Friday, December 19, 2008

613. Dream of Water

Trev to Em. Under the door. Translated from the original Hynerian.

There is a place in the heart
where one does not go

There are doors in the mind
best left locked

My fingers know a history
my hands will deny

And even my left hand
does not agree with the right

I have eaten the pepper
and shiotted the pepper

And from top to bottom
I burn with my act

On fire, I am
from the inside out

I dream of water
And I dream of you


Ms Storm said...

Wunderbar. Utterly delightful. Glorious. Marvellous. Wicked. :-D And the some. And then a whole heap of some.

Words of yesterday and of yesteryear revisit with the same sense of astonishment at the truth of it, words that have been read in the pages of books, heard upon the stage, there once was a book thoroughly impressive from start to finish and yet between us both one line has been quote a couple of dozen times of a world entire, lines of books, lines of speech, where genius, inspiration, beauty and truth combine to create something that goes far beyond the simple words - how to describe that.. - a phrase, a turn, a couple of lines that blinds in clarity, with grace, with value, lines where one begins to think in terms of the divine for the heart and mind cannot hope to process, to simply receive and move on such beauty, for each time one reads it, the impact is just as great, the admiration just as grand. In books, on the stage, I have read and I have seen, I have been touched and remember that touch, who am I, but reader, but viewer, but stranger, yet like the bottle thrown into the ocean that you recently spoke of, it does not seem too familiar then to talk of hearts and souls meeting, of feeling that touch so vividly, so deeply and so ever-lastingly, it could just as well have been personal. Between these pages, so many times, so innumerably many times, have there been phrases and turns and lines that have been divine in their delight, enchanting in every which way. Because I cannot quote it all
There is a place in the heart
where one does not go - There are doors in the mind
best left locked - My fingers know a history
my hands will deny

like rainbows and thunderstorms, laughter and love, people who go above and beyond without reason and asking nothing, like oceans and morning dew, the clear sound of a single instrument, meadows and jagged cliff tops, like every thing that is perfection within itself, these lines are that, perfection. Wonderful, wonderful piece of writing.

Kimmie said...

There are doors in the mind
best left locked.

Another beautifully written chapter Tr'ee. I so relate to the quote above. For completely different reasons, but nonetheless, felt my heart skip a beat.

Trée said...

Kimmie, I think this is my second favorite so far. Glad you liked it. :-)