Sunday, December 13, 2009

700. waking up

She woke by morning light where white sheets looked gray and the only sound that could be heard was his gentle steady breathing. She ran her fingers through his wavy hair without waking him, his face childlike in slumber, a postcoital peace, the charge of heat releasing, it seemed, even subconscious stress, a release like diving, of those moments of flight, falling in adrenaline, every pore alive, sentient, electrified. And then the water, the embrace. The parting of ocean, consumed in the cool sea for what was masculine above is feminine below and where the waves might whip in anger and slap the wind, below was quiet, peaceful, embracing, embryonic.

She pulled the sheets to his knees and his skin looked like a placid lake in the gossamer light. He was young she thought, younger than she was and his body held youth in his muscles, even in slumber not a wrinkle, skin glove tight over muscle, a fluidness of flesh, even now as before when his mechanics were not mechanical, he moved not with starts and stops, his brow showed not the effort of trying but he was as the wave to the ocean, rising and known but not separate, not something other and as she looked upon his body, so peaceful, she wondered how he did it, how he was able, so young, to move without stutter, to move not as him and her, not as one upon the other, not even as hand reaching for hand. He moved with the grace of a dolphin and she was sea. Again and again he rose. Again and again he glistened in air, leaping and then plunging again, a joy without ends as if joy itself were the only object, as if joy were a circle with no beginning or end, as if he were able to bring her into that circle and what was him and what was her was as indistinguishable as the wave that slips back into the ocean, rising again and falling, known without separation, where no dividing line could be known between where ocean ended and wave began.

She looked upon his maleness, shape, contour, texture and in this state of repose, where she was able to look without observation, without touching, she thought it the most beautiful thing she had ever seen without any sure grasp on why or how, as if beauty was self-evident, beyond logic or reason or explanation, discourse or debate. She closed her eyes and bent her head and drew breath as one draws upon a flower. And as she breathed him, as his scent entered her nose, her body, it also entered her mind, that this was him, this sweet, salty, musky maleness was him and in the inhaling, as if consuming what could not be seen, he was now in her, in her mind, memory, senses, a signature it seemed, and it occurred to her in this dawning light, before he had awakened, his hair wavy with sleep, his nipples erect in the cold, his torso statue tight, that he was a part of her now, in some way, just this morning, just these moments of looking, of smelling, in some way he had not been before, as if another layer of him now existed, another depth that was hers and hers alone, stored away in what he would only ever know as the smile he saw when she kissed him awake.


Lady of the Lakes said...

Oh my...sigh. This is incredible. I think I may climb back into bed and reread this over and over. Such intimacy. Does such a thing truly exist? It must, for it is what dreams are made of. Your creativity has definitely returned, and with a vengeance. What once was incredible is now AWE inspiring. Simply "dreamy". I only wish I could describe the way this , and the prior post make me feel. Describe my feelings as you do Em and Trevs. Please know that reading your posts truly move me like nothing I can recall.

So good to have you back.



Trée said...

I can't tell you how good it feels to be able to write again as I did before. This chapter was written in a single go, without revision, without any critical thought, just the flowing of the scene before my mind. I'm sure I will discover some typos and the metaphors are dangerously close to mixing, but I don't care, such is the joy of having my imagination back, to sit and write without effort, to see the flow of words as I used to know and for thirty days did not have. I cannot tell you how much joy it gives me to be able to write again. Quality notwithstanding, just the act of writing within a flow is a gift I will never take for granted.

As always, your kind words are very much appreciated. Glad you liked this one. :-)

Ms Storm said...

First things first :-)
Congratulations on chapter 700! I cannot help giggling a little to myself thinking about December of 2005, where the story had existed for 3-4 weeks, one chapter building upon the other, and predicting along with your other readers that you might very well carry it on for 2-3 months, for one chapter built upon the other and the story was becoming larger. How funny that was even just a couple of months later, when it was clear that if you lived forever, it could go on forever, that you are infinite in talent, forever innovative. It is quite funny to think of now. :-)
LofL's Such intimacy. Does such a thing truly exist? It must, for it is what dreams are made of. Wonderfully expressed, and precisely what has been beyond me for so long.
such is the joy of having my imagination back, to sit and write without effort, to see the flow of words as I used to know... Tears of joy and a smile that appears as though it wants to cut my face in two to read these words, inexpressibly gladdening to think of you and think of this.

I must tell you too, for no other reason than merriment flows, bubbling like champagne into my (now-dubbed) JB-hug grin (when I think of that, as I think of this, same momentum each time), I had the most lovely dream Saturday night, inspired by your post without a doubt though not alike in event, the kind of dream where one wakes in the morning and is still gripped by all that was experienced within the dream, and still some 48 hours later, it hasn't released its hold, just as the post will never be forgotten.

Chapter 700 (WOW!) is gorgeous.
(Comment in a little while.)

Garlandless Judy said...

This is very beautifu -l and to think that this just flowed out of you without hesitation!

Trée said...

Judy, that flow is a gift. I know it now as I did not know it before. This is what the meds have done. In taking away my creative flow, they have shown me that it was not mine to begin with--that it was a grace given, a gift loaned. And again I am humbled and again I feel not as if I write as much as if writing occurs through me and I only must open myself to something other than myself and this something other does the writing. I don't know how else to explain it. But I am humbled and grateful as I have never been before. Perhaps loss does that.

Trée said...

Sweetest, who would have ever thought four years ago, this story would still be ongoing. Not I. :-D