The steady beat grew louder. Someone had turned on the lights and for a second, the piercing pain of bright light shoved the steady throbbing dull pain out of consciousness. This pain was sharp. I felt like someone had stuck their fingers through my eye sockets and was pressing hard against the back of my skull, pinning my head to the floor.
“Turn out those lights,” yelled Kyra, her voice tinged with an anger born of irritation.
“Whoa, there,” said Von. “It’s just me. You’ve taken a very nasty blow to the head. Just another second and I’ll have most of this blood cleaned up. Try and sit up and hold this rag tight against your lip.”
“Von? Is that you?” said Kyra, trying to focus though the tiny slits she would allow her eyelids to open. “What happened? Where are we?”
“Someone up there is looking out for us is about all I can reckon. I couldn’t get the doors open before the Vollmond’s attacked again. I thought we were done. Somehow, we slipped away when the outer hull disintegrated in a huge fireball. One moment my sight was filled with fire and the next the pure blackness of space. For just a moment I thought we had passed over. It was so quiet, so peaceful. And then those beautiful pin-pricks of light.”
“Is everyone else okay?” asked Kyra, her voice muffled by the rag.
“Everyone is fine.”
“And Rog?”
Von hesitated. “Rog is not doing good.”
“We can’t lose him Von. We won’t lose him.”
“Steady now. That’s a pretty nasty cut you’ve got. Besides, I’ve got a plan,” said Von. Reaching inside his jacket he pulled out a ragged piece of paper.
“What the frail is that,” asked Kyra, wincing in pain with the raising of her voice.
“It’s our stone,” smiled Von. “I haven’t forgotten everything your Papa taught me.”
Kyra squinted, her eyes reflecting a puzzled look. “Stone?”
“You know. Kill two birds with one stone. Surely you’ve . . . oh, never mind. This map is going to take us to Mairi and I have a feeling when we find Mairi, we’re going to find the help we need for Rog.”
"So that's your plan? A piece of paper with a map the size of half of Hyneria?"
"You got any better ideas?" asked Von.
Kyra smiled with the good side of her face. "Nope. Now help me up and tell me more about this plan."
Categories: Story, Kyra, Von
Nothing to forgive my dear. That you are back is all that matters. :-)
Save a few of those for later darlin'. :-)
“What the frail is that,” asked Kyra
Is frail their version of our F word? :-)
I think it's pretty close Terry. :-)
Nice creation there. How does it feel, as a writer (I might add) coining new words? I think it must be fun.
Oh my dear, you give me too much credit. I wish I had coined "frail" since I absolutely love the word and love using it and saying it but at last, someone else beat me to the coining. :-)
A toast I say, to whoever that writer might be. Damn fine coining in my opinion. :-D
A toast...indeed :-D
I raise my humble Jose Cuervo margarita *(with salt) to yours... the coining works.
ps... you didn't have to spill the beans... I wouldn't have known.
But I would have. ;-)
Oooh, I like Jose. He has been very, very good to me. I call your toast and raise you two more. :-D
Y, you always know just what to say. :-)
Possible trip in October. Business of course. :-)
I'd love to raise your glass... but unfortunately I've run out of Jose! Imagine that! (Actually a good thing, since I have to report to work tomorrow... :-\)
No Jose? Is that a crime in Calif? I would think so! :-)
It is a crime in my book...
I like it with salt, and a fresh quarter of lime... I'm easy. (Sh - don't pass it around)
Terry, your secrets are safe with me. Sweet dreams. :-)
Sweet dreams my dear Y. Let Lance know I'm on my way. ;-)
Lemme see if this works instead....
OK it works! So I'll have to post comments as anonymous...and rememeber to indicate my name.
Another great post. Am so glad that the story is back and literally pumping. Its easy to be a "loyal reader" when the writing is so compelling :)
Oh, I love this twist! Now to find what they need before it's too late.
You're on a roll, this keeps getting better and better.
*HUGS* to you and Jack! I hope you two had a great Hump Day ;-)
Somewhere a chron was ticking; cold, wet, metallic, coppery pain punctuated each beat.
What a wonderful opening sentence!!! Cold, wet, metallic, coppery pain - several words to reiterate the point, lend tone and atmosphere, have watched you do that more than once and it works beautifully! Four seperate words, yet their combination gives such clear indication, make it so much more, quadruple the impact and equally how much better we understand :-) Darn, but I wish I had half the skill you have! :-)
Exciting chapter, can't wait for the next one! - am just so glad that we know Rog makes it out.
Time for a coffee? :-) Hope you have a wonderful day, x
My dear Sweetest, you so do know how to flattery me in just the right way and I love you dearly for it. :-)
I really debated on keeping that opening sentence or rewriting it. I liked it but still think it can be much better. The idea, which I'm not certain I was able to communicate is that Kyra is semi conscious, she is bleeding from the mouth and can taste the blood in her mouth (wet, metallic, coppery) and that the 'chron' is not really a time-piece but the sound of her own heart beating in her ear. In her fuzzy state she mistakes the inner heartbeat in her ear for a clock. That's what I was hoping to accomplish in that opening sentence but I have a feeling it didn't quite connect like I wanted it to. Still, it is a fun sentence to ponder and play with. :-D
Always have time for a coffee with you my dear Sweetest one. Black in a off-white cup coming up. :-)
Karen, hang tight, much more to come with some fantastic images already done. A couple I have posted at Trebuchet that will make it into the story if you want a taste of coming attractions or would like to try and guess how an image will actually translate into the next chapter. :-)
Oh Jenni, I do so very much appreciate those kind words. I hope I am able to continue to find the creativity and energy to keep the story flowing. In my mind, I really see no end in sight, especially since the end has already been written. Just an endless adventure that goes deeper and deeper into the main characters. How can that ever reach an end? :-D
As if I could stand any more anticipation... LOL I do enjoy your images though, they're full of emotion. Good for the soul.
Thanks Karen. That is very, very nice to hear. :-)
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