Thursday, March 12, 2009

661. Quotes: 9

Sometimes it is not about who is right, but what is right; and almost always, what is right is not a number, but a person.

Von recalling a conversation with Zeke


Anonymous said...

How many times have I hear that phrase on the job? Hey, I dig that fractal. May even set it as my desktop display.

Trée said...

Lucila, enjoy. :-)

Autumn said...

I read this and the image popped into my head of sitting atop a lusciously green hill, green below, clearest blue above, and the scents of summer, of berries and blooms and happiness, the simplicity and the peace.
I must thank you once again for the opportunity to get to know Von and Zeke a little. :-)

Trée said...

Well, this quote has slightly different memories for me. :-D