Monday, December 29, 2008

632. (pause) Yeah

Yul: You ever think about your father?

Rog: Sure.

Yul: I mean, in the end, the last days?

Rog: Yeah. You?

Yul: (pause) Yeah.


Autumn Storm said...

What precisely lies in the pause one wonders, I've a feeling, this being Yul, all told, it would be a story onto itself. I like this so, for the two levels, for the spoken and the unspoken and for the way one single word can change significance. For Rog knowing something of Yul's history, one wonders how aware, believing he is, that her question is not without nuances beyond those clearly involved in such a question of Hynerians so close in relationship and whom are no longer, or rather not so much in her initial question, but when she clarifies and certainly by the time he asks her in return. Have so often been, now returned anew, to being awed by how much significance you can pack into the shortest of exchanges. Pure poppet, good stuff indeed.

Trée said...

An entire universe lives in that pause. And I do love how the same one-word answer given to the same question can mean very different things. Words are such untrustworthy things; as can be thoughts. :-D

Frequent Traveler said...

As usual, you make me think, Tree.

Sometimes I wonder what I will think about my father after he dies. I wonder if the disdain and resentment will soften - or not.
I can forgive, sort of. Forget - I don't think so.

Trée said...

Annie, that is a great question. My father passed away about four years ago. The view fades, but like a stain, it never completely goes away.

Mona said...

it seems there is a vast difference in the ways they think about their respective fathers... Rog's thoughts seem definitely brighter than Yul's on this account...

Trée said...

Mona, you are spot on. As usual. :-)