Monday, March 30, 2009

Ludic Days

I listen to adults
having adult conversations
about adult matters
and adult concerns
and I want no part
of the worlds they construct
the worlds they haunt
the worlds that hang
like leaden cloaks
on deluded shoulders
worries worn as epaulettes
as a badge of honor
bitter negativity
the secret handshake

I listen to adults
having adult conversations
about adult matters
and adult concerns
and I want no part
of the worlds they construct
the worlds they haunt
the worlds that hang
like leaden cloaks
on deluded shoulders
worries worn as epaulettes
as a badge of honor
the secret handshake

I listen to adults
having adult conversations
about adult matters
and adult concerns
and I want no part
of the worlds they construct
the worlds they haunt
the worlds that hang
like leaden cloaks
on deluded conceptual
worn as epaulettes
as a badge of honor
the secret handshake

I listen to adults
having adult conversations
about adult matters
and adult concerns
and I want no part
of the worlds they construct
the worlds they haunt
the worlds that hang
like leaden cloaks
on deluded shoulders

If this is life
I want no part
of life

If this is existence
I curse
the hand
that set me
in motion

If this is my day
the sky holds no sun
and the rain provides
no nourishment
and I look upon
the world

Give me children
the wisdom imparted
before adult concerns
steal them away
and the ludic days
of wonder


Dom said...

Bonjour Trée ...
Une fois n'est pas coutume, je vais verser quelques mots en français pour colorer votre site si intime dans vos pensées et dans vos propos.
Merveilleuse image dont les teintes me rappelle celles de l'automne quand la nature se couvre d'or et de lumière.
Vos poésies lui donnent cet effet de brise légère qui fait frissonner les feuilles.
Préserver son regard comme celui d'un enfant qui s'émmerveille est une chose rarissime mais si précieuse en ce monde où les gens semblent avoir tout vu, tout entendu, tout vécu ....
Garder son esprit d'enfant devient un combat quotidien dans ce qui noie le monde. Et si parfois nous y parvenons alors gardons le sourire....

Trée said...

Pierre, j'aime quand vous commenter en français. Il est mon sang, comme une hausse des marées de printemps et de mes reins chaud comme le feu fraîchement tourné. Je vous remercie des paroles très aimables. J'essaie. J'ai vraiment essayer de maintenir un émerveillement enfantin vers le monde. Étreintes et les baisers doux ma chère femme. Toujours un plaisir de vous voir s'arrête.

Trée said...

For those who may wonder, since from time to time I make up words, ludic is an actual god-fearing creation from Noah or somebody like him.

ludic |ˈloōdik|
adjective formal
showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness.
ORIGIN 1940s: from French ludique, from Latin ludere ‘to play,’ from ludus ‘sport.’

This poem is a mixing of two ideas or concepts. (1) ludic, yesterday morning, was a word on my mind, to be fair, because it was one of my words of the day and I thought it was an utterly delicious word; and (2), as I was holding ludic in my mind, my sister came over to have lunch with my mother and as I listened to their conversation with the word ludic on my tongue as candy, well, the poem wrote itself.

Peace. :-)

Mona said...

A poem always has the propensity to write itself...

I love the repetition here which is very meaningful. Everywhere you turn the world is full of ...well...the same story. Its a herd mentality, its a sytem gone wrong. People choose to be sad and miserable more comfortably than they can choose to be happy. In fact they feel guilty about their happiness most of the time , while being miserable is 'alright'.

I guess this arises from the way we treat childrn in their childhood. If they are playful and cheerful and noisy, we always try to shut them up, but when they are sick and suffering, they have all our sympathy and care. A child therefore learns that its is 'good' to be sick and miserable, and 'bad' to be happy and cheerful.

The entire system is at fault!

Trée said...

Mona, you just said it better than I ever could. Thank you for contributing. Your presence is always a joyful and welcomed occurrence. May you days be filled with peace and your nights with joy. :-)