Zeke leaned his cloaked resolute frame into Bravo’s hot bluish-white blast, the steel-plated deck beneath his feet rattling like an old wooden rollercoaster, the metal handrail transferring a final blessed kiss of warmth to his aged and leathery palms. Defiant and proud, he shunned the standard bulky blast goggles, paying for his unadulterated view with eyes that burned and teared with a scene he never dreamed would shimmer before them. He had seen plenty of mirages in his travels across the sands of Silus; but this was not Silus and that vessel was no mirage. She was leaving. She wasn’t coming back. Quick as lightning with a thunderous cracking report to match, the vessel disappeared into the roiling dark grey clouds taking its warmth and heat as quickly as it had taken his love.
“Master Zeke, are we going home now?” asked Blu, who was, for all intents and purposes, Goldie’s mechanical brother.
“Yes Blu, we’re going home.”
“And Miss Kyra, should we wait for her?”
“No Blu. She’s not coming with us.”
“On second thought Blu, let’s head to Valla. I don’t much feel like being alone at home tonight.”
“But Master Zeke, you always have me.”
“Yes Blu, I do. I always have you.”
“Should I alert Miss Kyra as to our destination?”
“That won’t be necessary. Miss Kyra won’t be coming back.”
“Oh. And Goldie?”
“Blu, I’m afraid we will never see either of them again. When we get to Valla, would you fix me some snizzle?”
“Yes Master Zeke.”
“And perhaps, just this once Blu, add a drachm of snoot.”
Immeadiately upon arriving at Valla, Zeke entered his study overlooking the cove and begin to write:
I look back on the general unfairness of life, and I wonder where this idea, that everything would even out, wrongs righted, hard work rewarded, I wondered who planted this idea so deeply in the fertile soil of my adolescent mind. If I could find them today, I would beat them to within an inch of their life; an inch with asinine precision, with cold calculation, with malice born of infected rusty oozing bitterness.
“Master Zeke, your snizzle, just as you requested.”
“Thank you Blu.”
“Will there be anything else?”
“Shut down all communications and secure the compound. I need some time alone.”
Categories: Story, Kyra, Papa, Zeke, Hyneria, Blu
Oh, to have my audio back. Soon perhaps. A few notes on this chapter:
Written from the inside out, which is to say I was stuck like a sombeech so I started with the dialogue between Zeke and Blu.
The first paragarph was added to introduce the "folio," which we will see later in the story. It was also added to not throw the reading hopefully over the edge of confusion by bringing the scene back to the parting on the deck/dock between Kyra and Papa. Of course, whenever we bounce around in the time line, I'm sure I confuse more than not. Tough titty said the kitty. (Sorry, always wanted to say that) :-D
The second paragraph was suppose to start this chapter but it bogged down, thus moving to the middle dialogue. It was extensively rewritten since the first draft was pure crap, not to say that this draft isn't either, but at least this is second draft crap and not hoisted first draft shioot.
The bit at the end where Zeke jots down a few notes was actually going to be a different chapter a few days ago, but, like the second paragraph, it was painfully still-born, only to be--with great concern and doubt--resurrected to give a side a Zeke we have never seen. I'm still not sure, but it does add a bit to who we think he is.
As always, thanks for reading and thanks for the engaged and thoughtful comments, which are always most welcomed.
Today's fractal looks really really familiar. I keep thinking I have seen it before (here, perhaps?), but then again, I could be mistaken. A case of Monday getting bluer and bluer :)
Tough titty said the kitty. That one is joining Pain my arse. lol
I feel like I need to process this one before I write, the thought of Papa hurting in this way as written here is almost too much. Those words that he writes, you're right, they only add to what was there, making him more of what he is. Such a loss to bear, any man (woman, child or hynerian:) would feel that despair, ponder the unfairness, especially when it's not the first time, they have lost what is dearest to them. That passage more than anything else, coming as it does from within Papa, shows how very much he loves her. Shows him to be even more special too for the fact that he does not repress it or keep it within, but writes it down, let's it be real so to speak.
