Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day: 35

reader alert: I opened the barn door to one metaphor and got stampeded

under circumstantial assault, unrelenting waves of negativity, doom and gloom, sky is falling, I am able to think clearly, rationally, not completely inured, but calloused, or numbed/calibrated to the emotional vicissitudes, not immune or unassailable, but bearable--like a cold winter day with a good coat--still cold but survivable--still, effect is cumulative--damage unseen--body blows to the psyche cannot be dismissed or underestimated

as weeds multiply faster than I can pluck them, as the task seems impossible, that the corner ahead appears as far away as it did an hour ago and the driving endless--these are the days where the meds can only do so much--and one must focus not upon the day or even the hour, but focus on the next step, just that step--still thoughts come like arrows beyond the horizon, origin unknown, turning blue sky dark--but I have a shield--I can lift it--protect myself--I can do this till gravity drains the sky blue again--and I can stand with my arrowed shield--and take breath--fill my lungs--let the sun warm my face--and know, if necessary, I can do it all again, and again and again--not forever, only again--to raise shield against raised bow until the archer tires--I have the endurance of a marathon runner--this is what I tell myself

the imagery here in neither affected nor insignificant--I think in images--I process in images--thought arises in my mind as images before emotional translation--premed, the image was of sword to shield (KKB series)--post-med, of arrow to shield--there is some measure of comfort in the progression--on several levels

I preside over the kingdom of my mind--thoughts present themselves as strangers bearing gifts--I can accept some, reject others--stewardship--ownership--this task cannot be delegated--cannot be taken lightly or haphazardly--nothing less than the kingdom is at stake

each victory, no matter how small, is consequential, each a brick in the fortification--we build on good days and not so good days--ever observant--ever vigilant--there is no other architect--no other paymaster--no other dreamer--this is it--this work--now--this moment, as every moment is this moment--so we lift another brick, apply mortar, watch the plumb line--one brick at a time--in this way we move forward--and rebuild our life


today was the first day tears returned to my eyes--the emotion was genuine and I could have cried tears of joy for having the ability to cry returned to me--as my active/imaginative mind returns (good/bad) I have noticed that my reading has slowed down to pre-med levels and I am jumping around between books again, as I did premed--I believe this behavior is directly related to thought production--in the med induced state, where thought was blank, I read and read and read (I'm almost finished with 2666, which is 900 pages)--as my active mind returns, I find that again, as before, as soon as I start reading, my mind goes into hyperdrive and the ideas from the text branch into dozens of ideas, so rich in ideas I feel the need to stop, as if eating decadent chocolate and one bite is all that one can take--rich like that--I am also finding my mind is moving again as it did before, which is to say thought is flowing freely--and this is both a blessing and a curse--or I should say, this is where the work lies--in working with my brain as it is wired, using it as a tool rather than letting it use me--for the record, although thought is returning to premed levels of activity, there remains a certain emotional blunting, less than before, but still present--this blunting, as evidenced by the tears today, is and has been slowly receding--again, I am thankful and fearful

also with regard to reading, plot again is slipping to an unimportant device and again the fear of finishing a book, of ending it, is returning--premed, I felt as if books 'being' read were alive in a way that books having been read were not--and I preferred to have my books living--to have them waiting for me--still holding some treasure of pages unseen--in the med induced state, the desire was simply to read for story, for plot, to read fast and to finish--to know the book, to summarize it for value, then move on to the next book--likewise, I have again started taking an active interest in vocabulary, stopping to look up words, whereas in the med induced state I plowed past them, not caring if I learned them or not--like speed bumps to move over as quickly as possible

one thing I have only lightly touched upon, namely because it has not been a factor, is energy levels--they have remained remarkably consistent throughout the entire process and I have noticed no change between now and then--I do feel better, mentally, and this leads to more activity, a greater sense of drive, to do things, but the foundational level or levels of energy, as far as I can tell, have not been altered in any significant way outside of initial symptoms of drowsiness, which have sense faded away

