Saturday, April 17, 2010

747. Interview with Kyra (on John)

T: So when did you know?

K: That it was over?

T: Yes.

K: At the cottage.

T: What happened at the cottage?

K: Saw Trev and Em.

T: Can you expound a bit on that?

K: When two people are in love, everyone around them knows. Love is not something that can be hidden. Even Rog could see it. And so what happened is this, that light, that love, shined so bright, shadows formed everywhere.

T: So--

K: So what Trev and Em had I knew, I knew the second I saw it, was not what John and I had.

T: And that was it?

K: Yep. That was it.


Autumn said...

As I read this post, I thought back to another, where Kyra is in her quarters looking out into the darkness, the endlessness, of space.

This interview leaves one wondering of the heart behind the words, not her insight into the difference, nor her reasoning for ending her relationship with John, this is seen clearly in her expressions here and in what we know to be true of Kyra's character, she would not be one to wish she hadn't seen those shadows, seen the truth, but one wonders of what she might have thought looking out her window that night, whether she thought of Kieran.

Very, very nicely done.

Trée said...

Kyra never fails to simply get right to the point--no nonsense. I know this chapter probably seems rather abrupt in the storyline between John and Kyra, but the deeper I get into Trev and Em, I simply can't see Kyra and John the same way and rather than try and write of love when I wasn't feeling it (which is impossible without looking like a fool) I decided that when Kyra saw Trev and Em, she would know and as soon as she knew, she would end it. As for that night, of her looking into the darkness, I think she fears that there is no one for her, that Kieran was it, her one chance and so she lives with the very real prospect of having the unique and rare ability to play in the field of love without having a partner. So, where the Kyra/John relationship goes from here, I don't know. But we do know one thing: John doesn't make it to earth. ;-)

Lady of the Lakes said...

Hmmm, like when your in a coffee shop, and someone makes a comment, when you happen to be standing several feet apart? This may not make any sense to you, but, it does to me, and since when do my comments make any sense? LOVE THIS POST!!! Nuff said!



Trée said...

Thanks LotL. Wishing you all the best in Boston tomorrow. And don't you forget! Getting to the top is optional, getting back down is not. :-P