Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am taken
spoken for
sealed and signed

She is tight and taut
a hard body
bronzed and ripe

For me
she will grind
and enter even
the boiling

Her essence
stardust to my mornings
stronger than any drug
filling me
as she fills my cup

Don't ever
I'm just saying
and my morning


Ms Storm said...

Dear Mr George, taken I am also, with you and the marvellous words that you write. :-) Love this. Deft and a huge smile.
Love it so much so, I need a large cup of steaming hot aromatic coffee right now.
An instantaneous favourite. Resounding applause before a merry, awed face.

Trée said...

My dear, grab two cups and let the birds know, we expect a show. :-D

Ms Storm said...

From The Decadent Autumn Storm, a long time ago, this reminded me of that and of those times (early days of blogger) rich, pleasant, filling and joyful.

The scent that wafts from your warmth is pleasure in it's purest form instantaneously enclosing me in a thousand memories. Similar moments rise from the subconscious, like the tide coming in to flood out all else, to fill the emptiness from within and just the anticipation alone of what I know is to come lifts an involuntary shiver from my body. Calling wordlessly to a place deep inside, the message perfectly understood. That first gentle touch against my lips, heated, sensual, never fails to make me smile and I find myself offering silent appreciation for your strength. A strength that seems just by it's very presence to permeate every part of me, lending itself to my own and making me feel like I could take on the entire world, if she challenged me. Besides, I love the taste you leave in my mouth.

I'm not sure that I can add anything to the quick comment that I left above, I simply love this, though reading back the clues are obvious, the language was so sensuous, so arousing, it wasn't until you wrote it that I realized what it was about, and promptly the piece became even more marvellous.