Wednesday, September 13, 2006

156. Coming Home

Coming out of hyper-space, the kaleidoscope of exploding color, the rush of adrenalin and the warm surge of satisfaction from a mission accomplished never got old. Besides, home was home and there were loved ones to see, to hold, to hug, to kiss, to love. Long-range missions were hard on everyone, but what had to be done, had to be done.

After-Action-Report: (Red Leader)

Arc’teryxian vessel destroyed. Two pods jettisoned on-world. Three life forms—one unidentifiable. Suggest immediate full investigation.

“Welcome home Red Leader. You have been missed. Now go home and tell your wife how much you love her because you leave in the morning.”

“Yes sir.”

Categories: Story, John Discovery


Trée said...

Welcome home my dear Sweetest. The flag of Denmark never looked better. :-D

This chapter is dedicated to you my dear. Sweet Pea and Poppet made me write it. Just so you know. :-)

My cheeks are already hurting from smiling so much. The joy you bring. I wonder if you know. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay, I love sci-fi. Trée thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog. I'll never be the writer you are but occassionally it works when I write about something important to me and try to do it from the heart. That's a beautiful dedication by the way. Looking forward to more stories.

Trée said...

Thank you Bean. I found your post this morning very touching on so many levels. First, you can't write what you wrote without living it, without having those experiences craved into your heart. I could feel so many different emotions but rising above them all was the stark openness and honesty to be real, and of that I was very impressed. Second, your writing flowed and your power at painting a picture with words is very good and done in just the right measure--not an easy thing to do. I hope, if you are so moved, to read more posts on the bean/not bean saga. :-)

Welcome to the story of Kyra and Bravo-Four-Zero. We just celebrated our 150th post in the story last week and there are now 180 images that go with the story and a few audio files too here and there. Would love to have you along for the ride for as long as you like. Comments are always most welcomed. :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Coming home just got even better and I didn't think that were possible.
Thank you, sweetie, thank the guys for me too, precious both of them and much adored.

As for the chapter, my little heart went all a-flutter at the twin themes of home and love, heartwarming - liked how it was interwoven with coming home from missions, war in other words, and that there are individuals on all opposing sides that have someone to love them, to hurt if they were hurt and to miss them if they were gone. Very nicely done!

Trée said...

The least that I could do Sweetest. You've been on the road for a long time.

As short as this chapter is, you continue to amaze me by seeing everything that is there. Love and war, both sides see themselves as the good guys, both sides have loved ones at home and both sides suffer the same. We all bleed so to speak.

Still, there is nothing quite like coming home after several months away, coming home to familar surroundings, sights, smells. As such, it is so very good to have you back home. I'm still smiling. :-)

tsduff said...

Good morning. Nice transition back to home - whose-ever home it may be... where ever it is. It IS good to welcome our loved ones home, isn't it?

Karen said...

I'm guessing there will be a lot of fireworks at home and very little sleep ;-) Tell Jack he needs to get busy on that aspect of the story.

*HUGS* to you both!

Trée said...

Terry, there really is no place like home and I think whether you are the one coming home or the one welcoming a loved one, the overall good feeling goes both ways. Works the other way too whenever one has to leave and in this chapter we get a taste of coming home and then leaving again. This kind of life is very hard on a family.

Trée said...

Karen, you know, believe it or not, I hadn't seen this chapter from that point of view, but now that you mention it . . . :-D

It is time for one of those kind of chapters now isn't it. Been a lot of stress with these characters and they could use a little R&R. Now I just need to figure out how to work that into the story. :-)

Trée said...

Thanks Meg. I felt inspired this morning after an unexpected knock at the door. Thankfully, I'd been to the grocery store. :-D

Karen said...

Yes, they need some R&R and a reminder of what they're really fighting for, to keep their loved ones safe. I'm sure Jack will help you work it... in... LOL

Trée said...

LMAO, Karen, Jack is always ready to work it, of that there is no doubt! :-D

I like the way you are thinking. Time will come for the R&R post, not just yet, but soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

Stretched jellyfish i see....very out of context with the story i know....


Trée said...

Hey Saffy, so good to see you commenting again. I like your view of this image. I actually did three version of this same image that I have posted on Trebuchet (see my sidebar for link). The great thing about these images is they can be whatever you want them to be. I can see that jellyfish very easily.

TotalChaos said...

Now that just pulls me straight into it. Whew, could write a page about that docking station.

Trée said...

DJB, I like the idea of this as a docking station. I think they serve oil cans too, at least mine does. :-D