Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Running Errands

I was out running errands today
and as I was driving
I thought of picking you up for lunch
of you sitting in my car
that first time
and I imagined what you would be wearing
how you would smell
how you would move
and sit
and hold your head
and smile
and how you would sound
if you talked fast or slow
if you were shy or not shy
and I wondered what your hands would look like
how they would move
the fingers
strong or delicate
and I thought of what I would be thinking
which was of kissing you
and I wondered where that would happen
when it would happen
how nervous I would be wondering if you wanted to kiss me too
and I thought of that first movement
when I leaned in
my eyes on your eyes
hyper sensitive to your every move and reaction
looking for any resistance
any hesiation
and then the brushing of lips
just touching
just the lips
as if we could feel our hearts beat in our lips
hear them in our ears
and I would want
just for a second
to feel your breath
on my lips
to feel that warmth
the softness
the desire
then I imagined your hands reaching for my head
pulling me in
your fingers in my hair
and that is where I melted


j said...

Beautiful! Poetry for daydreamers.

Trée said...

Thanks Jen. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. :-)

Autumn said...

Jen said it perfectly, this is poetry for daydreamers, every longing, every yearning, every hope and dream rising to the surface, captured with every line. I melted too, just reading you.

Trée said...

Thanks Sunshine. :-)