The rest of the chapter wraps around snugly, beautifully. Like how you/we/papa dealt with Kyra's tears first, wiping them away, before dealing with Papa's sadness. Sequence of events so indicative of papa's nature. :-)
(..the same can be said, to some extent at least, for how he deals with Blu's questions first too. Striving to keep a semblence of normality, of tranquility for his own sake too - think he did well to go to Valla.)
So vital and alive, the imagery once again is quite simply amazing, I can see it all in my mind's eye. Love this part: the steel-plated deck beneath his feet rattling like an old wooden rollercoaster, the metal handrail transferring a final blessed kiss of warmth to his aged and leathery palms. But then again, I love all the other parts too. :-D
Blu is as visually delightful as Goldie. Excellent chapter all round, evocative and just plain wonderful...Gonna go process now ;), may be back, be warned.
PS Must just tell you that I for one very much appreciate the links set up to older chapters within the story. Shows to even greater extent, how even the smallest details are carried through, but more than that, it was so nice to read the chapters from those last two links especially, they impact no less today than they did the first time around.
Hey, it's me again!
My connection is increasingly playing up, so just in case it cuts out completely, I wanted to make sure I got to wish you a safe (& quiet) journey and a good trip generally.
Don't work too hard, and be sure to miss us as much as we'll miss (your posts and) you!
Expresso Martinis to celebrate when you get back.
:-) xo
I'm just about to go back and start reading from the beginning, but I wanted to join your team first. I get a 404 when I try to download the UD Agent and I was wondering if there was any chance you could email it to me? My email is on my blog :)
Bean, email sent with the links. Sometimes the servers on the grid can be a little finicky, so keep trying.
Have fun with the story. I'm very curious to see what you think going back to the beginning and reading forward. As I mentioned before, this is something I've been meaning to do, but haven't.
And welcome to the team when you get that far. We have a great and compassionate group of crunchers. :-)
Hey Saffy, the reason Blu looks familar, and I have since linked the "Goldie" post so you can see, is that Blu and Goldie are one and the same image, only the color has been modified. Since Papa made them both, he used the same parts and built them both at the same time, one with a female personae (Goldie for Kyra) and one with a male (Blu for himself).
I actually created Blu first, many many months ago. However, once I saw Goldie, I knew she was perfect for Kyra. On Trebuchet, a long time ago, I posted Blu and talked about his existence. I just wasn't sure he was ever going to make it to prime time. :-)
Oh, and Saffy, Blu is image #40 on Trebuchet, which was posted on Jan 14th, 2006. See, it only took nine months to get him into the action. :-D
Hey Sunshine! Did you enjoy your tea bath this morning? :-)
Thanks for the well wishes--I leave in a few hours and have my fingers crossed I will have internet and a little free time, both of which could fail to materialize on a business trip like this. So if you don't see me around, you know why.
I hardly know where to start to say what a pleasure it was to read your comments on this post with my morning brew. I felt a severe case of writers block all weekend, I really believe in large measure to reading Wolfe and then reading what I had been writing. Sometimes it is just better to be ignorant. :-D
I started this chapter three different ways and could never get beyond the opening paragraph. I had also thought, and we will do this at some point, to write about the letter Zeke receives as a young hynerian that welcomes him into the Zing Tao. That whole chapter is nothing but the feeling of expectation, of anticipation, waiting on the mail, hoping the letter will come, and hoping it is good news. I want to use that scene as a starting point to take us deeper into the Tao.
Well, as you can see, that chapter didn't happen, so instead we get the drive home. I had often wondered what that was like for Zeke. Alone except for Blu. At one point, in my mind, I had him stopping by to put fresh flowers on Grandma Kyra's grave on the way home from the dock. It was there that the bulk of the chapter was to be written with him pouring his heart out to her before returning home in the rain and thunder and lightning to an empty house--remember, the planet is going under from hurricanes so the weather at this time is very foreboding, very dangerous. Mmmm, I almost regret not having done that now. Maybe in the book we rewrite this one, or maybe I write Home, Blu, the alt version. :-D
I wanted to do this one because we have only ever seen one dimension of Zeke/Papa for the most part; and, as incredible as he was, he still had the same emotions and doubts that all have. Nothing is all good and nothing is all evil and the same is true for Zeke.
