Saturday, December 20, 2008

617. Upon the Heavens

This one Trev decided he had to slip under Em's door. Translated from the original Hynerian.

Upon the heavens
stars sparkle and twinkle
smiling at me
as I smile at them
your arms around my waist
pulling me tight
and I know
without looking
the sparkle in your eyes
is the sparkle I see in the night sky

you rest your head on my shoulder
a pillow of warmness
in the crisp autumn air
your soft chest
expanding and contracting
as we find an iambic rhythm
spoken between sweaters
and I feel as the nest must feel
filled with warm feathers
nestled tight for the night

you fill me as ovened bread
fills the pan
and if I could be happier
I would be of spirit
and not of flesh
kiss me my dear
seal our love
with tenderness
and eyes closed
as hands hold our heads
and the night
seems but a blink

your heart I feel
in the gentle press of lips
your desire
in the play of tongues
dancing and darting
our breath becoming
not of two
but as one
as I cannot help
but think of union
and fruit
and memories upon the mantle

You see my dear
I cannot be otherwise
but in the moment
with you
and in that moment
with you
within the sphere of our globe
is past and future
not as this and that
but as fate foretold
of story written
to be read
to be lived


Ms Storm said...

In continued response to your question about Trev, this poem does that, it shines a light upon Trev that is if not new, brighter. In this poem, I see perhaps not for the first time but with the most concentrated awareness to date, happy reasons, why Em has fought, at least up until this point, to overcome the many obstacles that have appeared in their way, many of which albeit for the most part indirectly or involuntarily have been placed by Trev himself. We have seen them together, in the village, we have heard him speak on the deck, we've seen his pain, heard about his past, witnessed his ordeal at the hands of Sal and there has been the knowledge, through your writing, that Trev was worthy, to put it simply, of her efforts so to speak, of her affection, and what this poem shows, I guess I am trying to say, is that his heart was and is as deeply involved as hers, that it is for her because of her and not for any reason to do with himself. That was not my point when I began the sentence, but suffice to say, there is a maturity and a centring to him here that is not always so prominent. Extraordinarily enchanting piece of writing, and the last lines had not what came before done so already would give more than sufficient reason to declare genius. Beyond lovely have been these last four poems, lovely of a league beyond elucidation.

Kimmie said...

I have no words right now. The overwhelming feelings I am experiencing after reading this poem has made me unable to think.


Trée said...

Kimmie, you are very kind. Thank you. :-)

Trée said...

Sunshine, I need to go back and read the chapter or chapters that led to the confrontation between Emy and Trev at the cottage. I remember having a good reason for the fight but I can't remember how much of that good reason was documented in a chapter and how much of it was just in my head. :-D

In other words, are we getting close to Trev being called on the two different stories he gave about this father. Or, has Em already confronted him on the matter but we just haven't heard about it yet. Or, was the fight just over Em's perception over what may or may not have happened between Trev and Mairi after the incident with Sal. :-D

Man, I hate it when I have to research my own story. :-D

Mona said...


That is like what we would call Mahamudra

The ultimate communion, where the earth itself moves with you...