Friday, April 09, 2010

730. the fear of swimming

The Papa/Kyra portion of this chapter is a remembrance that occurred shortly after the episode with the fireflies: 93. Dance of the Fireflies


Kyra: Papa, what do I do with Love?

Papa: Swim.

Kyra: Swim?

Papa: If I threw you in the lake, what would you do?


John: Where are you?

Kyra: Right here silly.

John: I know that look. You're anywhere but here.

Kyra: Was thinking about Papa and swimming.

John: So why the furrow?

Kyra: Fear.

John: Of what?

Kyra: Swimming.

John: Really?

Kyra: Not that kind of swimming.

John: What are you talking about?

Kyra: The swimming in the soul of another. That's the fear.

John: You know what.

Kyra: What?

John: It's a chance I'm willing to take.

Kyra: Just so you know, once we take that step, there is no going back.

John: Don't want to go back. I see a horizon, a dawn and I want to know that day; not the days that have come and gone.


Trée said...

The sketch is of Papa from the last days on Silus.

Lady of the Lakes said...

And we sometimes take that 1st step without knowing, without a knowing of what we are doing, of what we are getting into. Not knowing that there is no turning back. There is a point of no return, that once it is passed, well, let's just say, once passed the point of no return, one is never the same. Things change. The sky seems bluer, the grass greener, the rain sweeter, the flowers more beautiful. And let me tell you...the sky is as blue as I've ever seen it, and the grass is such a lush green, it ashamed to mow it. The flowers, especially the azaleas, are so rich in their bloom right now. Maybe it's just me, but this spring seems particularly wonderful, like a gift.

Again I babble. I hope this makes some sense to you, for as I've said before, I AM NO WRITER...


Love to you...always


Trée said...

No worries. Your sincere intent is duly noted with joy. Thank you LotL. :-)

Autumn said...

I had not anticipated Kyra and John, and that is not to say it will be smoothe swimming for here on out, would move so swiftly towards each other. Swiftly of course being a somewhat laughable word to use given how much space has existed between them for so long. It is very gladdening to see this promise, to hear the faint drum in the distance of happy endings. Happier tomorrows perhaps that should be. At least as tomorrow pertains to close relations, John, Ariel, Kyra. Papa's words in regard to being thrown into the lake may be the single most clever advice ever given on the question asked, and naturally so for the direct answer. Simple. Why do we so often insist on palava. Very nice chapter, in message, in progression, in its promise.