich.
Thanks stargazer. I appreciate your opinion and the kind words. I'm having so much fun doing the audio. Really has added a whole new dimension for me with regard to the story and to blogging. Thanks for the feedback.
Wishing you and Wontar a very Happy New Year!
Saffron, Happy New Year to you too. Keep producing those beautiful fractals. :-)
Kiley, so good to see you stop by again. Thanks for the kind words on the audio. You know, you and Tom Brady are forever linked in my mind--lol.
Happy New Year wild woman!
trée, you really need to write a book. :)
Oh sweetbabyk, now I know where you get your name. You would save me so much money if you were here since I could take sugar off my shopping list forever more. :-D
Have a wonderful evening, if I don't speak to you. Happy New Year, Hot Stuff :-)
aww, thanks Trée, you're a sweetheart. Ladies man. :)
Big plans for tonight I take it? If so, have a great time sweetie and stay safe. Let me know what you really thought of CC and the alt ver when you have the time. Hugs and kisses and Happy New Year sweet Sunshine!
Go visit Agnes.
Feel like just staying home, but that's not right, right?
Mmm, she must have just posted since I was over there and left comments about an hour ago.
I used to do the parties on New Years. Now I enjoy just staying home, not having to worry about driving and who might be on the road and watching all the celebrations from around the world. I'll be here if you're around. Heading back to Aggies place now.
Oh, and if you haven't checked in on "Grandma Starfish" she has pics up of her baby boy grandchild. :-)
What I meant is I feel happy and excited about all 2006 will bring and a party could hardly improve that :)
I saw them, beautiful boy :)
I think, I'm going to stay back...
Dearest, sweet Agnes, my heart aches so for her.
Been a tough time for her. Having been down that path a year ago, I feel for the place she is in. No words can help. Only hugs, love and time with time perhaps most important. Times like this, the distance between us makes me wish it was otherwise. Strange as it may sound, I feel like I need to be there at the visitation and the services. She will be in my thoughts and prayers for the weeks to come.
Doesn't sound strange.
Plastic carrots in the mailbox will be just fine. ;-)
You have a happy new year too trée!
Thanks Sherri. You too darlin'.
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