poetry remains elusive and music, although making some progress, is still not to premed levels of enjoyment, which I suspect is tied directly to the emotional blunting--as in the last week or so, there is no sense of being drugged or on meds and in an odd, perhaps ironic way, considering my initial views on meds, I almost feel naked, or left to fend for myself, as I cannot overtly tell that the meds are active--I know they are from what I have documented, but without this documentation, I would begin to fear that their efficacy was fading, fading as surely as the side-effects have faded--funny how the mind works--or perhaps just how mine works--sometimes I wish I thought less, questioned less, looked less and just lived


Lady of the Lakes said...

I am so sorry to hear this. However, you are stronger and prepared for this. You knew this was not an easy road, and you would have days such as these. I have much confidence and faith that you will come through shining brighter than ever.

If there is anything I can do to help you weed your garden let me know. Sometime it takes more than one set of hands, and I'm willing to get dirt under my fingernails. Sometimes one needs help in the garden, and that's what friends are for.

Take it from one that knows, there is a finish line for that marathon, and when you reach it you will feel incredible. Training for the race can be the hardest part, and you have trained well. With the help of ALL you friends you will cross the finish line before you know it.And, I will be waiting there for you line with a bottle of powerade, a BIG meal, and a comforting massage. :-)

AS for the arrows, keep that shield up and polished. Maybe when the sun starts shining again the glare will blind the

OK kinda corny I know. I'm trying to work with what you gave me:

I've never built a house, or even a brink fence, but I can carry a load of brick and even help mix mortar. You have to do the actual building, or repairing, just remember, all tradesmen have helpers, or assistants, use them (us).


Thoughts and Prayers to you

More TIGHT HUGS (cause you can NEVER have too many)



Lady of the Lakes said...

Heres to Tears!!!
I have full confidence that all of your senses will return to your premed state. As far as the efficacy of the meds fading, have no fear, think of the meds as an umbrella, keeping the dark cloud from raining on you. The dark cloud will still appear at times, as you have stated, but the umbrella will make it more tolerable. The metaphors just won't ;-)

Thoughts Prayers and Hugs!!!


Trée said...

To feel the emotion that brought tears was as an engine coming to life after sitting all winter, as if fuel once again flowed and fired. To be without for five weeks, to feel again, is hard to describe. The tears were of sadness, but at the same time I was smiling, for to cry, even in sadness, is something I don't want to live without.

Autumn said...

Notwithstanding the backdrop of day 35, there was such a swell of regard (admiration, love) to hear of how you battled through and came out the other side with a renewed sense that you have within you all that you need to get through the next time.

As have the last many posts, the above reveals steady and ever-more confident strides. Norah plays in my mind at this moment (long road home), thinking of you, her warm tones adding a greater glow to the images, the first many steps ago, the darkness of a winter morning, shoulders hunched, head bent, when I think of you now, I think of mid-morning, the sun to the left, of the day warming, of your having found(/finding) on the journey items, valuables, that were yours but lost, found items that you had not before.

The more I read, the more I know what I believed. You will walk until you walk directly beneath the sun.

The glow - now you have me using metaphors and that is despite the fact, I such at them :-D - the glow from your candle, which touches so many, is beginning to reflect back once more, is re-circling you. Oh my.

Just know, once more, always for that matter, I hold you in my heart, sending thoughts, sending hugs, sending hopes, wishes, love, all things good.

Sweet dreams. Good day ahead.

Trée said...

Autumn, I like your attitude. :-)

The challenge, to state the obvious, is the dark days or moments or events. They will come because that is simply the nature of sentient life, of high and low, light and dark, good and bad, of moods influenced by so many factors as to make your head hurt. The challenge to to see it and not attach, not restrict the flow of reality, of what is. Easier said than done. It is hard to have hope when one is hopeless, when hope is just an idea and one must have faith that hope will return without any sense of feeling that it will. This is the work. To stand outside of oneself so to speak.