Monday, April 12, 2010

736. home

Trev: Have you ever lived completely? Maybe just a moment, maybe longer, but so completely there was no separation between you and the moment, as if you had entered inside of time, inside the watch and now were beyond time.

Em: Mmmmm, tell me more.

Trev: A place of no compromise, where everything is binary, yes or no, black or white, on or off--clear as that. And you know of which. Never a question.

Em: Keep going.

Trev: I always had a fear of heights. Kids used to tease me, especially at the swimming pool because I would never dive from the high board, always feet first. The fear was so great and the agony too, of watching others leap, dive, so beautiful the human form, in dive, from above. And I felt grounded, as if I had clipped wings, clipped before I even knew I had wings. And I would hear laughter as if underwater, not the pleasant kind of laughter, but the laughter of separation, the kind that communicates a this and a that and everyone else is a this and you are a that. Do you know what I mean?

Em: Somehow I think you're about to tell me.

Trev: I am.

Em: Well?

Trev: Well, one day, I climbed the high board and I walked to the end, toes hanging over the edge. I put my hands together, over my head, as if in prayer and focused on releasing the tension along my spine where the muscles were dolphin tight. And then I released. Something just let go and I saw my body bend and my hands go forward and when I came up for air I knew there was no going back.

Em: (smiled)

Trev: And you know what?

Em: What?

Trev: That moment of triumph, of letting go of the fear, of finding my wings, that rebirth into the world, that moment so divine, so complete in and of itself, is how I feel, when I am with you.

Em: (sitting silently, just looking at Trev)

Trev: And you know what else?

Em: What baby?

Trev: There is no fear. I thought there would be, but there isn't. And you know what it feels like?

Em: What does it feel like?

Trev: Like home.


Lady of the Lakes said...

Another image that is beautiful. I can relate to Trev, I am terrified of heights. As I know that moment of triumph. Very well written post. There is a song that could go with it...If you were to do a reading, it could play in the backgroud. It's a song by Shawn Colvin. Just Sayin!




Trée said...

Thanks LotL. :-)

Shawn has so many great songs. Which one did you have in mind? Still on my first cup of coffee so forgive me if I'm missing the obvious.

Lady of the Lakes said...

"Never Saw Blue Like That"

The mood portrayed in this post is just like the one in the song, and towards the end, well, this is the lyrics:

And it feels like now,
And it feels always,
And it feels like coming home

Sorry, it seemed obvious to me...When I read that final line, the song immediatley started playing in my head. Gotta love Shawn.

Autumn said...

Sidenote: I've never heard that song, but have fallen completely for those lyrics quoted.

Like home
Gorgeous, blissfully so. With this end, as it began, I thought of two banks of a river, those who know a home for which to long and those who long for never having had, and how on either side, the poignancy, the beauty, the understanding of this statement, of what Trev means, would be equal.

Ahh. You do it once more. Describe the indescribable, communicate heart to heart, core to core, with such direct simplicity, your words live within us, are more than read, they are lived, felt, consumed. When you write, it is as though you do so not in words but in touches, taps, upon the soul. I fail as I always do to describe what you do. Your words cover the senses, capture the soul, offer immeasurable delight. Too lost in 'Like home'. How wonderful must that be, to feel that way, to have what was always yearned for.

Lady of the Lakes said...

Autumn, you should listen to it.

Trée said...

LotL, you know I never listen to the words. :-D

Trée said...

My dear Autumn, if only you knew how I feel I miss the mark so completely. But it won't keep me from trying again and again. :-)

Autumn said...

Thanks for sharing, Lofl, such a pretty song.