Thursday, April 15, 2010

742. just a little knocking

Rog and Yul looked across the bed, to the dresser, to that small little vial. Do we need it? he asked. Licking her lips, she replied: Frail no! About thirty minutes later the management was knocking on the door but the knocking without could not be heard over the knocking within and this is how Rog and Yul ended up at the cottage, rather late is seemed, to the owlish eyes of Em and Trev.

What in the jackassary are you guys doing? asked Trev.

Well, little brother, it's like this. I told Yul, Baby, if you wanna fly, your feet are gonna have to leave the ground. About this time a rather loud smack was heard, and Yul smiled, and Em told them to come on in.


Trée said...

Sometimes you just have to say, screw the writing and just have fun, no pun intended. Well, maybe just a little. :-D

I've forgotten how much I've missed Rog and Yul. :-)

Autumn said...

Effing ace, love it!!! Ear to ear beam at this scene especially the smack. LOL What a treat!

Trée said...

It's kinda scary when one misses one's own characters such that when they return, you wonder where they've been and what they've been doing--without you. :-D

As always my dearest Sunshine, your comments are gold in the bank of my heart. Thank you.

Trée said...

As a preview of 'possible' coming attractions, or at least the idea is in my head, Yul is going to notice that there is something different about Trev, something she can't quite put her finger on, but the urge to put her finger on it is overwhelming. ;-)