Thanks again for those wonderful comments. And I'll join you for those espresso's in a few days. :-D
Better make it three. I think the gang is going to want to come along. :-D
I too enjoyed the thoughtfully added links within your chapter. It makes reading and remembering so much easier for the reader - instead of trying to hazily pull up details from the past on my own. The theme of last week seemed to be good-byes, and partings - both in the story line and within your own inner thoughts.
Where are you off to this week? I'm getting ready to fly to Wyoming - next week- to visit my baby sister for a short weekend.
Morning Terry. Thanks for the feedback on the links. I will try and put as many as I can into each story. Not sure why I never did it before but I think it helps everyone, even me, remember what is going on and how little bits fit together withing the story as a whole.
I leave a just a couple hours for Phoenix on business. Not sure how much access I will have so it might be Friday before I have the chance to post another chapter, although I could end up writing something on the plane since the idea for the next chapter has been tickling my brain all morning. :-)
As far as the goodbyes, I suppose on an unconscious level I feel a lot of emotion from last year and the goodbyes I had to say. I still think about those times often, and nothing in the prior twenty years has had as large an impact on how I view life as losing my dad, grandfather, two first cousins and Mario, all within a fairly short period of time. I realize more than ever how short life is, how there are no gurantees and I have lost patience with time wasted on whining, complaining and general negativity. I feel as if I can see the clock ticking, can feel the whisper in my ear that says, "Live Now." So, although I don't do it on purpose, I think the story shares my concerns, and fears, and worries along with the lessons and hopes and dreams around that ticking clock, around the fact that we will lose loved ones, and that one day, we too will pass on.
Thanks for the thoughtful insight on the story. You've making me think of things and the story in ways I don't normally do, and I find that very refreshing. Thanks Terry. :-)
Wyoming sounds like a wonderful place to visit. I hope you have a fabulous time. :-)
Hey back!
I did enjoy my tea bath :-), very much so, etched another smile.
Looking forward to the letter chapter! What you mention so far hints at the fact, it will be a good'un. (But then, aren't they always! - so predictable:)
Nice alt version idea too! Can almost imagine how kleenex such a scene would have been. I'll be running twice as hard to the bookstore now.
- Forget that, I want a signed copy on account of being part of the original Bravo groupies. :-)
Talk to you Friday, if not before. xo
PS Miss ya!
Don't forget the folio that Papa handed her on the dock. Aren't you just dying to know what that was and how it might fit into the story? :-D
Let's just say Zeke kept a lot of notes, so I think we might be able to learn about Zeke from his own writings rather than just the memory of Kyra. Although I might have to jump through a hoop or two to explain why she hasn't dug into them yet. No worries, I think I can pull that off since she didn't know Von was a Zing Tao until very recently. I'm thinking Zeke forgot he had password protected the folio and Von is going to be able to assist in unlocking the thing. Haha, how bout that! :-D
:-D Brilliant hoop jumping.
I was, and am, very, very curious. One thing reading this story has taught me though is patience. (Finally!:) Before this, I would always read in one sitting, regardless of how long the matter I was reading was, I'd just have to get to the end, find out what happened. Jane Eyre and The Thorn Birds are two sessions that I remember vividly. :-) Here, along with newly developed patience, I've actually learned to love the on-going aspect of it. Willingly. And because, I'm half convinced this could be a never-ending story :-).
One thing I do have is complete trust based on the 160+ chapters thus far, that no matter how many new aspects to this story you introduce, there are always some that will be tied up. At your discretion, but tied together it all does become. So, although I'm am just dying to know what the folio is, I can be patient, because I know you'll tell us at exactly the right time.
(Best not read that back, I think)
Man, but I love this story! Can you tell? :-)
It's nice to see this image again. I like the "Blu". It's also nice to see the emotional side of Zeke. It makes him more 'human'. ;)
See, you don't need the crimson quill.
But Deb, it would be so much easier with that quill. :-D
Thanks for the kind words. This image is one of my all time faves. In fact, it is the only image I've printed at 8.5x11 size and I have it in a beautifully matted frame.
