Friday, September 15, 2006

158. Ninker

“Rog. Wake up. Rog! Do you hear me son. Get your arse out of bed. Those lamkurs are not going to milk themselves.” To know Rog’s father was to know Rog. Honest as the day was long with a vocabulary colorful enough to match the brilliant sunsets that graced the ranch. He was the kind of hynerian who did business with a handshake. His word, like his heart, was pure gold.

Rog kicked the bunk above his head. “Chaz, cover for me this morning. I did something to my arm last night and I don’t want to have to explain to the old man what happened.” Chaz didn’t budge.

Rog kicked the bunk again. “Hey ninker, let me put it this way, milk the lamkurs for me this morning and I’ll make it worth your while, maybe even let you pilot the hopper in the canyons tonight.”

Chaz leaned down from the top bunk. “Ninker?” You want me to cover your, how did dad say it, arse, and you call me a ninker. What did you do to your arm anyway?”

“None of your business,” said Rog, a bit irritated with the lip from his little bro. “Of course, if you don’t want to take my shift there is always plan B.”

Chaz laughed. “Plan B? And what pray tell is plan B?”

“I jump up there and kick your arse with my one good arm, ninker.”

“Hey, crip, talk don’t cook rice. Give me the code for the hopper and I’ll consider your predicament. You know, I do have a certain sympathy for your situation, being hurt and all,” said Chaz in his most patronizing tone. It wasn’t often he had the upper hand with his brother and, no pun intended, he was going to milk this was all it was worth.

“Whoa, no code bro. I promised you a chance to pilot, but you ain’t gettin the code.”

“No code, no shift,” shot back Chaz.

Rog jumped out of the lower bunk, grabbed Chaz with his one good arm and pulled him to the floor. “Sombeech,” wailed Rog as Chaz landed on his injured arm. “Get the frail off my arm.”

“Code first,” said Chaz, not budging.

Rog reared back and popped the shiott out of his little brother. “Damn it Chaz, look what you made me do,” said Rog as he realized now he was going to have to explain why his brother had a bloody nose.

“Me? You throw me to the floor and punch me in the face and I made you do it,” said Chaz, more pissed than hurt although he was playing up the blood for all he could. Blood always did create a little drama.

Rog didn’t respond, which was not like him. “Rog, hey, you alright?”

“I think this arm is in worse shape than I thought. Here’s the deal. You go milk the lamkurs. Come back here, I give you the code and you take me out to old doc’s place. Deal?”

Chaz locked eyes with Rog and weighed the change in tone in his voice. They weren’t playing anymore. “Look me in the eye and give me your word.”

“You have my word,” said Rog. “Now get out to the barn before the old man comes looking for me again. And make it quick, this arm is killing me.”

“Trev, he’s in pain. Is there anything more you can do?” asked Yul.

“If I shoot him up anymore, we risk killing him,” said Trev.

“I’m comming Kyra, he needs help now.”



“Von and Kyra are operating in stealth mode. No communications in, none out," said Trev.

“You’re shiotting me,” snapped Yul, realizing there was nothing to do but wait. "Frail me!"

Categories: Story, Rog, Chaz, Yul, Trev


Trée said...

You know what they say about all work and no play. Makes for a very dull Tubey and we wouldn't want that now would we. :-D

tsduff said...

Ha ha - Tubey could never be dull :-D

You and your cliff hangers... sheesh!

Autumn Storm said...

Well, frail me, that was pure entertainment through and through! Loved the quick-paced interaction between the two brothers, the underlying familiarity and understanding, perfectly executed! And just to make my opinion clear :-D, wow, wow, WOW!

Trée said...

Terry, would you expect anything less. :-D

It's Frailing Friday! :-D

Trée said...

Hey Sweetest Sunshine! I always have fun when I'm with Rog. Now do you see why I added those last two lines to Me and You. Just gotta luv the segues!!! WooHOO!!!

I think Yul could use a little snoot about now. And I don't think she should be drinking alone. :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm completely sucked into this story. Already planning to set aside the time necessary to read all the archives, I have a lot of gaps to fill. Still, each post is a story in itself and I'm loving them. Vivid characters, imaginative story, pacey action. I couldn't really ask for more. Cheers :)

Trée said...

Thanks Bean. I've been enjoying your writing too. Very much in fact. You got skills girl! :-D

Thanks so much for recognizing that each post can be read on its own even if one does not know the context or the back story.

Have fun in the archives and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Some of my readers know as much about the story as I do. :-D

evenstar said...

Hi Tree

Thanks for stopping by the dreaming track. I like it here, I like fractal art, I LOVE Robbie Robertson and I can see I'm going to have to come back and read some more of these stories...


Dzeni said...

Beautiful! I love how you use Rog's dreams to tell us more about his childhood and yet somehow manage to link it back to the story. Way to go!

Trée said...

Evenstar, nice to have you stop by. I was blown away with the sheer beauty of the photos you have been posting and since I love the beach and the ocean, I was in heaven looking at your work. You have a very good eye with the lense.

As for Robbie, how can you not love that unique voice. I've listened to Shine Your Light so many times I feel obligated to see the movie now just to have that added context to such a beautiful song. :-)

Trée said...

Thanks Jenni. I've always had it in the back of my mind to return to Hyneria to flesh out the crew as much as I could. With Kyra, its easy because of Papa and Von has Zeke to take him back. The circumstance that Rog is in and the dreams he must be having created an opening for me to go back with him. I really want to develop the relationship between Rog and Chaz, in part, because, it parallels a similar relationship in my life.

Not sure if anyone caught it, perhaps too subtle, but we know from the one chapter already written with Chaz that there was a strong emotional bond between the brothers and the parting on Hyneria was a emotional and painful one for both. With Rog close to death, he is in that borderland world between life and death, and he has to decide whether he wants to fight and live, or release the pain and slip into the light. The light is very tempting because he believes in the light he will be reunited with Chaz.

In that context then, the dream creates more concern and worry in that we don't know where Rog is with wanting to stay in this world. The fear is that he might let go, not to give up because Rog is not the type to surrender, but to give in, to give in to the idea of seeing Chaz again.

That is why his dream was about Chaz. Chaz is on his mind. That it gave me an opportunity to tell a little history was just an added bonus. :-)

Hopefully, in time, I can do more of this with all the characters. I feel it gives us a better and deeper sense of who they are and why that act the way that they do. Have a great weekend Jenni and as always, thanks for reading.