Thursday, December 18, 2008

611. pebbles in the ocean

Another day, another note slipped under Em's door. Translated from the original Hynerian.

pebbles into the ocean
I will toss
grains of sand on the beach
I will count
resolute my desire
to touch the life
I once touched
to know again
what I once knew
to hold a wonder
as the sky holds a rainbow
to kiss your eyes
as you smile your smile
our arms as vines
silver in moonlight
a play of shadows grey
shapes shifting
like whispering dunes
under a clear night sky
before a nocturnal spring tide

In sleep
you would turn
and your cheek
warm and smooth
would rise in dreamy smile
and upon elbow
I would rest
my mind in marvel
my grateful heart full
watching you breathe
your chest rise and fall
your hair the most glorious seaweed
washed fortuitously upon my pillow
and if instead
the bed had been filled
with gold and jewels
I would have felt a poor man

The ink upon these pages
is no more ink
than the blood within
my veins
is just blood

Letters I pen
by my hand
as the heart dictates
not what it knows
not with ideas
or thoughts
or schemes
or plans
but upon a cliff seeing beyond
the haze of the mind
to the distant horizon
where the morning sky
is still
where the new day warms with
and mauve and pale orange
where your visage I breath
and the birds sound like flutes


Ms Storm said...

Where is a loveliness to which one can compare this. I thought of fragrance and the ocean, of the natural wonders and hearts I've known, yet if I really wanted to do justice to the impressiveness of this piece of writing, the sensations that are created as the words settle and sound and meaning merge like coffee over chocolate on the tongue, I would need to make use of all not one. I must adhere to the need, potential repetition be dam'ed, to express the overwhelming sense of wonder that surges, though so many dozens of times before we have seen the tremendous quality you produce, achieve, instinctively, before even there was a story to frame it, surging forth like the first time every time, renewed and in addition to know what you have is not a charmed moment here and there but a essential, limitless, innate, characteristic, wholly yours, talent for and beauty of expression. An eternal source, the blessing of a soul that truly sees, understands and has the ability to communicate, and more than that, to accentuate the beauty within the world, within others, within ourselves. I think of the story you once posted about the lotus when I read something like this and the word simplicity sighs longingly to return as the central thread of a comment. :-)
Wanting to quote a part that was especially lovely and finding it very difficult to chose just one part, I nonetheless copy and paste to touch the life
I once touched
to know again
what I once knew
to hold a wonder
as the sky holds a rainbow
to kiss your eyes
as you smile your smile
and ask myself again where is the loveliness that can compare to this. This is the pinnacle of what it means when something is achingly beautiful, words read with the heart and there they remain, alive and glowing.
..I just don't know how translate into words how exquisite this was to read.

j said...

SURELY this will sway her.

I love the sequence of the chapters as notes slipped under a door. What a brilliant way to present the Story!

Trée said...

Thanks Jen. I'm always looking for new ways to try and keep the story fresh and interesting. I'm kinda liking the change of pace with these Trev pieces. :-)

Kimmie said...

I also loved the quote Ms Storm pointed out in this chapter.

I am one that finds the touch of ones lips on my eyelids extremely sensual but even more than that...comforting.

I love this sequence also with the notes being slipped under the door. Very nice change up. :-)

Trée said...

Kimmie, I think that is my favorite quote in this poem. I remember the feeling of flow as those words poured forth, effortlessly, naturally, as if they had always been inside, as if I had simply turned on the facet. It seemed like that. :-)

Kimmie said...

May your faucet always be running, for the beauty of what comes from it is a true gift to all of us.
Much Love~