I hope to get back to Zeke a little more. Been awhile since we really heard from him. Stay tuned. :-)
Sunshine, is that a hint to tie up some loose ends? I mean, Mairi is probably having the time of her life with Dr. X, and who knows what Yul and Trev are doing, and Rog, hey, I think he is still sleeping, and Johnny Disco, well, he is still on the drawing board but I think his wife would like to move the story forward into the night. :-D
Yep!! Are you gonna take it though, that's the question.
Good to see, you've arrived safe and well. See you when we see you, x
Sunshine, I've been called a lot of things, and probably a lot more in the future, but not following through as never been one of them. :-D
Now, how long it takes to follow through, well, I ain't making any promises. :-D
So, not a tease, just prolonging anticipation to make the outcome sweeter, I get it. :-)
Happy Tuesday, poppet, x, take good care of you.
Sunshine, I always appreciate your ability to see fine distinctions in the ways of the world, to seperate the wheat from the chaff. :-D
I do believe in the journey, smelling the roses, of being as fully present as our abilities and skill allows us, and I also believe the destination is highly overrated. :-D
So, our journey, this story, reflects my view of life as a slow easy meandering river. We know it goes somewhere; and we know it flows and moves and changes and never stops; and we know if we sit patiently, the river will provide us with delights such as not been seen since we stood on that bridge in feudal Japan and watched the candles flow down the river and under our archway.
Oh, and have a told you how much I miss you? Sweet Pea and Poppet are not at all happy about this road trip. :-D
One more thing is fueling Zeke's bitterness when he arrives at Valla. You will notice from the chapter, neither of Kyra's parents were there to see her away. Another story for another day, and if at times Kyra seems lost in thought or a pale shade of sullen, she too remembers who was there and who wasn't.
Word of the day: drachm
I've added it to this chapter. Extra credit for the first to tell me what it means. :-D
Thank you Mr Wolfe. :-D
Good word! I'd actually heard that word before, weyhey me :-) Knew it was a measure, but had to look it up to know what it corresponded to. 1/8 of an ounce, whatever that means, I'm all about the metric. :-)
Off to see how you've used it. Have a great rest of the day, x
Ohhh, extra credit to my Sweetest. Now I have to think of just what that credit entails. Any ideas? :-D
Had scrolled straight to the bottom and as such missed two of your three comments.
Kyra's parents have been so absent, I'll admit, I hadn't even thought of this fact, not consciously anyhow. Just didn't have the expectation that they would be in attendence, when they have not been thus far. Didn't think to question it.
Now that I have, or you have made me, I'm anticipating hearing more on this and the explanation for it at some later date. :-D
Like the passage where you compare life and the story to a river.
This is what those longer comments about a never-ending story, new being added much faster than the old finishing were in small part indirectly touching faintly upon. Beginning with just a single chapter, its steadily built (and continually does so) to much more, beyond the 8 crew members to include a world that was, new worlds that are introduced,
but, more than that the jumping around in time cements that impression, that when it comes to life and existance, something went before and something will go after and all of it matters.
I've got a craving for mint chip ice cream, I'll settle for some of that. How I'd like it served is something else entirely. :-)
Oooh, you are making my heart swoon with "something went before and something comes after."
I feel this story, which has been dipping its toes in the water, is about to dive into much deeper, and at times, milkier, water. The foundation will always be Love and Compassion, but we are going to see that not all that happens is good, and not all of what came before enlightens. I'm looking forward to discovering what darkness each character has wrestled in the past and how they have learned to cope. We have seen the first of this with Em and her letters (if I had the audio, all this would be much clearer). The relationship between Kyra and her parents will be another.
Oh, and I'm thinking the folio, if they can figure out the password, is Zeke's autobiography. Now you tell me what fricken great would that be if we have his life story in his words. I am sooooo hoping they figure out how to open it and that it is indeed what I think it is. Then again, it could be some other nonsense. Won't know until we know. :-D
No worries. I have plenty of ideas on how exactly that ice cream should be served. Now go tuck yourself in bed and leave the details to me. :-D
More anticipation.
