Saturday, March 14, 2009


From light to darkness
and from darkness to light
love seeks and knows
without a tally
without a score
as a mother her day
by smiles in her pocket
and hugs hung
with the coats
under dirty boots
and worn mittens
as the wool of lamb



Autumn Storm said...

This image, as they always are, so perfect for the words that stand beside it. With the words, it comes to look as a wand, waving magic, the magic of love, love as described, unconditional and ordinary, wonderful warm constant lasting ordinary. Thoroughly endearing composition, very special.

Trée said...

Thank you Sunshine. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ms Storm, in an uncommonly brief paragraph, said almost everything I would have said. It brought back the pink, chubby cheeks, twinkling eyes, and mischievous smiles of my own two imps, and how they would look up at their momma. Thanks. :-)

j said...

Very nice image evoked with your words.

My son was wearing his ball uniform today and had the dirtiest face. I grabbed a wet towel and started scrubbing. It flashed in my mind that I KNEW how the scene would look to an observer - his face turned up, chin held in one hand, while his face was being scrubbed under the bill of a cap by a serious and fussing mother. There wasn't anyone TO observe but still, I appreciated how it might have looked.

A smile in my pocket :)

Trée said...

Jen, I'm not sure I've ever told you, but I admire your writing skills very much. Your blog postings are an example of great blogging and are always creative and entertaining and very, very well written. You paint pictures, just like here, as well as anyone. And I am honored you take time to stop by and read here.

Thankfully yours,
