Monday, March 23, 2009

Fifths Imperfect

Riding the bow
in stokes long
and minor

the moments play

luthier, my lord
get thou

bowed on four
tuned fifths

pitched high
let not
my cry

though smallest
deceive thee


Trée said...

The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings usually tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments. A person who makes or repairs violins is called a luthier.

SaffronSaris said...

I realised this poem is about music. But I didn't quite grasp the meaning of the title. Fifths are perfect, diminished or augmented, aren't they? Or would you be refering to an imperfect authentic cadence, still a V-I, but an inversion on the V?

Trée said...

Saffy, the poem is metaphorical. It is about me, needing repair, so "fifths imperfect" is a poet taking literary license. Perhaps one could say I am perfectly me, that my fifths are perfect as fifths are, but I'm stuck in my own delusion thinking what is perfect, is not. :-)

Ms Storm said...

Sparks, to read this. Frissons of excitement at the innovativeness of this poem, the creative use of metaphor description, I feel like anything I say would simplify the cleverness, as though it should sit just as it is, displayed, with just a following of breathless wows in this comments section. Wow.

Trée said...

Ms Storm, your comment is noted and appreciated. Thank you.