Deeper, means drawing us deeper too - it's a bloomin' good thing that it does rattle along at a steady rate, so that I can resist the temptation to just give up everything else and stay here in front of the screen waiting on the next delve. :-D
Ooh, ooh, ooh! on the prospect of Papa's autobiography, keeping my fingers crossed that's what it turns out to be! :-)
Nighty night, x
You know, I probably need to stop generating ideas and just write. :-D
Sweet dreams, when you get that far.
Hey You. Are you up early or do you just miss me? :-D
Missing you. (duh!)
Mmm, I'm going to need to get some more of that ice cream in that case. :-)
Could you make it toffee ripple this time? & bring some sauce too. may as well go all the way.
Yes, I am all for going all the way. So glad to see you are of like mind. As for those socks, here is another word for you:
Chatelaine, as in would you be my sweet surrender in the arts of warm commerce my dear Chatelaine? :-D
Someone mentioned swooning. The mastery of Wolfe again, I wonder? As far as sock-popping, abso*lutely.
Sweet dreams, x
Yes, I must admit, both Chatelaine and "warm commerce" are gifts from Mr Wolfe. I really like Chatelaine, mistress of the castle. Does Denmark have castles? :-D
Swooning is good. Yes, after further consideration, the gang is all in agreement. More swooning please. :-D
:-) Good ole Mr Wolfe, I like him more and more.
Good morning, my lovely and wishes for a great day ahead!
Sunshine, on the plane flight out, instead of picking up in the book from where I was, I decided to reread from the beginning with a highlighter to mark those evocative phrases and passages. Rereading the first 50 pages was more enjoyable than the first reading--I can't believe I just said that, but only 50 pages into a 400 page book, going back and rereading the first 50 was amazing. I am picking up so many new and interesting words and turns of phrase and I'm reading like I like to read, which is very slowly, taking in each paragraph like a sip of italian brew on a cold day wrapped in a grey blanket anticipating the morning dawn and just happy to be snuggled next to the sweetest thing I know. How's that! :-D
You make me want that. To read something right now in that way, with that same sense of pleasure and enchantment. Makes me smile to think of you so thoroughly absorbed in the obvious marvel of Mr W. :-)
I was so looking forward to reading something of his based on your previous recommendation, but what you said here, returning after only 50 pages and already his words are fraught with rediscovery and new discoveries, well, I'm even more inclined to read something of his soon. :-)
Sunshine, I'm just blown away with the imagination and imagery Wolfe paints with words. There is not a page yet without some yellow highlighting. I can't recall ever reading anything this interesting and exciting from a literary point of view.
:-) So glad, you're enjoying such a literary feast.
Sweet dreams, when you get that far.
Thanks my refulgent one. :-D
Good morning poppet. :-)
Afternoon Sweetest. :-)
Safe journey home, x
Watching City Slickers, made me think of you and a post you once wrote. :-)
What a great movie this is. Just One Thing. That's what I have on my mind right now--just one thing. :-D
We're home! Make room, cause we be coming to bed, the whole gang. :-D
Fell asleep right after the part where Curly tells Mitch about the love of his life. I even missed seeing Norman. :-)
In the spirit of CS:
Welcome back!!!! Missed you all a whole big bunch.
Coffee and real homemade french toast on the deck when you wake. Be there or be square. :-D
Morning, and a happy day to you.
Oooh, I'll take that coffee. Johnny Disco says he will have some too. I think he likes his black, a small bond bewteen us. :-D
Sure thing. The more the merrier, and I'm just dying to learn more about Mr Discovery. :-)
That sounds so real to me. Sometimes in literature they put too much exposition in to explain how people are feeling when none is needed. In times of great pain, most people don't really want to talk that much.
Jack, you've hit the nail on the head and I couldn't have said it better myself. How often do we have to drag words out of those in pain that are close to us. And how often do we, in pain, just want to be left alone. As always, thanks for your kind words my friend.
The first paragraph got to my heart; I felt the emotion. Very cool frac, very fitting. Blu is definitely a colorful character :-)
*HUUGS* to you and Jack... I'm here catching up again.
Karen, good to have you back and catching up. This was a very emotional chapter to write. So much I wanted to say, but also so much I wanted to hint at and leave to the readers imagination. So glad you enjoyed it. As always, thanks for the kind words. :-)
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