Sunday, March 22, 2009

Of Sun and Sand

I saw the world
in a head of hair
I know that sounds
as strange as it
seems to me to say

but I did
and I can't say that
I didn't
for the sight I saw
saw me
and the light I sought
found me
and in that bounce
of curl
in the fullness of
in the hues of
sun and sand
rolled as waves
across your
I saw a world

and then
as if the clouds
were curtains
I saw you smile
the smile of angels
and I felt a falling
a falling away
of me
of that idea of there
being a me
as a wave falls away
back into the ocean
a return to
a return to

I felt as the beach
upon the day
caressed gently
by waters warm
serenaded by gulls
a choir in swarm
of wings spread
of wings white
and beaks of golden

a family of porpoises
glimmers on the sea
playful in swim
the way of things
large and small
no one had to tell
the mom
what to do
or the children
how to play

and I feel now
in that bounce
and reflected light
of a head turned slightly
and a curve not seen
that I need no instruction
to float


Autumn Storm said...

Blissful to read, a poem that is as a narrative, mellow and fluid, melodically rich, rounded in tones, the type of poem that would sound particularly nice read in a voice that has those same qualities, and I know someone just like that...

This poem reminds me of your prose directly in terms of your beginning, your subject, and how it doesn't seem to matter what you write about, as we join you in those very first words, that joining is true and complete and your vision becomes ours through the agility and expressiveness and sincerity of your words. When you write that you see a world in the bounce of hair, there isn't a moment, not even when you write there should be such, where that seems strange, instead one thinks of times when something has seemed that way, to cite the easiest example, the world in a line or a passage, in the face of another.
This part is especially lovely
I saw you smile
the smile of angels
and I felt a falling
a falling away
of me
of that idea of there
being a me
as a wave falls away
back into the ocean
a return to
a return to

So lovingly expressed, the return, the home-coming, the stripping away of ideas and thoughts and concepts learned. Connection, I love the way that you have incorporated or rather the way in which these words are reminiscent of the story about the wave. Simply delightfully expressed, a beautiful passage through and through.

Yes, due to having lost every train in underwater dreams and so forth, to summarize, through and through the entire poem, you fanned the flames of love for poetry with this prime specimen.

Trée said...

Sometimes the poem just writes itself and I simply watch it unfold as if watching the words magically appear. This was such a poem. Your comment, again, is an utter delight to read. Thank you Ms Storm. :-)