Friday, April 23, 2010

751. storms and trees

Only in the storm do you know the roots of the tree

quote attributed to Papa


Lady of the Lakes said...

And we all know that Papa was a very wise man!

Praying for PEACE




Autumn said...

Bless his heart, I love that man to the moon and back :-)


Trée said...

Metaphorically, Papa is talking to Kyra of relationships, that in good times, all the trees (relationships) look healthy and strong and the forest full. But as someone from Louisiana knows (hurricanes) when the storm comes, those trees with little to no root system are easily uprooted. Divorce is like that storm, like a hurricane. And when it passes, you know, which of your relationships were rooted and strong and which just looked that way from the outside. I suppose if there is any consolation, when the storm has passed, which it will, you have a much clearer idea of how your forest stands.

On a sentimental note, and I've never written of this before in five years, but the origin of not all but virtually every Papa chapter is my own longing to have a Papa, one I can walk with and talk and seek advice. I never knew how great that need was until my dad died and even though I seldom sought his input, when he was gone, I knew as clear as day, there was a void in my life, not as much that he was gone, but the fact that he was gone shined a light that in so many ways, he was never there in the first place--and that now, with death, would eternally never be there. And not long after that, The Story began to be written and it moved of these forces within me, of love, of love lost, of relationships in good times and not so good times, of companionship and esprit de corp, of talent and gifts and skills to be discovered, of life and lives to bloom, of the wonder of children and the promise of simply doing the right thing without any thought to a reward beyond the reward of doing the right thing. The Story is, perhaps, on a subconscious level, everything I need, everything I want, and the diary of my life, inner and outer, that is less fiction than any journal I could have kept. Wow, have no idea where this comment came from except to say, I'm between my first and second cups of coffee and I need a hug. I've heard they're free (think I will repost that video), so if you got a spare, could you send it my way?

I love all you guys. Your comments through the years, at times, have been more important to me than I know to say. And my gratitude is undying. Peace.

Lady of the Lakes said...

Sending TIGHT HUGS your way...however many you need, for however long you may need them!!!




Trée said...

Thx LotL. I'll take them!