Friday, August 19, 2005

Friday Night Flirtation (Part 2)


Anonymous said...

Well thank GOODNESS you finally posted a photo of me. On a more serious note, can you please drop me an email and let me know what the heck I am doing as part of this VOlunteer your PC team thing. It seems to be working but NOTHING updates I have been at 1 day and some odd hours forever on the United Devices Page and when I login to the member page everything still says zero. I am happy to help but I have little faith that it is all working as it should be. Not to sound negative but if the pages aren't updating how do I even know its working?

Trée said...


The grid is undergoing some database repairs and as such the team stats and even the individual stats are currently not being updated on the grid pages. You will notice that when your own computer uploads a work unit that you see an increase in your point total and total time. The engineers at the grid assure us that all work turned in is captured, useful and will be given the proper credit once they have their database issues straight. Thanks again for crunching on our team. I appreciate your patience on the stats.

Oh, and more than happy to post your pic—anytime 

Take care,


Anonymous said...

michelle, not to worry. The Grid is doing a *huge* restore:

>>Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices


UD - Robby Brewer
UD Employee

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:11 pm
All, we are still actively working this. As I mentioned in a previous post, we are attempting a reimport of the user stats into a new database table. This is a HUGE amount of data. We have been importing for days and it will be more days before the import is complete. We do not know if this will fix the problem or not, but we are hopeful. When it takes a week at a time to try different workarounds/debug steps, you can hopefully understand why it is taking us so long to correct this issue. When I have new information regarding this, I will post it. Until then please be patient and know that we are not ignoring this issue.



Trée said...

Thanks for the reply JC.

Anonymous said...

trée, they are doing all they can and I can understand why.

There is a lot of stats to update and I think it will be done.

Also, the *new* Cancer work units will arrive very soon.

Oxford had discovered some rather revealing results in our work (results), and this is a great thing.

Research does take time! It *is* worth it!

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to post as"JC".

Hang in there, all! Discoveries are great thing to hear about!

Rome was not conquered in a day!


Trée said...

JC, I am here to stay, no worries there my friend. As I have mentioned many times, anytime you have close to a million personal computers uploading and downloading data into a single database, and been doing that for several years, sooner or later the database is gonna have a hipcup or two.

Cancer is not going anywhere and neither is this great international team of ours. I have been so proud of the way everyone has responded to the stats not being updated. Besides, the individual and team stats, as much fun as they are, and I can't wait till they return since I have a good chance of overtaking oVo when they do for the top spot, ultimately don't really have any significance.

My dear friends on this team, we will stay the course and we will move forward in our battle against this terrible disease. Again, my hats off to everyone.

Trée said...

Well, I have to smile now. When I posted this pic, the conversation above was not exactly what I was expecting--lol.

Michelle, thanks for asking the question. I'm sure others on our team that have just joined or do not follow the offical communications on the grid forums have had the same questions as you. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to post them here or email me as you have done.

Thanks again for joining with us in this effort against a relentless foe.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, "michelle".

I have been engaged four times and walked away all four times.

Two were named michelle, that looked like that very pic. Both were born in April (same month as I).

Head strong, intelligent and dam good looking Ladies. Impatient like me.

Oh geez, I hope I don't post this.

Oh well ...
/hits the button

Anonymous said...

LOL! I forgot to say it was from me.

The reason I walked away is because I knew it would not work out in the end.

Geez, talk about major pain.


Trée said...

JC, I know the pain that just the name "Michelle" brings forth after the tragic events of this spring. I wish there was something I could say or do to lessen that pain.

Just know I am thinking of you tonight my friend. I promise not to recruit anyone else named Michelle--lol.

Michelle, I've recruited two of you guys now--mates named Michelle that is. JC was engaged to a Michelle early this year. She was tragically killed in a car accident this spring.

Anonymous said...

Every time I come in here I'm confronted by scantily clad women. I'm going to try and come in here on a thursday!

Very pretty women though

via Blog Advance

Anonymous said...

JC, I'm so sorry for you loss.

Anonymous said...

This was probably the most side tracked comment thread I've read for some

Lovely women,Trée...all of them :)

Now, I need breakfast ;)

Anonymous said...

Passei pra desejar um bom final de semana!

Anonymous said...

Why do they remind me of the UNTOUCHABLES...? ;) heh heh...
These photos are soooo flirtatious and contagious! I bet they come with a Saturday morning hangover... -.-

Anonymous said...

Maybe one day my bod will look like that...! hahaha!

Trée said...

Anna, contrary to these pics I post, which is just my way to lighten the mood and have some fun on Fridays, I have always believed that sexual interest, desire and attraction was and is a function of the mind more so than a reaction to or of the body. True desire springs from the imagination, the body just follows along like a puppy dog.

What sparks that desire? I would argue, a woman's intelligence, her bearing and dignity, the look in her eyes, her maturity that shows forth in balanced witty sensual playfulness, the way she sits and walks, they way she dresses--and I don't mean like the pics I post on Fridays.

To give you an example, I took the family to dinner Thursday night. Sitting next to us was a lady, probably 45 years old, wearing a long skirt, long sleeved blouse with a red sweater. She was dressed in what looked like typical business office attire. In other words, nothing fancy or remotely sexual about it.

Yet, there was just a presence about her, the way she sat, the tilt of her head, the look in her eye, the way she moved her hands and the way she held them on the table, the way her eyes made contact with her husband or lover across the table, all these things and more made her a woman I just couldn't take me eyes off of. Thankfully they were leaving about the same time we were arriving--lol.

Tight young bodies are nice but highly, highly overrated.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT's what I'm talking about!! Artistically, of course. (wink) I mean, just look at the use of lighting in that shot! Awesome!

Michelle, you are one hot chick. haha!

JC, so terribly sorry. A thousand things I would say from my heart but they will change nothing just yet. Time. That's all. Time.

Trée, you are quite correct about desire having it's own triggers. I will add that they are different for every single individual. When we see something that we find "sensual" it comes from a collection of images, thoughts and emotions developed from many sources.
Media, past and current relationships, even parental relationships add to what we find "sexy".
And, of course, do not leave out chemistry.
For the record, I married my mother. I love him dearly, but he carries a LOT of her traits. Work out the details on that one. ;)

Trée said...

Agnes, well said my dear friend. One of the reasons I did not pursue my PhD in European History was the frustration at not really ever being able to say why anyone ever really did anything. I still love history and value my years in grad school as the finest years and most productive I ever had in academic life and wouldn't trade those three years for anything. And I admire the heck out of my friends that move on to become professors because I know what they had to do to get there.

Your post is so true. We tend to live as reactionary beings, pulled in a thousand different ways by a thousand different impulses, most of which we have no conscience awareness of.

Time to go do some "sitting" and let the dirt in my jar of water settle down so that I might more clearly see the day and moment right in front of me. Maybe I'll play a little Jimmy Cliff to get my mind right--lol.

Anonymous said...

I think this women is very hot..thanks for sharing.

Trée said...

Venting, my pleasure. So glad to see you visit again :-)