Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Portrait of Lisa, aka Javajazz.

The image incorporates both warm and cool colors to reflect the diversity and breath of her radiant personality. The central image captures her wonderful talent and love for music, more specifically a wind instrument as it might be improvising in a jazz club, moving in many directions but always with a central core of harmony and grace and wit. The image glows with a love of life, much as Lisa's comments show a vitality that never takes itself too seriously, yet has deep passion for issues that matter. Parts of the image show intricate organized detail while other parts show a carefree, we don't need no stinkin' rules element. All in all, when I see this image, I see that wonderfully bright soul who goes by the name of Lisa.


Anonymous said...

OMG!! You so nailed it. This is definitely Lisa in fractal form. All wild and colorful and instantly brings a smile to your face!

I can't wait until she sees it!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! you have captured her perfectly.

where is she anyway? LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree 100% wutg neonalune, from what I have 'seen and heard' within your comments section, this is pure javajazz.
Fantastically beautiful and intricate fractal!!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely picture of colors and excitement. I don't know Lisa, but you've painted a vivid portrait of her sparkling personality.

Anonymous said...

woah, Tree...NOW we're gettin' personal here! (sorry, i was asleep, wouldnt you know it, sleeping off this cold-flu thang....) then i wake up, and come straight to the computer, knowing that Tree was working like a mad scientist/artist/mystic/lightworker, putting all this together for me, and it's like, woah! i've been transported to some beautiful other world i never knew existed. another land, where people like Tree, can step outside of themselves and share the beauty of their own selves and their own souls with others, so selflessly, so sensitively, so generously, so artistically, so thoughtfully, so gracefully...
its very beautiful Tree, and the words are more than heartfelt, even breathtaking, quite astounding how you managed to capture so much of me in there, almost as if, you know me or something! and then the lovely supportive comments from our other new friends in this land, people who have all never met me, but somehow, seem to know me...isnt it wild, really?
i can assure you, this is taking a long time to write, and believe it or not, this is lisa's version of speechless...and i still dont feel that any words i express here will do justice to this most beautiful, caring and loving gift you have taken precious time to create and share so sweetly with me, and also with our other friends in this funny special land we have all been drawn to...! this is going to take me days and days to process and absorb more fully, but i know that this beautiful seed you have planted here will grow into a magnificent flower as it swirls about and makes its way into all of our hearts and souls...
thank you. love, lisa

Trée said...

Lisa, you are very welcomed. A labor of love was it for me. That you are pleased, pleases me. :-)

I hope you start feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

you're blowin' my mind, baby!
(hee hee!)

Trée said...

Ooooh, normally I would jump all over that one. Well, I guess I kinda just did--lol. :-)

Anonymous said...

Something very special about this image, have been back to look at it several times today :-). Will have to include it into my long list of favourites.

Trée said...

Holly, Trace, Beard, Autumn, and Terry, I want to thank you all for your very nice and kind comments on this portrait of Lisa. Your comments are greatly appreciated and very welcomed. :-)

Anonymous said...

you're right...we do think in similar ways...

Trée said...


Anonymous said...

good answer.
good morning.
i too, found it rather interesting
who chose to respond to this
beautiful offering...