Sunday, August 28, 2005

J_Snow Mate #24 added to our Stats

J_Snow, joined Andrax on 2/13/05 as the team's 24th member. J had been crunching molecules since 2/07/03 all alone. Then he found us and came aboard. J's numbers exceed 500,000 points but the database backup is only showing about 2/3's of his total contribution. Suffice it to say, J is a dedicated member of our team and we are fortunate he decided to become an Andraxian.

J, since we don't know your exact point total, I'm going to take your contribution since joining Andrax and add that to a base of 400k. That should get us pretty close to your actual total.

J hails from Orlando, Florida. J, welcome to the blog stats. Glad to have you on the list brother.


Anonymous said...

Adorei o "emotion"!
Teu blog é muito interessante!
Beijos e boa semana!

Trée said...

E, você diz sempre que as coisas e eu te amo os mais agradáveis para ele. Minha sua vida seja enchida com o leite e o mel, e talvez as rosas demasiado! Morno embrace e muitos, muitos beijos.

Anonymous said...

Você é sempre muito gentil e carinhoso!
Mais um beijo! (lol)

Trée said...

E, eu farei exame de todos os beijos que você quer emitir minha maneira. lol

Você tem um espírito tão playful e blessed. Eu estou contente nossos trajetos cruzei-me. Beijos para meu bebê doce.

Anonymous said...

J_Snow, what a great Team Mate!