Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I Do

I do what I do;
let someone else
label it.
Let them cut
and divide
my hide
earn their keep
I'm six feet


Ms Storm said...

Fabulous! To repeat, this is the kind of rhyme that is instantly lovable, the type memorized en masse, sticks and stones, the type one hears people quote and others recognize and nod approvingly, brought forth from memory to mouth when situations and events call upon it, a mantra to remember everything is temporary and so long as one is true to oneself, other people's judgements or criticism matter not. Absolutely delightful written verse.

Trée said...

My dear Autumn, as I was thinking of poetry this morning, and of how little I know of the academic mechanics of the form(s), I just thought, what the hell, I write what I write and it is what it is and you either like it or you don't, but don't make me dance like a monkey to someone else's forms and rules. :-D

Ms Storm said...

Hear, hear. :-)
Besides, in regards to poetry, that is what poetry is, that much I do know, not something produced so to speak but something released, I very much doubt, and sincerely hope, that the those greats much admired were versed in this manner either, the heart has its own language and at its purest expression, there is writing such as you give forth upon these pages. Anyone can write, we can all study and edit and manage to produce something that is worth reading, study others enough, their particular techniques and methods and just as with any other vocation, practise improves skill. I still believe with coaching, I could be another Tina Turner. :-D And you've heard me sing, so you know I am right. ;-) But natural writers, born writers, such as yourself, are something else entirely, and when you choose to share that gift as you do here, you are a gift onto everyone who appreciates beauty.

Trée said...

Your comment humbles me. I know not what else to say.

Anonymous said...

Trée, I'm impressed with this one so much that, like Ms Storm, I believe it's a classic. Your poetry, in my opinion, seems the most stripped down and raw when you are completely pissed and telling someone to fuck off. Hm, like when you care the least what anyone thinks...that is when the best comes out. Ms Storm, what is your take on this? I really want to know. I feel like I am in literature class, lol.

Trée said...

Mmmmm, interesting observation. Maybe I need to start a sequel to Drunken Poetry--perhaps call it, Pissed Off Poetry. Vol 1 and Vol 2. What do you think? :-D

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha! I think you should. Ms Storm? You know him better than I do.